Feasting is a hard test for the entire digestive system, because the table is bending with delicacies and the mood is favorable to toasts. After overeating, you get tired of gas, gas, heartburn, diarrhea and a hangover. But there are ways and specifics that will bring relief to the stomach in difficult times.
In order for the joint dinner to provide pleasant impressions and not to lay a stone on the stomach, it is enough to eat slowly and carefully bite each bite. It's also better to avoid carbonated drinks and not have heated discussions. Do not wash down fatty foods with cold drinks, but a glass of pepper or nut tincture will be fine. However, before coffee and dessert, a walk will do you very good. And if you still feel ailments, use our proven methods.
Gas and gas
Such ailments are caused by the accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines. They torture us if we overdo it with bigos, onions, beans or mayonnaise. And also when we talk and laugh during a meal, because it is easy to swallow excess air. But gases can also be a signal of digestive disorders, e.g. reduced production of pancreatic enzymes (caused by overeating and the slow pancreas associated with it).
How to help yourself?
A tea of peppermint, chamomile, ground caraway and calamus root will bring relief. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and cover for 10 minutes. Some people prefer to drink plain yogurt. It doesn't hurt to go to a secluded place and let nature act. If possible, lie on your stomach and both sides. To degas the intestines, infusions of anise, basil leaves, hyssop and peppermint help.
From the pharmacy: Manti, Manti Gastop, Espumisan, Esputicon, Sylimarol or preparations leading to the breakdown of gas bubbles formed in the stomach and intestines and restoring the natural gas balance in the intestines (e.g. Beneflora).
Too much alcohol means headache and stomach trouble. Hangovers are the result of a chemical reaction - alcohol is converted by the liver into acetaldehyde, which is a toxic substance. It raises blood pressure and increases heart rate. The effect of excess alcohol is also hyperacidity, irritation of the gastric mucosa and pain.
How to help yourself?
To neutralize stomach acid and acetic aldehyde, you need toDrink a lot - preferably mineral water, kefir, yogurt, tomato juice (replenished with potassium washed out by alcohol) and fruit juices (orange, grapefruit, because they have a lot of vitamin C). You should also drink a non-greasy broth and eat light snacks so that the stomach has something to digest.
From the pharmacy: Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprom, Alka-Prim, 2KC, KC-24.
For diarrhea
It can be a consequence of overeating, but in a strange house you can always find something on the table that your stomach cannot digest because the body does not produce the appropriate enzymes.
How to help yourself?
In order not to dehydrate, we need to drink plenty of still water, light tea, chamomile, mint or blueberry juice. On the first day, it's best to eat rusks. The next day you can eat rice glue or overcooked carrots.
From the pharmacy: Medicinal charcoal (5-7 tablets at a time), Salotannal, Stoperan.
No more flatulence - simple remedies for flatulence!
To overeat
If we haven't mastered our greed, our stomach is full. We feel creased in the dimple, we are heavy, nausea, headache and heartburn appear. This is because the stomach is unable to produce enough digestive enzymes.
How to help yourself?
First of all, make it easier for your stomach to digest. The easiest way is to drink more fluids. Warm (but not hot) mint tea or a light St. John's wort infusion is the most desirable. Fennel infusion or swallowing a flat teaspoon of dry marjoram can also help to relieve us of this problem. The herbs can be replaced with still mineral water or green tea.
From the pharmacy: Hepason Complex, Boldaloin, Colon C.
For heartburn
The main cause of heartburn is overeating, which puts pressure on the diaphragm on the stomach. Such problems are usually experienced by people who are overweight and obese, and who smoke cigarettes, because nicotine stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
How to help yourself?
The oldest way to treat heartburn is to drink a glass of water with a flat teaspoon of baking soda. Grandma's advice is to avoid lying down for 2-3 hours after eating. However, if we have to lie down, lie on the left side, because in this position the stomach is below the esophagus and the food does not retreat. Heartburn will not bother us if we give up tight clothes, belts or the so-called body shaping belts. It is also effective to limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol.
From the pharmacy: antacids, e.g. Manti, Rennie, Ranigast.
If the symptoms reappear
The presented methods of dealing with intestinal troubles are effective andproven, but we should only use them occasionally, in emergency situations. If unpleasant symptoms recur, you must visit a doctor. He will order tests to clarify whether our ailments are not a harbinger of a more serious disease. Heartburn may signal gastro-oesophageal reflux, and frequent flatulence and excess gas may indicate pancreatic or liver failure. In such cases, it is necessary to apply specialized treatment and follow a proper diet.
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