Nutritionists warn against too fast weight loss. Restrictive diets, admittedly, give quick results, but contribute to metabolic disorders and the yo-yo effect. What is the optimal weight loss rate? Check how much weight you can lose in a week, month and year.
One of the most important principles of he althy and effective weight loss without the yo-yo effect is the slow reduction of body fat. A low weight loss rate does not expose the body to nutrient deficiencies and reduces the risk of metabolic disorders.
How many kilos can I lose weight in a week / month / year?
Weeklyit is safe to losefrom 0.5 to 1 kgbody weight, i.e.monthly - from 2 to 4 kg . If you want to lose weight by 10 kilograms, a properly composed low-energy diet should therefore last from 2.5 to 5 months.
The rate of weight loss also depends on the starting weight. According to nutritionists' recommendations, weight loss should not exceed10 percent. during the year . It does not seem like much, but after three years it will be 30%, which, for example, with a starting weight of 90 kg, gives as much as 27 kg.
Meet 5 mistakes slowing down weight loss
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreSlow weight loss will help you avoid the yo-yo effect
Do you think losing weight is about following a very low-calorie diet for a while? In the long run, it can do more harm than good! Avoid diets below 1000 kcal, which teach the body to use energy efficiently. It uses less of it for its own needs, so the basic metabolism is lowered. Studies have shown that with a drastically reduced caloric value of meals, the metabolic rate drops by as much as 15-20%. Unfortunately, it does not increase if you immediately return to your previous diet. After a year or two, you will weigh more than you did before losing weight and … you will go on another restrictive diet. And the alternation between losing weight and gaining weightslows down the metabolism, so it is more and more difficult to get rid of excess body fat.
How do you put it into practice?The energy deficit in relation to the needs should be a maximum of 500 kcal- the result is a weight loss at a safe pace, i.e. up to 1 kg per week. The higher the deficit, i.e. a more restrictive diet, the greater the risk of the yo-yo effect.
Regular meals are an ally for weight loss
One of the mistakes often made by people who are slimming down is improper planning of meals. For the diet to be effective, you should eat 4.5 times a day, every 3-4 hours. Thanks to this, you will burn calories faster and avoid hunger pangs. Studies have shown that even a restrictive diet of 1000 kcal per day has no effect if it is spread over only two meals. When there are five of them - you lose weight quickly.
ImportantRemember - slimming is an evolution, not a revolution. Drastic changes in nutrition are difficult to accept, which is why nutritionists are in favor of the strategy of small steps. Taking into account the current menu and lifestyle, they try to eliminate the behaviors that contributed to overweight and obesity, but not all at once. Dietary changes are best started with those that are easiest for you. Only then make further diet modifications. You must be aware that they are introduced for life.
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