Lepra (lepra, Hansen's disease) is an infectious disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. You can get infected with it, among others in India and Brazil, which are countries that are often visited by tourists. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for leprosy, so people going to tropical countries should know how to prevent infection. Check what are the causes and symptoms of leprosy, how is it treated and how you can protect yourself from getting sick.
Leprosy(lepra, Hansen's disease) is an infectious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and peripheral nerves. It is currently developing in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. In the mid-1980s, 1-12 million people a year suffered from leprosy.
However, today there is a decline in the number of cases, mainly due to multi-drug therapy recommended by the World He alth Organization (WHO). Despite this, there are over 200,000 new cases of the disease every year.
All because of dirt, lack of access to clean water, food and medical help, which make the disease spread rapidly.
The disease is present in parts of the world with tropical and subtropical climates. Currently, the greatest endemic outbreaks of leprosy are in Southeast Asia, South America and Central Africa. According to data from the World He alth Organization (WHO), the highest incidence is recorded in India (over 50% of all cases of the disease in the world), Brazil, Nepal, Mozambique and Angola.
Leprosy - causes and risk factors
The cause of the disease isleprosy( Mycobacterium leprae ), which causes the disease to take a long time to develop in the body. Itsincubation period averages 5-10 years . The exceptions are small children, in whom the disease may appear as early as 3 months after infection.
The source of infection is ulcerative lesions (in the case ofnodular leprosy ) and mycobacterial-rich discharge from the nasal mucosa. The infection is most often caused by droplets, less often after contact with the damaged skin of the patient.
People with a weakened immune system, staying in the area with an increased incidence of the disease or havingdirect contact with people suffering from leprosy.
Leprosy - symptoms
A characteristic symptom of leprosy is the formation of dry, rough ulcerson the skin of the face and body , which are lighter than normal skin color. There are sensory disturbances within them - touch, heat and even pain. These changes do not heal for a long time (even months).
In addition to skin lesions, the nervous system is damaged:
- muscle numbness
- lack of feeling in hands and feet
- muscle weakness
- loss of power in the limbs (in people who are sick for a long time)
In addition, internal organs and bones are affected.
Leprosy - diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on the basis of:
- interview (staying in countries with leprosy, contact with patients, long-term development of the disease)
- physical examination (nerve pain to touch, sensory disturbance)
- laboratory tests (test of secretions from the nasal mucosa and upper respiratory tract for the presence of mycobacteria)
- histopathological examination of the skin
- test with pilocarpine to induce skin sweating -skin does not sweat within the lesions
Leprosy - treatment
In order to cure leprosy, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Depending on the number of mycobacteria in the body, treatment lasts from 6 months to even 2 years.
In some cases, surgical treatment may also be necessary to relieve pinched nerves.
Some patients may need rehabilitation to restore normal hand and foot functions.
Leprosy - how to prevent?
When on holiday in an affected country, it is best to avoid areas with an increased incidence of the disease (i.e. slums).
You should also follow basic hygiene rules (above all, wash your hands frequently with soap and water, avoid touching your nose and mouth with dirty hands).
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