Sweet potatoes, or sweet potatoes, are found on Polish tables much less frequently than traditional potatoes. Meanwhile, sweet potatoes are superior to them in terms of nutritional value and he alth properties. Some varieties of sweet potatoes are a source of carotenoids, including lutein that improves eyesight. Still others contain lycopene, which may reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Check the he alth properties of sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes(LatinIpomoea batatas ) differentlysweet potatoes , sweet potato, kūmara or potato curl. Sweet potatoes come from Central America. Europeans learned about theirpropertiesthanks to Christopher Columbus. In turn, Portuguese explorers took them to Africa and India, which today are one of the main - next to Vietnam, Japan and China - producers of sweet potatoes.
There are about 400 varieties of sweet potatoes, varying in skin color, ranging from purple through red, orange and yellow to white. The flesh may also have a different color, depending on the variety - white, orange or yellow. Red sweet potatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, which may reduce the risk of developing heart disease and some cancers. Violet ones, on the other hand, contain anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants.
The varieties with yellow flesh are a treasury of carotenoids, including lutein, which improves the condition of eyesight. In addition, sweet potatoes contain a lot of minerals such as: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, as well as small amounts of manganese, copper, molybdenum and selenium. The tubers also contain B vitamins (especially vitamin B6), vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin E. According to studies, women who consumed more foods rich in beta-carotene (such as sweet potatoes) had a lower risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, a study conducted on male rats proved that the inclusion of purple sweet potatoes in the diet inhibits the formation of pathological changes in the large intestine. On the other hand, a study conducted on patients diagnosed with bladder cancer proved that sweet potatoes are among the best vegetablesprotecting against this disease. Not only that, sweet potatoes can reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer. This is the result of a study conducted in Japan, which involved observing 47,997 men and 66,520 women for 10 years. Rats treated with white-fleshy sweet potatoes for 8 weeks showed improvements in pancreatic cell function, lipid levels, glucose metabolism and decreased insulin resistance. The glycemic index of sweet potatoes is 54 Other studies show that sweet potatoes contribute to the improvement of insulin sensitivity in humans. Not surprisingly, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that sweet potatoes be included in the diet of diabetics. Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates that are absorbed more slowly (lower glycemic index=54) and therefore do not affect blood glucose levels that much. For comparison - the glycemic index of potatoes ranges from about 60 (cooked) to over 80 (baked). Author: Time S.A A balanced diet is the key to he alth and better well-being. Use JeszCoLubisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide. Choose from thousands of recipes for he althy and tasty dishes using the benefits of nature. Enjoy an individually selected menu, constant contact with a dietitian and many other functionalities today! Nutritional value of cooked sweet potatoes, peeled (per 100 g)Energy value - 76 kcal Total protein - 1.37 g Fat - 0.14 g Carbohydrates - 17.72 g (including simple sugars 5.74) Fiber - 2.5 gVitaminsVitamin C - 12.8 mg Thiamine - 0.056 mg Riboflavin - 0.047 mg Niacin - 0.538 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.165 mg Folic acid - 6 µg Vitamin A - 15740 IU Vitamin E - 0.94 mg Vitamin K - 2.1 µgMineralsCalcium - 27 mg Iron - 0.72 mg Magnesium - 18 mg Phosphorus - 32 mgPotassium - 230 mgSodium - 27 mg Zinc - 0.20 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference The idea for dietary and he althy sweet potato pancakes is presented by Jacek Bilczyński, an expert in food and he althy lifestyle! Sweet potatoes are a source of carotenes and carotenoids, including lutein - a substance that has a beneficial effect on eyesight. It is worth knowing that the content of carotenes and carotenoids in yellow-flesh sweet potato varieties is higher than in pumpkin, broccoli or spinach, which are commonly known for their content. Sweet potatoes contain raffinose, one of the sugars that causes gas and gas Sweet potatoes can contribute to improving memory - this is what research conducted on rats shows. Rodents given purple-flesh sweet potatoes showed a significant improvement in cognitive function, which may be related to the presence of anthocyanins in these vegetables. Sweet potatoes can be eaten baked, grilled and cooked with the skin on. On their basis, you can prepare casseroles and soups. Sweet potatoes can also be used to bake a sweet potato cake and make a sweet potato pudding that children love. You can make mashed potatoes from sweet potatoes, which you can then use to make a delicious sandwich. Just spread the puree on the bread, put a layer of peanut butter and apple slices on top of it. Edible is not only the tubers, but also the sweet potato leaves. They are widely known in Chinese, Japanese and Filipino restaurants. Sweet potato tubers are juicy, tender, with a sweet taste Remember - to prevent air-darkening of sweet potatoes, cook them immediately after peeling and / or slicing, or place them in water until cooking. Pierce the sweet potatoes a few times before baking. Choose a firm sweet potato, free from bruises, soft stains and damage. Store sweet potatoes in a dark, cool and well-ventilated place. Then they stay fresh for about 10 days. Do not refrigerate raw sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes - recipe for sweet potato chips Sweet potato chips are a he althy alternative to potato chips. You can spice up the taste of sweet potato chips by sprinkling them with chopped onion or garlic. Ingredients: 3 large sweet potatoes, 1 teaspoon of s alt, baking fat, olive oil Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C. Cut the sweet potatoes into thin slices. Grease the baking tray with a little fat. Spread the sweet potato slices in one layer. Then sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with s alt. Bake until golden brown (about 20-30 minutes). Remember to turn the slices over halfway through cooking. Bibliography: Grotto D.,101 products for he alth and life , full Olejnik D., ed. Vesper, Poznań 2010Sweet potatoes - anti-cancer properties
Sweet potatoes for diabetes
Sweet potato pancakes
Sweet potatoes for he althy eyes
Sweet potatoes for better memory
Sweet potatoes - use in the kitchen
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