Constipation and problems with bowel movements are common, but not to be taken lightly. Do not immediately reach for pharmacological agents. First, try to stimulate your intestines to work better using natural methods.
Problem withconstipation ? If you have bowel movements less than 3 times a week, and if you experience difficulties and pains when passing stools, you have a feeling of incomplete bowel movements, we are dealing withconstipation . Usually, the cause of the ailments is a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Ignoring constipation can lead to the so-called hemorrhoids, i.e. haemorrhoids. They are favored by a long pressure on the stool. In addition, already existing haemorrhoids contribute to constipation, because they make it difficult to defecate. In addition, constipation may be the cause of an anal fissure, that is, rupture of the anal canal mucosa. The presence of fecal masses in the intestines can also cause headaches, fatigue, and problems with the skin.
Beware of laxatives!
Reaching for laxatives does not solve the problem - firstly, they can only be taken for a few days, and secondly - overused drugs themselves can contribute to constipation, because they make the intestines lazy. Taking these measures should be agreed with your doctor, as they may cause disturbances in gastrointestinal contractility. They also contribute to the formation of mineral deficiencies, incl. magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Constipation - what to eat and what to avoid in your diet?
If you are constipated on a regular basis, it's time tochange your diet . The menu should include more vegetables and fruits (500 g of vegetables and 200-300 g of fruit daily), which - like whole grain bread and thick groats - are a good source of fiber. It is he who stimulates the bowel movement, also absorbs water, making the feces soft and easy to pass through the large intestine. For fiber to fulfill its function, you need to drink enough fluids (2-2.5 liters a day).
What to avoid in your diet with constipation?First of all, meals rich in animal fats and carbohydrates, especially simple, hearty meals, chocolate and other sweets, white bread, carbonated drinks. You should also limit the consumption of sweet milk. It is worth taking care of the presence of sources of probiotics in the diet that improve the functioning of the digestive system(silage, yoghurt and kefir).
Do you suffer from constipation? Change daily habits
The lifestyle is also important - it is worth ensuring a constant rhythm of bowel movements. They cannot be paused, it is a good idea to find time to sit in the toilet in the morning (this is a natural time to pass stools). Take your time while eating - poorly chewed food is less well digested. In the fight against constipation, exercise is also essential, because a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the lazy intestines. It is enough to take walks or regular gymnastics, but if performed regularly.
Relief from constipation can be brought by:
- dried figs, dates, raisins - they improve intestinal peristalsis, but excessively cause flatulence, you can also drink water in which you soak a few prunes overnight;
- herbal infusions: dandelion, motherwort, hawthorn (the treatment consisting of drinking the herbal infusion twice a day can be carried out for a month);
- glass of warm water on an empty stomach, possibly with honey or lemon;
- ground linseed - eat a tablespoon of linseed 3 times a day;
- bran - the best source of fiber, it is worth adding it to e.g. yoghurt, salads. Remember! If you still have problems with bowel movements after making the changes, consult your doctor.
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