An account on Facebook can open a senior to new opportunities. Social media not only allows you to reconnect with old friends, but also to establish new relationships. They also make it easier to find people who have the same passions.
It would seem that social media is the domain of teenagers and young people. Meanwhile, as research shows, more and more people over 50 set up accounts in social networks. The Pew Research Center study shows that in July 2022 in the USA, social media was used by over 27 million people over 55 years of age! Last year, that figure was 10 million lower - and the trend is still increasing.
In Poland, seniors constitute 4 percent of Internet users. 51 percent of this group are women - the most frequent users of the network are residents of Warsaw, Wrocław and Poznań.
As Dr. Nina Woderska, an employee of the Center for Senior Citizens in Poznań writes , Polish 50+ users are aware that the Internet is the future and they know that in order to be able to keep up with the constantly changing reality, they must learn to use the new technology. They are open to it, but need people to help them tame the new space.
Why are seniors afraid of Facebook?
The view of a dozen or so young people staring at smartphone screens in a bus or tram is incomprehensible to a senior. Older people do not understand what is so absorbing young people, they are afraid of the cyber world because it is completely different from the reality in which they grew up. That is why it is worth paying some attention to them and explaining in an accessible way what social media is all about. You do not need to immediately delve into the meanders of the Internet, talk about influencers, vlogs and applications. Basic information is enough to help them gradually get used to new technologies.
It is good to start your adventure with the Internet with Facebook, because it will open up a field of new possibilities for the senior and help them enter the world of cyberspace.
Datashows that seniors most often like websites of music bands (eg Czesław Niemen or The Beatles) and follow celebrity profiles. Ladies are also looking for entertainment and advice, and gentlemen follow political news.
What are the advantages of creating a Facebook account?
- renewing old acquaintances - you can find it on the internetfriends from childhood, school or army,
- establishing new relationships - on groups we will find people interested in a given topic. So we can easily find someone who lives in our area and has similar interests to ours. This can be the beginning of a beautiful acquaintance, not only virtual!
- talking on Messenger - the Messenger application allows you to chat with family, relatives, grandchildren studying in another city on Facebook,
- coping with loneliness - older people often cannot cope with isolation. Social media allows them to stay up to date and know what's squeaking in the grass,
- informing about events in the area - on Facebook we can receive notifications about events taking place in our area. Thanks to this, we gain more chances to leave the house,
- commenting on current events - Facebook can also replace the daily press service (if we have liked profiles of favorite media).
What are the disadvantages of a Facebook account?
- misunderstanding - if no one explains to the senior how a social networking site works, he will not understand anything of it and will not be able to use its potential. It can also quickly become discouraged from acquiring further knowledge from new technologies,
- lack of privacy - the senior must be aware that nothing is lost on the Internet and that every step he or she takes on the Internet leaves a trace. So he should know how the mechanisms of sharing posts or comments work,
- no personal data protection - if the senior himself has created an account on Facebook, he may not know that certain personal data needs to be protected (e.g. PESEL number or card number). That is why it is so important to help the senior in setting up an account, explain all the functionalities to him and block the data that he does not want to share,
- susceptibility to fake news - younger people are aware of the phenomenon of fake news and do not trust all information displayed in the news. Older ones may have a problem with this, so it is worth informing your grandmother about this phenomenon and telling them to trust only the profiles they like (e.g. your favorite weeklies or monthlies),
- Inability to distinguish ads from non-sponsored content - various brands and stores appear more and more often in Facebook search results. An unaware senior will not know that clicking on them may transfer him / her to a store (e.g. a foreign one), which may make him lose his orientation in the website.
Introducing a senior to the world of social media can contributenew energy to his life. Facebook is also a way to deal with loneliness and alienation - older people can not only maintain contacts with loved ones and refresh old friends, but also establish new relationships.
When creating a social media account for a senior, remember to explain to him how social media works. Let's go through them step by step to avoid a situation where the elderly left alone will not know how to navigate on Facebook. Let's show him that skilful use of new technologies can bring a breath of fresh air to life.

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