White cheese (cottage cheese) is tastiest when it is medium pressed and smooth in cross-section. Too soft contains too much whey. The lumpy, floury or porous white cheese indicates overheating of the curd. The fresh curd should have a slightly sour taste, and the flavored cheeses should have a distinct flavor and aroma of the added spices.

White cheese , orcottage cheese , is a very good source of wholesome protein. It contains essential amino acids, i.e. those that the body cannot produce itself, so they must be supplied with food (they are involved in the creation of new and rebuilding damaged cells). There is also some magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B, and vitamin E in it. White cheese has the least amount of calcium in dairy products. To meet the body's daily requirement for this element (800-1200 mg), you need to eat almost 1 kg of cottage cheese.

Do you know that:Both deficiency and excess of calcium in the body are harmful?

White cheese (cottage cheese) - lean or fat?

White cheeses are easily digestible - the first place in this respect is taken byhomogenized cheeses , they are also best assimilated. The caloric content of cheese depends on the content of fat and other additives. Fatty cheeses provide the most calories and saturated fatty acids, so eat them in moderation.

People with elevated cholesterol should give them up. It is best to choose semi-fat cottage cheese without any additives. Removing fat completely deprives dairy products of vitamin D, which is essential for proper calcium absorption.

Cheeses and desserts with fruit, honey, and chocolate usually contain sugar and provide empty calories. In addition, they may contain dyes and synthetic flavors. Better make the cottage cheese yourself with the addition of your favorite herbs, homemade preserves or natural honey. Lean cheeses are for people who are slimming and on a fat-free diet.

How many calories are in 100 g of cheese?
  • lean - 99 kcal,
  • semi-fat - 133 kcal,
  • oily - 175 kcal,
  • homogenized full fat - 161 kcal,
  • homogenized strawberry - 168 kcal,
  • grain curd cheese - 101 kcal,
  • grain with reduced fat content - 87 kcal,
  • cottage cheeseflavor - 242 kcal.

White cheese (cottage cheese): where to buy - in a store or at a market?

Buy cheeses from proven companies in cold stores. Look for a veterinary mark on the label (the letters PL - Poland and WE - European Community in the ellipse, and the identification number indicate that the product was produced in a plant subject to control by the Veterinary Inspection).

Be sure to check the use-by date. Do not take if it is stuck or illegible. Taste cheese from a small family-run organic farm, made under natural conditions.

Remember that the packaging should contain an inscription and a sign that it is a product of "organic farming", manufacturer's name, certificate number, name and number of the certification body. It's best to buy eco products in a trusted store or from a trusted manufacturer. When buying supplies at the market, you need to be careful, because it is not known under what conditions the cheese was made and stored and how long it remained on the stall.


There are curds of different fat content on sale:

  • cream (14.5%),
  • full fat (9.5%),
  • oily (6.5%),
  • semi-fat (3%),
  • lean (under 3%).

They are available in the form of acid and acid-rennet curd cheeses.

White cheese (cottage cheese) - when is the best

Good white cheese is medium pressed and smooth in cross section. Too soft contains too much whey. Lumpy, mealy or porous, it indicates overheating of the curd. The lumps of cheese formed as a result of too strong shearing of the protein are elastic, rubbery and cannot be rubbed into a smooth mass. Too greasy consistency may be the result of over-acidification of the milk, insufficient heating of the curd or contamination of the cheese with yeast.

The fresh curd should have a slightly sour taste, and the flavored cheeses - a distinct flavor and aroma of the added spices. The strongly acidic aftertaste is the result of the cheese becoming over-acidified, and the pasteurization - a consequence of applying too high a temperature during the pasteurization of the milk or cream used to make the curd. Bland is a consequence of insufficient acidification of the milk and, consequently, deterioration of the cheese.

The curd has a uniform color, ranging from white to slightly creamy (greasy). Two-color may be the result of inaccurate mixing with cream, and yellowing or browning - cheese decay.

keep white cheese (cottage cheese) in the refrigerator

A common feature of curd cheeses is their instability, therefore, regardless of whether they are hermetically packed or not, store them in the refrigerator.

The treated cheeses stay fresh longerthermization, in airtight packages and aseptically packed.

Unpacked white cheese is best placed in a glass or plastic vessel with a lid or wrapped in parchment paper - it stays fresh for up to 48 hours.

Cottage cheese, cottage cheese, homogenized cheese and desserts after opening, eat within 24 hours.

You must do it

Homemade cottage cheese

Heat the curdled milk, and when a clot is formed, pour it through a thick sieve lined with gauze. The separated whey will drain off and a delicate cottage cheese will remain in the sieve.

Whey has high amounts of calcium and phosphorus, vitamins B, A, D, E, as well as protein and little fat. It is low in calories. It is suitable for acidifying sauces and soups, e.g. borscht, sour soup, cabbage soup. By mixing in a blender or by grinding semi-fat cottage cheese with cream, you will get homogenized cheese.

White cheese (cottage cheese) - cheese delicacies

By grinding cottage cheese with hard-boiled egg, smoked fish, spinach or avocado, you will get decorative sandwich spreads. The famous lazy ones are made of cottage cheese, it is used for stuffing for dumplings, pancakes and pancakes. It is the main ingredient of cheesecake and passover. The buns and the cheese strudels are delicious. When preparing cheese dishes hot, add a small amount of breadcrumbs, potato flour or mashed potatoes to the curd - the starch binds well to the whey formed at high temperature.

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