Coconut oil has been used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics, because it has numerous he alth and care properties. Apparently, coconut oil is the best solution … for slimming. It allows you to get rid of overweight and obesity, because it does not accumulate in the form of unnecessary fat, but is used to produce energy and burn calories. Some specialists are of a different opinion. Check if coconut oil is he althy and what healing and cosmetic properties it has!
Coconut oilfoundusebothin the kitchenandin cosmeticsthanks to itshealing and cosmetic properties. The oil obtained from coconut flesh is widely consideredthe he althiest oil on earth.All because coconut oil contains a unique group of fat particles, the so-called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Some specialists say so. Others believe coconut oil is as unhe althy as lard.
Is coconut oil he althy? Opinions are divided
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), ¹ coconut oil high in saturated fat is at least as unhe althy as lard, beef fat and butter. The unsaturated fats it contains can raisethe level of "bad" cholesterol , which promotes atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to data from the American Heart Association82 percent. The fat in coconut oil is saturated fat . This is more than in butter (63%), beef (50%) and pork lard (39%).
A different opinion is expressed by specialists speaking in the campaign "Get to know your fats", under the patronage of the Food and Nutrition Institute. "The reason why coconut oil was notorious is related to itsfatty acid profile . About 8% are unsaturated fatty acids (i.e. The percentages are saturated fatty acids. Theoretically, these fatty acids contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease when consumed in excess. " - we read on the campaign website.
"In practice, however, it turns out that even saturated fatty acids can have a different structure, and thus also different properties." […] Those with an average carbon chain length (the so-calledmedium-chain), i.e. those contained in coconut oil, have completely different properties than long-chain ones. "Of the 92% of all saturated fatty acids in coconut oilonly about 24-30% are long-chaine, the remaining 62-68% are medium-chain acids.
These acids are abbreviated as MCTfrom the English name Medium-Chain Triglicerydes. They show different properties than "normal" animal fats. The process of their digestion and absorption is completely different. No negative impact of the consumption of MCT fats on he alth has been observed in scientific research "- we read at We assume that we will use common sense and will not eat them as much as possible. Fat remains fat and carries a large caloric load - add experts
Worth knowingCoconut oil - nutritional values and calories (per 100 g / one tablespoon - 13.6 g)
Energy value- 892/121 kcal
Fat- 99.06 / 13.47 g, including:
- saturated fatty acids - 82,475 / 11,217 g
- monounsaturated fatty acids - 6.332 / 0.861 g
- polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.702 / 0.231 g
- trans fat - 0.028 / 0.004 g
- Calcium - 1/0 mg
- Iron - 0.05 / 0.01 mg
- Zinc - 0.02 / 0 mg
- Vitamin E - 0.11 / 0.01 mg
- Vitamin K - 0.6 / 0.1 µg
Data Source:USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Read also: Evening primrose oil: rich composition, healing properties, application
What healing properties does coconut oil have?
Coconut oil and slimming
Does coconut oil have slimming properties then? On this pointsentences are also divided . Some argue that medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) after getting into the body are not converted into adipose tissue. They are immediately used to produce energy, and thus to accelerate the metabolic rate. This means that after eating a meal with coconut oil, you burn unnecessary calories faster, which prevents overweight and obesity.
In addition, coconut oil isvery filling , therefore it satisfies hunger quickly and for a long time, which prevents overeating and snacking between meals. As a consequence, during the day you eat less food, and therefore less calories.
Some specialists explain the metabolism of MCT acids differently. Dr. n. Farm. Hanna Mojska, head of the LaboratoryFood Safety at the Institute of Food and Nutrition in Warsaw, in an interview for "Tylko Zdrowie", she explained: " MCT acids are not digested like other fats- they do not need the enzyme lipase or bile for this, They are absorbed directly into the portal vein, which means that they provide energy very quickly. They are fed to premature babies, people with Crohn's disease, patients after radiation therapy. They nourish the sick person, sparing their intestines. can lead to overweight and obesity. We deliver a large amount of energy quickly and we do not spend it. "As already mentioned, fat remains fat and carries a large caloric load.
Coconut oil and cardiovascular disease
Therefore, the use of coconut oil in the prevention of cardiovascular disease is also questionable. If coconut oil was a good means of weight loss, preventing obesity, it could also reduce the risk of developing diseases that are associated with it, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, which make up the metabolic syndrome (which in turn significantly increases the risk of complications in the form of cardiovascular diseases). , e.g. heart attack, stroke).
However, we receive contradictory information. On the one hand, we can read that scientific studies have not observed a negative impact of MCT fat consumption on he alth, that it allows you to burn unnecessary calories faster, which prevents overweight and obesity. On the other hand, we learn that coconut oil is at least as unhe althy as lard, that the unsaturated fats it contains can raise the level of "bad" cholesterol, which promotes cardiovascular disease.
So what are the he althy fats? Vegetable oils such assunflower and rapeseed or olive oil , as well as those found in avocados in oily fish, nuts and seeds.
Read also: Linseed oil - what are its properties?
How does coconut oil affect your he alth?
Coconut oil and bacteria and viruses
Coconut oil consists of lauric acid, which has strong antibacterial, viral and fungicidal properties. Scientists at the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Ireland found that thanks to thiscoconut oil is effective in inhibiting the growth of the harmfulbacteria that cause tooth decay and oral infections.
In turn, scientists in the "Journal of Bacteriology" argue thatcoconut oil can fight golden staphylococcus , which is a common cause of skin diseases. Some people believe coconut oil can deal with viruses such as herpes, measles, the flu, andeven with HIV. Now specialists confirm this theory.
Research published in 2007 in the Journal of Medicinal Food shows that coconut oilsupports the fight against long-term athlete's foot , as it fights fungi from the familyCandida .
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreCoconut oil for dementia
Medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil help treat diseases related to brain function, especiallyParkinson's and Alzheimer's disease .
Scientists already in 2006 in the pages of "Neurobiology of Aging" argued that the administration of medium-chain triglycerides in Alzheimer's patients resulted in a significant improvement in their condition. Their consumption leads toa significant increase in the concentration of ketone bodies in the brain , which become an alternative (instead of glucose) source of energy (in people with Alzheimer's disease there is a pathological reduction in the brain's ability to use glucose - editor's note). As a consequence, the cognitive functions of the patient are improved.
Cold-pressed coconut oil
The he althiest coconut oil is cold pressed coconut oil. At a temperature of up to 26 degrees C it remains solid, it is white as lard, but unlike it, it has visible rings anda very pleasant coconut smell . It becomes liquid at higher temperatures. You can also recognize it by its short shelf-life and high price (1 liter approx. 60 PLN).
Beware ofrefined coconut oil, which is produced at high temperatures and sometimes also with the use of chemical solvents, as it lacks many of its he alth-promoting properties. Such oil has a longer shelf life, is colorless, odorless, tasteless and is on average twice cheaper than cold-pressed oil.
Use of coconut oil in the kitchen
Coconut oil can be used like butter and spread on, among others bread. In addition,based on it, you can make cakes, pies and chocolate desserts.As coconut oil dissolves at a temperature of about 26 degrees C, it can also be added to dressings andsalad dressings, of course, in moderation. It should not be fried on it.
Read also: Fenugreek oil for nervous system and memory. What other he alth effects does it have?
Cosmetic properties of coconut oil and its use
Scientists agree that coconut oil is a greatcosmetic with universal properties . The fatty acids in coconut oildeeply penetrate and nourish the skin , making it an excellent moisturizing and smoothing cream. Therefore, it should be reached by owners of dry and dehydrated skin.

Coconut oil for face
In turn, the antibacterial properties of lauric acid makecoconut oil is an excellent acne-fighting agent.To get rid of pimples, you can rub the oil into your skin or add it to your meals instead of other vegetable fats. In addition, coconut oilprotects the skin from the sun , because it has the same effect as sunscreen with SPF 10.
Coconut oil for hair
In turn, in the "Journal of Cosmetic Science" experts argue that coconut oil also has a beneficial effect on hair. Lauric acid triglyceride is very similar to the proteins in hair, and thanks to its low molecular weight and straight linear chains, it can penetrate deep into the hair shaft.
Coconut oil for teeth
Coconut oil also containscompounds that whiten your teeth . Therefore, you can make toothpaste based on it. Just combine it with baking soda, powdered egg shells (for the optimal ratio of calcium-magnesium), xylitol, and essential oils such as mint and cinnamon.