The smell of sweat may suggest various diseases, including diabetes, kidney failure, liver failure and even cancer. Then the smell of sweat is changed and may resemble the smell of e.g. acetone or rotten fruit, vinegar or urine. This symptom should not be taken lightly as it usually indicates an advanced form of the disease. Check what disease the smell of sweat can mean.

The smell of sweatmay change under the influence of diet, smoking or medication. However, sometimes an unpleasant smell of sweat can meanillness . Specialists suspect that the diseases disrupt the chemical processes in the body, as a result of which it changes, among others, smell of sweat - becomes characteristic of a given disease. For this reason, scientists around the world are working on the production of the so-called artificial noses (olfactory receptors), which will enable the analysis of the composition of the air exhaled by the patient, as well as the smell that his body emits, and thus - early diagnosis of many diseases.

Not only the smell of sweat portends dangerous diseases. THESE CHANGES IN THE MOUTH can harbinger of illness as well! SEE: Changes on the lips (pimples, lumps, bubbles). 8 most common causes [PHOTOS]

Smell of sweat - acetone

The smell of sweat that resembles acetone or rotting fruit indicates undiagnosed or poorly treated diabetes. When excess sugar accumulates in the blood (because it cannot be delivered to the cells of the body due to the lack of insulin), the so-called ketone bodies: acetoacetic acid, betahydroxybutyric acid and acetone - hence the unpleasant smell of sweat. It should be remembered that a body that smells like acetone is a sign of a deep diabetic disorder that requires medical attention as soon as possible.

Sweat with the smell of urine, ammonia

So-called uremic odor ( foetor uraemicus ) indicates advanced renal failure. In this case, the accompanying symptoms will include change in the amount of urine (initially it will be polyuria, then oliguria), weakness and fatigue, bone discomfort, dry skin, earthy skin color.

Learn proven methods for excessive sweating

Mouse's sweat smell

Sweat with a mousy smell indicates phenylketonuria, a genetically determined metabolic disease inthe course of which there is an accumulation of phenylalanine in the organs - a substance that leads to their dysfunction. The symptoms of the disease appear in the infant. These include occasional vomiting, skin rashes, convulsions, increased or decreased muscle tone. In addition, fair skin and hair are characteristic.

Fresh liver scent

The smell of fresh liver may indicate liver failure. In the course of the disease, there are, among others, abdominal pain, especially on the right side, unpleasant reflected after eating, anorexia, flatulence. Then jaundice appears and the liver is enlarged.

Bad beer smelling sweat

Sweat with a smell of stale beer may indicate tuberculosis. The characteristic symptom is a persistent cough - initially dry, then with expectoration of sputum, which may be accompanied by chest pain and weight loss.

Sweat with the smell of fresh bread

Sweat that smells like fresh bread can usually mean typhoid fever, which is most common in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Far East. Initially, flu-like symptoms appear - fever, headaches, malaise, weakness, and loss of appetite. Later, a rash of pale pink spots (called typhoid rubella) appears on the chest and abdomen.

Smell of sweat - what other diseases can it indicate?

The smell of raw meat can mean yellow fever. If the body smells like freshly plucked feathers, this may suggest rubella. The smell of vinegar is said to appear in people with schizophrenia.
