Osteoporosis affects more and more people. Children too! The risk of developing the disease increases with age, therefore menopausal women and men with andropause before the age of 45 are particularly at risk of osteoporosis. Experts warn that due to the progressive aging of the population, we may face an osteoporosis epidemic.
Strong bones must be earned in youth
True. Building a skeleton takes place in the first dozen or so years of life. Then the process of new bone tissue formation dominates over the process of losing the old, already worn-out bone.bonesgrow the fastest in school-age children. A teenager can reach even a dozen centimeters in height during the holidays. Up to the age of 19, more than 90 percent are created. bone mass.
When bone growth stops, the skeleton begins to "mature" its density and calcification. We achieve the highest bone mass between the age of 25 and 30. Then it starts to decline. Initially, the process is very slow, but it increases with age. That is why the condition of bones in old age depends on how they were formed in the early years of life. The higher the threshold for bone loss, the later we will exceed a critical value, known by doctors as the fracture threshold.
Osteoporosis only affects women
False. Both sexes are affected by the disease, and the risk of developing the disease increases with age. It is associated with a decrease in the production of sex hormones and a deterioration of calcium absorption, which leads to faster bone loss. Women in the perimenopause age are particularly at risk, especially those who experienced menopause before the age of 45. But men in the andropause period also suffer from osteoporosis, most often after the age of 65. The disease also happens to children. Fortunately, rarely.
Hormone replacement therapy protects against osteoporosis
True. Estrogens play an important role in maintaining he althy bones. When bone levels drop dramatically during the menopause, bone loss is accelerated. The physician decides in consultation with the patient whether HRT is to be administered.
Treatment is considered in women entering the menopausal period, with low bone mass and at increased risk of developing osteoporosis(genetically burdened, small body build, taking steroid drugs). Women who reached menopause too early, i.e. before 45 years of age, should decide on HRT. Obese women may be an exception. Hormones produced by adipose tissue sometimes protect against osteoporosis. But like other treatments, HRT must be individually tailored to the woman's he alth and needs for benefits.
Thin people get sick more often than those who are significantly overweight
True. Small women with low body weight are more vulnerable than those with a strong body. Ladies weighing less than 50 kg are particularly at risk. This is because their peak bone mass is smaller than in massively built women. In addition, in obese women, estrogen is produced in the adipose tissue, which naturally protects against disease.
Adults don't need to drink milk
False. Milk and its products (e.g. yoghurt, kefir) are the main source of well-absorbed calcium. Such a good digestibility is guaranteed by the right proportion of calcium and phosphorus (1: 1). Calcium from milk is absorbed in 80%, while from other products only in 12-30%. This makes it impossible to provide the necessary dose of calcium without milk. And if we don't get it with food, the body will start taking calcium from the bones, weakening them. Therefore, milk must be drunk throughout life. Nutritionists assure that 3 glasses of milk a day are enough to protect against osteoporosis. It is best to choose milk with a reduced fat content (1.5-2%). Completely fat-free, it is devoid of vitamin D necessary for calcium absorption. If your body is intolerant to milk, replace it with buttermilk or fermented foods such as kefir or yogurt.
Cigarettes and coffee are very bad for bones
True. Cigarette smoke contains cadmium which destroys your bones. Additionally, smokers tend to go through the menopause earlier and are therefore more likely to develop the disease. On the other hand, the caffeine contained in coffee hinders the absorption of calcium. Two cups of coffee a day must be enough. All beverages with caffeine, such as tea, cola and energizers, also have a negative effect.

Systematic movement has a positive effect on the condition of the bones
True. Physical effort stimulates the growth of bone mass, so you need to take care of physical activity from childhood, when the bones are shaping. Movement slows down the weight loss process as we age, because bones, like muscles, get stronger when they are forced to bear more than usual strain. Thanks to physical activity, we also strengthen the muscular system thatby supporting the skeleton, it protects bones from deformation and fractures. Training must be adapted to age and he alth. For he althy bones, exercises with weights and equipment are the best. People with osteoporosis should avoid jumping, jerking movements, bending, and lifting weights. Isometric exercises are important for he althy people and those with osteoporosis. In patients, they are necessary because without forcing the body they strengthen the muscles, which become a kind of corset supporting weak bones. Swimming, cycling and walking are also recommended.
Densitometry is unnecessary if nothing is wrong
False. If you are at high risk, are taking steroids, smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, abuse alcohol, have had a menopause before the age of 45, are a man with low testosterone levels - do not wait for symptoms of the disease, just ask your doctor for a referral . An indication for densitometry is also a bone fracture. You can do the test for free if you receive a referral from your primary care physician to an osteoporosis treatment center.
The modern method of bone mineral density (BMD), which has been used for several years, detects the disease when it does not give any symptoms, and also determines the risk of fractures and the degree of risk of osteoporosis.
Innocent back pain may herald osteoporosis
True. The disease did not make itself known for decades, although it systematically robs the skeleton of bone mass. Eventually, the bones begin to send signals. The most common symptom is back pain in the area of the spine, especially when sitting and standing up, and also when sitting or standing for a long time. We usually underestimate these pains, explaining them with overload, an uncomfortable chair or a reaction to a change in weather. As the disease becomes more advanced, severe pain accompanies almost all of your daily activities.
Osteoporosis is not worth treating, because it won't help
False. If the loss of bone mass is normal, it is enough to lead a he althy lifestyle and provide the body with adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. When the examination shows low bone mass (osteopenia), calcium and vitamin D supplements, exercise, systematic check-ups and avoidance of factors are usually recommended. conducive to disease. In the case of menopause, your doctor may recommend HRT based on your age, gender, bone density and quality, and your overall he alth. From among many preparations, he will choose the best one for you, which will stop bone loss and stimulate the formation of new bone tissue.