Changes in the body appear with age. They affect practically all organs and systems, causing not only a generally worse well-being, but also worse functioning, lower immunity, increased susceptibility to diseases and injuries, and slowing down the metabolic process. To stay fit and energetic after the age of 60, it's worth making some changes to your diet.

Agingof the body is also associated with changes in body composition. The fat content increases by approx. 20 percent. at the age of 25 to approx. 36 percent at the age of 70, with a simultaneous loss of muscle tissue and minerals (from 6 to 4%). After the age of sixty, the water content in the body is also systematically decreasing, which is the reason, among others, of deteriorating skin condition.

Less calories in your diet, more exercise

Changes that appear with age should also cause changes in the current eating habits. Sincethe elderly personis usually less active, their metabolic rate decreases and their body fat reserves increase, they should consume by 20-30%. less caloric meals. Although the number of calories must be lower, the content of vitamins and minerals does not change and in some cases (calcium) may increase. Therefore, remember that thedietof the elderly should be rich in meals with high nutritional density (a we alth of nutrients in a small volume, e.g. nuts, vegetables).

Diet after 60 - what matters is a good choice of products

Some seniors have a lower appetite, are malnourished - as a result they feel worse, have little energy. It doesn't have to be that way! The rescue is valuable, well-composed meals containing he althy products.


Seniors should not give up physical activity. Moderate and adapted to the possibilities, but as often as possible, not only will improve metabolism, have a positive effect on immunity, physical performance, but also joints and bones. Regular activity reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures.

» Cereals . All of them are not only a rich source of dietary fiber, but also vitaminsfrom group B and many minerals (including magnesium improving the work of the brain and facilitating concentration). Specialists emphasize that seniors should eat at least 6 servings of cereal products a day, which in practice means that a slice of bread should be included in each meal.

» Vegetables Like grain products, they are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, which has blood pressure lowering properties). An additional advantage of vegetables is that they contain significant amounts of various types of antioxidants that delay the aging process. The most important vitamins C and E for the elderly are in vegetables with intense colors.» Fruits Specialists recommend ripe and soft - they are not only juicier, but also easier to digest and often richer in vitamins. In the autumn and winter season, when there is a small selection of fruit on the market, it is worth reaching for 100% juice, but without the addition of sugar. Its nutritional value is slightly different from whole fruit, but it will help to diversify the diet.» Dairy products Milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, cottage cheese are a rich source of calcium, vitamins and easily digestible, wholesome protein. Therefore, your daily diet should include at least 3 servings of these products. It is best if they are natural and with a reduced fat content (but not lower than 1.5%). From time to time, the curd can be replaced with cheese or cream cheese, but it should not become a habit, because both cheese and all kinds of spreads are products rich in sodium and phosphate, which impede calcium absorption.» Meat, cold cuts, fish, eggs Although they are all sources of wholesome protein, they are not the same. Fatty meats, luncheon meat and offal are products that the elderly should avoid or completely eliminate. Their place should be taken by poultry (necessarily skinless), lean beef, veal, fish (at least twice a week), as well as underestimated soybeans, which contain a complete set of amino acids, micro- and macroelements and phytoestrogens. The group of high-protein products is closed by eggs (due to cholesterol, you should not eat more than 2-3 pieces a week). Often in seniors it is necessary to provide vitamin D, B12 and calcium. However, when he alth is good, a properly balanced diet is able to cover 100 percent. the need for all minerals.

Sample portions

» Cereal products: a small roll (kajzer) or 1/2 a large (graham), a slice of bread, a Wrocław roll, 4 slices of crispbread, 1/2 cup of boiled groats , cereals or rice, a glass of pasta,1/3 cup of dry cereal or muesli» Vegetables: medium-sized vegetable (tomato, cucumber, broccoli, carrot), 100 g of salads or boiled vegetables, 5-6 leaves of lettuce» Fruits: medium-sized fruit (e.g. apple, pear, banana, kiwi), several smaller ones (2-3 mandarins, 3-4 plums), 3/4 cup of small fruits (raspberries, strawberries, currants ), 100 g of dried fruit» Fats: a flat teaspoon of butter or olive oil »Protein products: a glass of milk, buttermilk, kefir, a small yogurt, a slice of cheese cottage cheese, 2 slices of cheese» High-protein products: 100 g of lean meat, fish, 1/2 chicken breast, 5-6 small slices of sausage, 2/3 cup of cooked legume seeds, egg

You must do it

Why do you have to drink a lot

Because elderly people tend to feel less thirsty and lose some water from the body at the same time, they develop life-threatening dehydration much faster. Experts agree that elderly people should drink at least 8 glasses of fluid a day. Ideally, it should be mineral water, weak tea, diluted fruit (no added sugar) or vegetable juices. In order to balance the amount of liquids, it is also important that the dinner includes not only the main course, but also the soup.

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