Stomach pain can be sharp, stinging, dull, last for several minutes, or be chronic. Pain in the dimple may appear after eating or on an empty stomach. Stomach pain can have many causes. What diseases can stomach pain herald?
Stomach painis a pain you feel in the upper abdomen, commonly referred to asfoveal pain . Stomach pain is nothing pleasant, especially since it is often accompanied by other ailments: nausea, vomiting, heartburn or belching. Stomach pain accompanies many serious diseases, so it should not be taken lightly and consult a specialist.
Stomach pain: peptic ulcer disease
Pain in the stomach caused by peptic ulcer disease usually occurs up to 3 hours after a meal, is burning, burning, often accompanied by suction in the stomach, sometimes accompanied by stomach cramps. You may also have symptoms of indigestion: heartburn, belching, nausea and even vomiting.
Stomach pain and gastroesophageal reflux disease
Stomach pain may appear in the course of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. It is accompanied by burning in the esophagus, burning and pain behind the breastbone, belching and heartburn. Periodically, there isregurgitation of stomach contents from the stomach into the esophagus , and even the return of food. This often happens when lying down and bending down.
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Stomach pain and chronic pancreatitis
Pain in the stomach, burning, stabbing, radiating to the spine, often severe, may be caused by chronic pancreatitis . Pain may appear in connection with a meal or independently , it usually lasts for many hours, it may be blinding or radiating to the back. Pain attacks may occur many years before the diagnosis is made. In some cases, the pain is felt persistently. Fatty stools are also characteristic of chronic pancreatitis.
Stomach pain: infarction abdominal mask
Stomach pain (the so-called abdominal mask of myocardial infarction) may appear in an inferior myocardial infarction, which is associated with epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, the pain may be located in the middle epigastric region or in the area of the right costal arch.
Painstomach caused by stress
Stress-induced stomach painresembles a squeezing hole , usually occurs 2-3 hours after a meal, although sometimes it can wake you up at night, it is often accompanied by a feeling of bloating, heartburn, weight loss.
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Stomach pain: gastritis
Pain in the stomach in acute gastritis is sudden, accompanied by pressure in the upper abdomen (the so-called fovea), nausea and vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea. With haemorrhagic gastritis, vomiting blood and loose, black (tarry) stools may occur.Chronic gastritis is usually asymptomatic.Sometimes there are non-specific pains in the upper abdomen, feeling of fullness after meals, lack of appetite . Symptoms may worsen after fatty foods and alcohol.
Functional stomach pain
Functional stomach pain is sudden, paroxysmal pain, not related to any organic cause.Functional stomach pain may be a symptom of organ neurosis,or functional disorders of an organ, imitating organic (i.e. anatomical, and therefore macroscopically visible) diseases of an organ. It is often preceded by a stressful situation and is rarely associated with a diet.