Millet is one of the oldest and he althiest groats. Today underestimated - to the detriment of our he alth, the so-called Millet has many valuable properties. It is one of the few basic groats. What nutritional values does millet have? Who should especially make sure that it is in their diet?
Millet porridgeis slowly returning to favors, but it still does not enjoy the popularity it deserves. It is a pity, because it has an original taste ( although it can be bitter if not properly prepared) and goes well with both s alty and sweet dishes. First of all, it is worth eating because ofnutritional values , and evenhealing .
Millet - nutritional values and minerals
Millet is the oldest known groats. It is obtained from millet seeds, already cultivated in the Neolithic age. In terms of nutritional value, it is equal to buckwheat. It has little starch, but a lot of easily digestible protein. It is distinguished by the highest content of B vitamins: B1 , (thiamin), B2(riboflavin) and B6(pyridoxine) and iron and copper.
Millet - healing properties
Millet is easy to digest and does not cause allergies, because it does not contain gluten. Therefore, it is worth recommending to people suffering from celiac disease who follow a gluten-free diet, as well as those suffering from anemia. It has antiviral properties, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes (dries up excess secretions), so it is a good home remedy for runny nose.
ImportantMillet and buckwheat are the only groats that have an alkaline effect, so they play an important role in restoring the acid-base balance in the body. Millet is an important component of an alkaline diet.
Millet for beauty
Millet contains silica, which has a beneficial effect on hair, skin and nails. Silicon also plays an important role in bone mineralization (prevents them from decalcifying).
Millet also provides large amounts of vitamin E and lecithin, which has a positive effect on memory and concentration, and regulates blood cholesterol levels - the presence of this groats in the diet should therefore be taken care of by people who work intensively mentally, e.g. high school graduates or students preparing to the session.
Millet in a slimming diet. How much calories does millet have?
Is it possible to eat millet while on a diet? Millet, like all groats, is quite caloric - 100 g of millet equals approx.350 calories ). It also has a high glycemic indexfor poorly processed grain products(71 - for cooked millet, for comparison: brown rice and buckwheat have a glycemic index of approx. 50), i.e. quickly raises blood sugar levels, so it is not recommended for diabetics and people on the Montignac diet. However, even people who are slimming should not completely give up eating millet - the silicon contained in it improves metabolism.
How to cook millet so that it is not bitter?
Millet is a great addition to stewed meats and sweet dishes (e.g. casseroles with plums or apples). However, it is common for it to have a slightly bitter taste when cooked and can spoil the entire dish. In order for the millet to have no bitterness, it must be properly prepared - before cooking, pour it generously, first with cold and then hot water. You can also put the porridge in boiling water, drain it after a while and pour it again into clean, boiling water. It is worth soaking the groats for a few hours or overnight in water with lemon juice - this procedure, along with cooking, will help inactivate phytates - compounds contained in the groats, hindering the absorption of minerals.
Loose cooking: for 1 cup of millet - 2.5 cups of water. Cook until the porridge absorbs water, then wrap it in a blanket and set aside for about an hour.
To make the groats sticky: before cooking, mix the groats with a little water or milk and pour it into boiling water in the following proportions: 1 cup of millet to 3.5 glasses of water. Cook for 30-40 minutes.