How does a dog affect human he alth? It is said that the dog heals and makes us better. However, in order for human-dog communication to run as smoothly as possible, you need to take care of your pet. So read on, what is the impact of a dog on human he alth and how to take care of a dog!
Speaking ofthe impact of dogs on human he althit is worth mentioning at the beginning that the dog, next to the cat, is one of our favorite pets. We quickly appreciated its advantages:dogis easy to keep, easily adapts to various conditions, reads our intentions very quickly. Favors for praise. Loyal. He wants to serve and deserve us. He is idolatrous, unconditionally in love with us. It is very pleasant and good for the psyche to be so worshiped. It is also worth remembering thatthe influence of a dog on human he althis considerable, and we should repay the dog with proper care.
Does the dog sense human disease?
Today, the dog has become indispensable for humans - it can be trained and trained, it is a guide for the blind and the disabled, it protects against bad guys, helps in saving catastrophe victims, and looks for missing people. It can also heal. In 1989, the Lancet magazine described a case of a golden retriever who was interested in the changes in his mistress's skin. He sniffed and licked them until she checked in. It turned out that she had melanoma - a dangerous skin cancer. was in its infancy.
Since then, scientists have been working on using dogs' ability to diagnose cancerearly . In a British clinic in Amersham, after several months of research, it was found that dogs can sniff out even minimal amounts of breast and lung cancer cells in human urine.
In a clinic in Liverpool, three dogs were observed barking to signal glucose deficiency in their diabetic owners. Probably the sensitive sense of smell registered changes in the blood composition. Perhaps the animals also responded to muscle tremors in critically ill people. Some pets have the ability to alert you to a heart attack.
Dog like vitamin
Doctors confirm what all dog lovers know without research: pets motivate to recovery. For the elderly andlonely people can be a blessing. They allow you to forget about problems and relieve tensions. By their grace, they soothe the sadness of loneliness. The necessity to go out with them, play and take care of them gives meaning to the following days, and brings the will to live again. The dog is also beneficial for the youngest. In his presence, babies develop better: they make their first attempts to crawl and walk faster. Often the first words are directed to the dog! Olderchildrenthe quadruped teaches responsibility and tolerance, helps them overcome shyness in showing feelings, gives them greater self-confidence and a sense of security. It not only calms you down, but also has a positive effect on intellectual abilities. Experts say that thanks to a dog, it is easier for a young man to establish contacts with peers and adults.
Statistics show that dog owners go to the doctor less often. The phenomenon was independently investigated by scientists from the USA, Australia and Germany. It has been proven that intercourse with dogs reduces the risk of a heart attack, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, helps fight overweight, lowers blood pressure and the level of bad cholesterol, and alleviates the effects of rheumatism and joint problems. It seems quite obvious, because these ailments are related to the lack of exercise, which is not a threat to dog owners.
It also turned out that doggies are more resistant to stress and neurosis. They are not tormented by insomnia, they are less likely to get angry, and less likely to have mental disorders. The dog just adds cheerfulness. It is also conducive to establishing interpersonal contacts. In his company, the biggest mutt is more likely to talk to others. It has been noticed that with their pets, people change the tone of their voice, have a more friendly expression, relax their muscles, smile more often and behave more calmly. These observations became the basis of dogotherapy.
Children growing up with a dog or a cat deal with stress better
Worth knowingDogotherapy - a dog's beneficial influence on he alth
In the last dozen or so years, the help of dogs in the treatment of chronically ill people, rehabilitation of the disabled and handicapped children, and even the rehabilitation of prisoners has been appreciated. Volunteers with gentle, pet-friendly dogs made regular visits to US hospitals, nursing homes, and places of detention. It turned out that even such a small dose of a dog's heart works wonders.
Also in Poland, dogs are already used in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, poorly speaking, blind, shy, having problems with making contacts, or vice versa - hyperactive.
Dog allergy
Some children and peopleadults are allergic to the dog. It sensitizes not only the hair, but also exfoliated epidermis, saliva, urine and faeces to a varying degree. Dog allergens can be the cause of hay fever, blemishes, itchy hives, conjunctivitis, swelling, and trouble breathing.
Since it is the amount of allergens that determines whether we will have allergic symptoms, we can prevent it to some extent:
- Don't let your pet sleep in the bed. The dog should have its place in the house.
- Don't let your dog lick your baby's mouth.
- Always wash your hands after playing with your dog.
- Sprinkle your dog with water once a week (too frequent baths in cleansing agents destroy the protective layer of grease on the coat).
- Wash your pet's bedding every few days. Beat them every day.
- Clean carpets and upholstery frequently, use a vacuum cleaner with extra filters.
We must limit contacts with dogs and other fur animals for every allergic child. On the other hand, if one of the household members is clearly allergic to the dog, confirmed by tests and observations - unfortunately, it must be isolated from the dog. Pharmacological desensitization is costly and still does not eliminate the risk. Of course, a man who has had a dog for years and is attached to him (always with reciprocity) cannot just get rid of him from home. However, he must keep his distance and precautions.
It is worth knowing that they sensitize both long-haired and short-haired dogs, and even hairless (a Mexican naked dog can cause the same reactions as a St. Bernard). But surprisingly, we can also be allergic to one dog and not another dog! If a child wants a dog very much and is not allergic to it (test results are negative), but is prone to allergies at all, then it is better not to risk it, because a predisposition to allergies can develop at any time.
For consolation: children raised from birth with pets suffer less often - these are the results of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Therefore, before giving birth, do not get rid of your beloved four-legged friend! Not only will you cause him great harm, but you will deprive your child of important experiences, and secondly, due to excessive sterility, of immune protection.
Dog behavior - you won't change nature
Even though the dog has been domesticated over 10,000 years ago, still exhibiting atavistic behavior. And we cannot accept them. However, he cannot be punished for them.
- Rolling around in mud, droppings and carrion and other debris (to mask your own smell - although researchers disagree).
- Burying treasures, e.g. slightly spoiled onesbones - half of the trouble, if under the fence, worse if in the middle of a well-kept bed or in the owner's bed.
- Digging the garden and the importance of it with urine (dogs destroy conifers by pissing them, bitches burn marks on the lawn).
- Hunting behavior - chasing a fast-moving object, not necessarily related to aggression (when the cat stops, the dog does not catch it at all).
- Barking. Dogs thus warn, call for help, inform. They cannot be forbidden or indicated when they are allowed, when not (God forbid at night in the stairwell; only the thief, not the unknown aunt; the thief and the aunt are the same intruder).
- Strong reproductive instinct. He directs the males constantly, in bitches he is heard twice a year. It is associated with various inconveniences, such as strong odor of males and staining of the floor and furniture by a female in heat. You can take care of the bitch somehow, keeping her on the leash, although we have to take into account the queue of lovers at the door. However, it is difficult to keep even the most obedient male at home when he feels the call of blood.
Should I sterilize my dog?
There are too many unwanted puppies in the world. Better not to contribute to it. Unless we are going to establish a culture, it is worth considering the possibility of sterilization. The treatment relieves the animal from stress during heat. And us too. By the way: it's a superstition that a female dog should have puppies at least once in her life.
Hormonal contraceptives may only be used on an ad hoc basis. They disrupt the body and increase the risk of pyoma, which poisons very quickly and can lead to the bitch's death. One hundred percent sterilization protects against this disease, prevents all diseases of the reproductive organ and imaginary pregnancy. In a young female (after the first heat), it also significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.
Depriving a male of his reproductive capacity, or castration, is the shelling of the testicles from the scrotum. In females, removal of the ovaries (usually together with the uterus) is associated with the opening of the abdominal cavity. This is a more serious operation, but when done properly, it does not cause complications and, thanks to painkillers, it does not cause suffering to the animal.
Many people are afraid of the surgeon's knife and anesthesia, but also the effects of sterilization: lethargy, tendency to put on weight, urinary incontinence. As for concerns about behavioral changes, animals that are sterilized for longer are in great shape. Gaining weight happens, but maintaining a he althy weight is not difficult - it is enough to reduce the amount and caloric content of food and go for longer walks. Urinary incontinence is sometimes a consequence of a lack of hormones; it can be remedied by surrenderyour pet for hormonal treatment.
ImportantTo the question: "What to do if the dog is at home alone for half a day due to household activities?" the answer is the dog is not for you. And if you already have a dog, buy him another or a cat to accompany him.
Every dog has a strong herd instinct. It feels safe when all household members are together. Left alone for hours, he will be unhappy, because firstly he doesn't know you're coming back, and secondly - mentally, he can't stand loneliness. It may have symptoms of neurosis, e.g. excessive licking or biting the paws to the point of wounds, destroying home furnishings.
Dog care
The animal needs to be fed, cleaned after it, brush its fur (which helps it get rid of dead hair and leave less hair on the floor), cut its claws, pay attention to clean eyes, ears and teeth. He should be regularly given vitamins and vaccinations - not only against rabies, but also dangerous infectious diseases such as distemper and parvovirosis. Protect against ticks and fleas and deworming four times a year, because gastrointestinal parasites are dangerous to humans. Help in illness (you must not give "human" drugs, especially painkillers!).
With flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) - allergic to substances contained in flea saliva - the dog gnaws hair on the back, thighs or near the tail, which leads to skin damage and, consequently, to bacterial infections. These symptoms can be caused by the bites of even one flea (contrary to popular belief, a dog's epidermis is more delicate than a human's). In the fight against fleas, use agents that kill not only adult insects, but also their eggs and larvae that live in carpets, soft furniture, floor cracks, in the car and on the plot - in and around the house.
Often, fleas are not visible on a dog, because they can jump off after eating. You can easily find out if a dog has fleas by brushing its fur over a damp piece of paper. When the sheet turns red, it means that the digested blood contained in the flea faeces has dissolved. Faeces (black powder in the coat) also indicate the presence of fleas. Go to the doctor for injection and pills, and then bathe your dog and put on a flea collar (it also usually repels ticks) or apply a spot-on medicine.
For bathing, never use your own or children's, even the most delicate shampoo, because it excessively acidifies the dog's skin and irritates it. Only specialized veterinary preparations (shampoos, microfiber gloves) can be used.
Dog hygiene and excrement cleaning
Fighting fleas is very important becauseprevents tapeworm (a dog becomes infected by swallowing a flea infected with tapeworm eggs). Roundworms (Toxocara worms) and lamellae are also dangerous. The sandboxes are full of these parasite eggs. It is worth realizing that you can get infected with toxocariasis, tapeworm and giardiasis without having a dog. And that these diseases are spread by all dogs, not just homeless dogs, if they are not wormed regularly. That is why it is so important to clean dog poop from the streets and lawns. We do not understand this obviousness. In this respect, we have not yet caught up with Europe.
What should the dog eat?
The dog only has 1,700 taste buds (9,000 human), so he is not a very sophisticated foodie. But contrary to appearances, his digestive system is very delicate. It also has a structure different from ours. Therefore, although a dog is omnivorous like a human, it cannot eat the same. We are often tempted to give him leftovers from the table "so that he doesn't get wasted." This is a mistake. Spices and chemical additives in human food can be harmful to your dog. Certain products (e.g. raw chicken egg white, potatoes, onions, thick groats, legumes and cruciferous vegetables) are also not suitable for it. The saying "no sausage for the dog" is wise and true. Applies to all cold cuts. The dog should receive vegetables, fruit and grain products as well as meat and dairy products. When we prepare food at home, remember that we are responsible for the wise preparation and selection of nutrients. They must be complete (a full set of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals), in the right proportions and have the right energy value in relation to the needs (depending on the age, he alth, weight, conditions and lifestyle of the pet).
In order for us not to bother with composing meals, we have prepared ready-made feeds that can be selected according to the age and preferences of our pet, and even its ailments. If you use dry pellets, do not forget that your dog always has fresh water in the bowl. Treats are necessary as a reward in raising a pet. However, they cannot be sweets: cookies, biscuits, candies, and especially chocolate! It contains theobromine, a substance that dogs, unlike humans, cannot digest. It binds to hemoglobin and prevents oxygen from being transported through the blood. In a small dog, eating the entire tablet may be fatal or cause breathing difficulties, bruising of the mucous membranes. The rescue is through injections containing a hemoglobin deblocking agent and the administration of pure oxygen.
Bones - these are classic dog delicacies. They are a source of calcium (though not as much as it seems), they clean the teeth and are also a good toy. But noall. Ideally, the bone should be large, such as beef or veal. It needs to be boiled a little. Long bones of poultry and rabbits or other small animals are excluded, and all fragile bones that could break into sharp splinters and cut the gums, or worse, stick in the digestive tract or lead to its perforation. Too much bone can cause constipation and indigestion.
You must do itThink before adopting or buying a dog
- Try to predict how much and how irrevocably will change in our lives.
- Check if your condition can handle it - every dog for he alth should run at least 3 km a day, and greyhounds and sled dogs - much more. Some people need 2-3 hours of activity a day - and not on a leash.
- Answer the question: what will I do when I get a cheap trip abroad and no one wants to take care of my dog at that time? Or: how will my messy dance floor withstand puddles made by a puppy? Will I easily come to terms with the destruction of furniture or the loss of the best pair of shoes chewed by itchy teeth?
- Activate your imagination. See with the eyes of the soul a real cataclysm which is for the home at least twice a year intensive exchange of hair in dogs of some breeds - the loss of undercoat tufts and the so-called. top coat hair. It doesn't always last only two weeks, it can go on longer.
- Think in advance what you will do with your dog during the trip. During the summer holidays you can meet emaciated dog misfortunes on the roads, and shelters all over Poland are constantly overcrowded.
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