Dandruff is the scaly skin of the scalp. It is an aesthetic problem which, when it affects us, also causes psychological discomfort and embarrassment. But most of all, it's a scalp disease that needs to be treated. Find out what makes the scalp flaky and learn about pharmacy and home remedies to get rid of dandruff.
Dandruff - what is it?
Dandruffis not a serious or contagious disease, but it is so troublesome that it is worth taking remedial measures as soon as you notice its first symptoms. Usually,dandruffhelps a shampoo, which can be bought at a regular drugstore or better, with medicinal ingredients such as zinc, salicylic acid, ketoconazole, available over the counter at a pharmacy. However, in more serious cases, a consultation with a dermatologist may be necessary.
Almost 3 million Poles have problems with dandruff
Usuallydandruffaffects children between 6 and 10 years old (infants often have cradle cap), adolescents and slightly older people, around 20-25 years old. Older people struggle with dandruff less often, although there is no rule in this matter. However, much more oftendandruffaffects men than women, it is probably related to the fact that male hormones cause greater secretion of sebum. In addition, tallow is an excellent breeding ground for yeast, and yeast is also one of the causes of dandruff.
Dandruff symptoms
Dandruff on the scalpis manifested by itchy skin and flaking of the white flakes of the epidermis that fall on the collar and shoulders. peeling of the epidermis in larger or smaller flakes with the accompanying seborrhea.
The most common symptoms of dandruff are:
- white, small, dry or greasy fragments of dead skin, visible on the hair, clothes, shoulders
- itching of the head, constant or intermittent
- more or less seborrhea
Dandruff: causes
The cause of dandruff is the invasion of yeast-like Malassezia fungi (Pityrosporum ovale).They reside on the skin of every human being, usually without harming him. Sometimes, however, they begin to rapidly multiply and disturb the balance of the skin ecosystem. Usually the cause of their uncontrolled multiplication is a decrease in the body's immunity, increased zinc deficiencyseborrhea - this is why the greatest problems with dandruff are observed in teenagers and young adults.
The symptoms of dandruff mentioned earlier vary depending on the underlying causeMalassezia .Dandruffcan be a problem in itself, but it is often a symptom of another underlying disease. It can be dry, also called regular, or oily. What promotes dandruff?
- inadequate hygiene - this is the main cause of dandruff, which is relatively easy to remove. When we wash our hair too infrequently, there is an excessive build-up of sebum and dead skin cells. If they are not removed regularly,dandruffresults. In this case, it takes the form of large, greasy fragments of the epidermis.
- dry skin - usually in winter, when we wear a hat, we often use a hair dryer and stay in air-conditioned rooms, the skin becomes dry, and frequent washing of the head in this case aggravates this condition. Then dandruff in the form of small, dry crumbs spreads on our shoulders. Here, too, proper care will come to the rescue, e.g. a good-quality moisturizing conditioner or special oils.
- allergy, hypersensitivity to the ingredients of some cosmetics - here dandruff can take various forms, but because it usually appears after starting a new preparation, it is quite easy to see that it is harmful to us
- seborrheic dermatitis - dandruff appears as large, oily patches, white or yellow, but the scalp is red and oily. The disease affects not only the scalp, but also the area around the ears, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, groin, armpits and back.
- psoriasis - this disease more often starts with peeling of the skin on the trunk, elbows and knees, and then it can also affect the scalp, so the patient is usually aware of where his dandruff comes from and how to treat it
- Eczema, atopic dermatitis (AD) - inflammation of the skin, manifested by itching and eczema, papules occurring in various parts of the body, sometimes also on the head. The treatment will be recommended by a dermatologist who already deals with the underlying disease of the patient.
- incorrect diet - devoid of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the he althy functioning of the entire body, including the skin
- hormonal disorders
- stress.
Types of dandruff
Dandruffappearing on the scalp can be of two types:
- Dry dandruff. This is the most common form of dandruff. It usually occurs on skin prone toseborrhea. It is manifested by itching and excessive peeling of small, white, dry flakes of the epidermis. Dry dandruff can also occur on a normal scalp - then it is most often associated with irritation with cosmetics or staying in dry, overheated and air-conditioned rooms.
- Oily dandruff. It is a severe type of dry dandruff. Oily dandruff is when the fragments of the exfoliating epidermis are yellowish and greasy. The disease requires the intervention of a doctor because it can lead to seborrheic dermatitis.
How to get rid of dandruff? Effective remedies for dandruff
- Choose the right anti-dandruff shampoo.
- Take care of your hair properly and do not dry your hair with a dryer or scrub your hair strongly with a brush.
- Remember that the right nutrients contribute to the overall good condition of the scalp, so it is worth providing them primarily in the diet or at least supplementing. They are:
- Vitamins from group B, vitamin A and vitamin E - in your daily diet do not forget about fish, milk, cheese, yoghurt, vegetable oils, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, broccoli and carrots.
- Macronutrients such as: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium - calcium is present in beans, soybeans, figs and sunflower seeds, and of course in dairy products. Magnesium is found in chocolate, nuts, bananas, and leafy vegetables; the sources of phosphorus are eggs, nuts, seeds, fish and poultry, and potassium is, among others fish, citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, poultry and meat.
- Trace elements, e.g. iron, zinc - they are found mainly in meat, cheese and yeast.
- In addition, as in the prevention of any disease, attention should be paid to physical activity and all relaxation techniques, thanks to which we minimize the harmful effects of stress on our body.
- If you have oily dandruff, which is usually a symptom of another disease, you will need to be treated appropriately. If, for example, it is caused by mycosis, the doctor will prescribe an oral antifungal preparation, and additionally an ointment, cream or shampoo containing salicylic acid, zinc iritonate, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, 1-methylnicotinamide chloride or other imidazole derivatives. Their concentration depends on the stage of the disease and is selected individually for each patient.
Natural remedies for dandruff
It is worth knowing what nutrients contribute to the overall good condition of the scalp and provide them primarily in the diet or at least supplement them. These are the ones mentioned before:
- B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin E
- macronutrients, such as: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium
- trace elements, e.g. iron, zinc
In addition, as in the prevention of any disease, attention should be paid to physical activity and all relaxation techniques, thanks to which we minimize the harmful effects of stress on our body.
Wins also in the fight against dandruff:
- massage of the scalp with warm olive oil, coconut oil - massage the head gently with your fingertips for 5 minutes, then leave hair, comb and wash with shampoo (regular, but good quality, or anti-dandruff) after 20 minutes. We repeat the treatment twice a week.
- thyme infusion applied to the scalp - pour two tablespoons of thyme with two glasses of boiling water and leave it covered for 15 minutes. We wash the head and finally put the cooled and strained infusion on the skin (pour it on) and hair. We do not rinse. We repeat the treatment twice a week.
- "lifting" of your own shampoo - enrich your favorite shampoo with tea oil (1 drop of oil per 30 ml of shampoo) and wash your hair as usual.
When to see a doctor with dandruff?
If the home treatment fails or the dandruff disappears for a while and reappears - don't wait. You have to go to a dermatologist. Persistent dandruff may be a symptom of internal problems, e.g. yeast infection in general. Then, in addition to ointments, creams and shampoos, you also need to use antifungal and anti-inflammatory treatments orally.