Blood chemistry checking total cholesterol as well as bad cholesterol - LDL and good - HDL should be done once a year. If your cholesterol is elevated, it is a sign that you are at risk of developing atherosclerosis. Find out what the norms for cholesterol are and what its excess in the blood shows.
Cholesterol Norms
Biochemical test , representingtotal cholesterol ,LDLandHDLbelongs to the so-called lipid profile. By examining the so-called bad LDL cholesterol can detect the threat of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and heart attack. Good HDL cholesterol (the more the better) is needed for the production of vitamin D, bile acid, and sex hormones.
Depending on the laboratory in which you are testing, the results may be given in mg / dL (milligrams per deciliter) or in mmol / L (millimoles per liter). Here are the correct results.
Total cholesterol: norm
total cholesterol: 138-200 mg / dl (3.6-5.2 mmol / l); borderline values - 200-250 mg / dl (5.2-6.5 mmol / l), abnormal values - above 250 mg / dl (>6.5 mmol / l)
LDL cholesterol: norm
less than 135 mg / dL (3.5 mmol / L); borderline values - 135-155 mg / dl (3.5-4.0 mmol / l); incorrect values - above 155 mg / dl (4.0 mmol / l)
HDL cholesterol: norm
normal values for men: 35-70 mg / dl (0.9-1.8 mmol / l); for women: 40-80 mg / dL (1.0-2.1 mmol / L)
Total cholesterol above normal
Increase in total cholesterol occurs in:
- kidney failure
- psoriasis
- nephrotic syndrome
- hypothyroidism
- cholestasis (cholestasis)
- with excessive consumption of cholesterol-rich foods, especially animal fats
- in alcoholics
Excess total cholesterol may also result from congenital liver disease - hyperlipoproteinemia, which consists in too much production of cholesterol.
Total cholesterol below normal
The decrease in total cholesterol below the norm is caused by:
- cirrhosis of the liver
- acute liver necrosis
- toxic liver damage
- infectious liver damage
- fasting
- sepsis
- anemia
- hyperthyroidism

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWhat raises cholesterol?

Cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood. Therefore, in order to be able to travel with it, it must bind to special transport proteins. The particles that are produced in this way are technically known as lipoproteins (fats are lipids, proteins are proteins).
Lipoproteins differ in density, which is the ratio of fat to protein in each molecule. Those with low density - containing more fat - are labeled with the symbol LDL (low density lipoproteins), and those with high density - with more protein - are labeled with the symbol HDL . high density lipoproteins).
The job of LDL particles is to deliver cholesterol to the cells, which take up as much of it as they need. Surplus HDL particles are collected from cells and transported back to the liver. Here some are used, among others to produce bile acid, and the rest - if it is not too much - is broken down and excreted by the body. So HDL does a good job, which is why it is popularly called good cholesterol.
On the other hand, LDL supplies cells with so much cholesterol that some of it is deposited in the walls of the arteries, which is why it is popularly called bad cholesterol.
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