Ringworm is particularly easy to get infected in summer. When detected early, it is easy to cure, and simple preventive treatments will effectively prevent mycosis from becoming infected. All you need is appropriate footwear, proper hygiene and taking care of your feet to protect yourself against mycosis.
- You don't want to haveringworm ? Do not destroy the natural lipid coat of the skin. Too frequent washing (every few hours) with alkaline soap and constant use of deodorants violate the natural protective barrier of the skin. Therefore, wash your feet no less frequently, but no more than twice a day, using a soap or gel with a pH of 5.5. It is worth knowing that there are also soaps with an additive to prevent mycosis on sale. After each soaping of the feet, they must be rinsed several times and thoroughly rinsed with running water.
- A shower to prevent fungus contamination is more hygienic than a bath as the body only comes into contact with running water.
- When washingfeet , pay attention to the cleanliness between the toes. Dry these areas carefully after bathing. You can even use a warm stream of a hair dryer for this purpose.
- Use a separate towel to dry your feet. You cannot use the same towel for the whole body.Fungiand bacteria then spread easily from one part of the body to another. It is a good idea to boil the foot towels each time you wash them.
Athlete's foot prophylaxis: appropriate footwear
- Change tights and socks at least once a day. Synthetic socks are poorly breathable, do not absorb moisture, and accumulate sweat. In such an environment, mushrooms feel great. Therefore, wear cotton socks and, on hot days, avoid wearing tights, even if elegance requires it. If you use socks impregnated with an antifungal agent, remember that after approximately 30 washes, the impregnation loses its antifungal properties.
- The rubber soles in the shoes help store moisture and sweat on the feet. A true paradise for fungi and the development of ringworm are footwear made of wool or felt inside. Therefore, use airy and comfortable shoes that provide good ventilation and do not pinch the toes, so the spaces between them can breathe freely. Wear natural footwear as well in summersandals, flip-flops, toe and heelless shoes.
- Spray the inside of the shoes with fungicidal deodorants or sprinkle them with talcum powder or fungicidal powder.
- Interesting observations were made by clothing hygiene professionals. If your feet are sweating, they recommend that you change your shoes every two days - not sooner or later. Not earlier, because a pair of shoes for a change will not dry out yet, but also not later, because the worn shoes are full of moisture again after two days.
- Remember that fungi lurk in the swimming pools, gyms, hotel rooms, saunas and wooden platforms. Therefore, in these places, always wear flip-flops that you will never borrow from anyone - just like any other shoes.
Mycosis prophylaxis: take care of your feet
- Treat foot injuries and diseases. Cracked heels are a frequent microtrauma. Bacteria and fungi can easily penetrate the cracks in the skin. And this may already be the beginning of athlete's foot. See a doctor as soon as possible when the neglected disease persists for a long time, even when using the best home remedies.
- Once every 10 days, soak your feet in an infusion of herbs or in water with s alt, rub off calluses and give a pedicure.
- Do not use other people's pedicure supplies, nail files, towels, sponges.
- Do not go to pedicures to beauty salons that are not hygienic (in a good office, the instruments are carefully decontaminated after each use).
- Do not cut the nails by rounding their edges (they should be straight).
- Do not go barefoot in the hotel room, boarding school, dormitory, solarium, fitness club, gym.
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