Kaszaki, although most often a cosmetic problem, can sometimes turn into inflammation. They are in the form of small nodules filled with sebaceous mass and horn mass. What exactly are atheromas, why do they arise and how are they treated?
Cystis a small cyst, a growth on the skin, most often located in the area of hair follicles and glands. The proper layer of the skin contains sebaceous glands which lubricate the skin and hair, thus providing a protective barrier against harmful factors. However, if the drainage duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked,atheromais formed under the skin.
Sebum cannot reach the surface of the skin and, together with the cells of the callous epidermis, it forms the matter filling the cyst, thereforeatheromasare called sebaceous or congestive cysts.
What does the atheroma look like?
Kaszaktakes the form of round subcutaneous nodules ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to sometimes several centimeters. It looks like a fleshy pustule. It often turns yellow or white, and sometimes you can see a black dot on its surface, i.e. a plug clogging the sebum outlet.
These are single or multiple lesions, inside which there is a mixture of sebum, cholesterol, keratin, and callous epidermis.Kaszakican feel soft or hard to the touch. They slide under the pressure of a finger. Most often they are mild changes that are removed only for aesthetic reasons.
Kaszakiin men they appear twice as often as in women, and in children they are observed sporadically.
Types of atheromas
There are two types ofcereal :
- real atheroma- is a genetic skin defect. Cells that should ultimately be on the surface of the skin penetrate it.
- pseudo-atheroma- arises as a result of obstruction of the sebaceous gland, which is most often caused by improper personal hygiene or skin injuries. After pressing the atheroma, a greasy substance with an unpleasant smell comes out of it.
Where do atheromas appear?
Kaszakimost often appear in places with a high concentration of hair follicles andsebaceous glands. Usually they are located on:
- head,
- face,
- eyelid,
- back,
- neck,
- nape,
- labia,
- scrotum,
- penis.
The most uncomfortable, due to their location, areatheromason the labia, scrotum and penis. They cause dyspareunia, i.e. pain during intercourse, as well as discomfort and pain when urinating or putting on underwear. Sometimes they interfere with walking.
Why are atheromas formed?
The reasons for the formation ofatheromasare different. They most often appear between the ages of 30 and 40. As mentioned, they are observed twice as often in men than in women. They occur in adolescents during adolescence, due to hormonal changes. They are observed very rarely in children.
The most common reasons for the formation ofatheromasinclude:
- lack of proper personal hygiene,
- abnormal functioning of the sebaceous gland,
- HPV infection,
- skin inflammation,
- abrasions, scratches and skin injuries,
- developmental defects - sometimesatheromasdevelop already in utero,
- genetic determinants,
- inflammatory skin changes.
In addition, excessive skin exposure to sunlight may contribute to the formation ofatheromas , especially in people over 65 years of age. Blockage of the sebaceous glands is often caused by the use of too many cosmetics based on oil and silicones, e.g. powder, greasy cream.
Treatment of atheromas
SmallCough on the faceare often self-absorbing. On the other hand, large ones can burst due to the accumulation of too much sebum. Some people decide to remove the lesion on their own, i.e. to puncture and squeeze the cyst. However, doctors do not recommend removingatheromaat home due to the risk of infection and unsightly scars.
However, if you decide to squeezeatheromayourself, which will lead to the development of infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. Disfiguring cysts can be removed in beauty salons. It is also worth using a home, safe method. To do this, prepare an infusion of horsetail, soak a cotton pad and wash the changed place. Regular use of horsetail will open the sebaceous glands and removeatheroma .
However, it is best to go to a specialist - a dermatologist or surgeon,which will use a scalpel to cut the cyst. Unfortunately, a scar will form after the procedure. More and more often in the treatment ofatheromaslaser burning is used, after which only a minimal trace remains. Unfortunately, the laser treatment involves higher costs.
How to prevent atheromas?
So far, no effective method of preventingkashakomhas been developed. However, prevention comes down to compliance with all hygiene rules. Some people recommend systematic face and body peeling, which exfoliates the epidermis and prevents clogging of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands.
The pharmacy also offers ointments foratheromas , which are designed to reduce the production of sebum and cleanse the sebaceous glands.
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