The cat apparently walks its own paths, is sometimes haughty and doesn't care about people. Meanwhile, she is able to trust people and becomes very attached to them. The cat is even friendlier towards us than towards representatives of its own species. Read about the breeds of cats, learn a bit about their personality and learn about other interesting facts.
- Cat and he alth
- Cat: breeds
- Cat and attachment to the owner
- Cat and allergy
- Cat and sterilization
- Cat: what is his diet like?
- Cat: interesting facts
Cat , unlike a dog, not only is able to adapt, he is also very effective … he raises his guardians. Anyone who lives with a cat under the same roof will confirm it without hesitation. Don't we run on call (admittedly, quite insistent) to refill the bowl?
And if a cat takes pride in the newspaper you are reading, we humbly accept it as a righteous reproach that we were paying attention to her and not to him. When, in turn, it sits on our lap, we are proud of this undoubted distinction. In return for patience and susceptibility to cat pedagogical methods, we get something extraordinary: cat love.
Spontaneous, devoid of calculation and willingness to please. Unconditional and shown completely disinterested - unless … it's just about dinner time.
Cats sometimes treat us like a surrogate mother throughout their lives, demanding caresses and constant attention. On the other hand, cats show rather maternal feelings. Sometimes they wash us and even try to feed us.
Cat and he alth
The presence of a cat has a positive effect on our he alth, because, among others, reduces the level of stress. When heart patients were studied, those who looked after cats had a decrease in nervous tension, and during direct contact (stroking, talking to the animal) a decrease in blood pressure.
The presence of a cat among people with pre-infarction disease even determined their survival. It has also been proven that if mentally ill people were allowed to look after their cats, they regained their equilibrium of spirit and learned to express their emotions.
Having a cat reduces the risk of a heart attack - this is the conclusion of scientists from the University of Minnesotaafter 10 years of research on more than four thousand Americans for between 30 and 75 years.
A cat can relieve pain - if you put a cat on its lap, it warms up. Blood vessels widen from heat. The place has better blood supply, heals faster and hurts less.
Cat: breeds
Determining how many cat breeds we distinguish is not easy. The international felinology organization TICA distinguishes 58 breeds, the CFA (Cat Lovers Association) - 44, and the Fédération Internationale Féline - 43.
It is worth adding that these classifications only apply to domestic cats, and the total number of purebred cats is around 3 percent. The most popular cat breeds are:
- persian cat
- Siberian cat
- Siamese cat
- Bengal cat
- exotic shorthair cat
- Turkish angora cat
- cat maine coon
- ragdoll cat
- cat donski sphinx
- Burmese cat
Find out what the care of cats from different breeds should look like and check their characters:
British cat (aristocrat cat): character, weight, most common diseases
Persian cat: demanding dandy. Character, diseases, care
Siberian cat: strong and smart. Character, weight, diseases
See who works for your he alth!
Cat and attachment to the owner
The cat is a great companion, especially for lonely people. He is very affectionate and outgoing. Not only is he willing to be petted, but also - what is unusual in domestic animals - he pushes back.
All cats, without exception, each in their own way, express emotions and make demands. They signal moods with body and tail movements, ear positioning, facial expressions.
Siamese cats are known talkers. Some breeders even claim that they can call their sitter by a name (single or complex sound) that they gave him.
Cats draw attention to themselves by rubbing against the handler's legs, nudging their heads and meowing. They make all kinds of modulated noises.
They can ask gently and insistently demand. Some clearly correspond to humans and sometimes a real conversation between the cat and its handler may occur. There are cats that are more and less talkative - it depends on the character of the individual, as well as the breed.
The most pleasant for us is purring. It is "turned on" like an internal motor, under the influence of substances secreted in the brain when the cat feels pleasure. If he notices that tasty food has been prepared for him, he also often purrs in gratitude.
At animalstemperamental purring is punctuated by soft shouts of joy. Even small kittens purr, especially during feeding. But sometimes sick or even dying cats purr.
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A well-groomed and happy cat lives 15 years, and sometimes even longer. All the more so, the decision to take it under your roof should be carefully considered. Especially that not all of them are suitable for cat owners and roommates. It is worth knowing that a cat is a wayward creature. Usually it does not come on call.
Grimace while eating. Those who want to have a clutter-free creation and decoration of the apartment should not think about getting themselves a cat, he happens to break vases, sometimes he has a nasty habit of scratching the couch. And at night, our feet sticking out from under the duvet will fall victim to his hunting aspirations.

Cat and allergy
A cat is not an animal for allergy sufferers - allergenic substances are not found in the fur, but in the animal's saliva and in the exfoliated epidermis. The cat, washing itself, spreads them all over the body. And then an allergic reaction can be triggered by even stroking.
On the other hand, it is known that in children who are in constant contact with a cat before the age of two, the risk of becoming allergic is significantly reduced. Therefore, getting rid of a cat when a baby is born is a harm to both parties.
Of course, if there is a baby in the house, basic precautions must be taken, ie the animal must be regularly dewormed and driven away, as well as vaccinated against infectious diseases. Also, you should never leave him alone with your baby or let him play with your toddler's toys and sleep in his crib.
How do cats stay clean?The cleanliness of the cat is proverbial. But licking the fur is more than just a hygiene procedure. It not only removes dust and food debris, but also smoothes the hair coat, which therefore provides a good insulating layer and plays an important role in the thermoregulation process.
Since the cat's skin has no sweat glands, the pet easily overheats at high temperatures. Moistening the fur with saliva, which then evaporates, cools the body as effectively as sweat. Even small kittens are kept clean. As predators instinctivelythey try to cover all traces of themselves and not reveal their smells. Their mother teaches them how to care for their fur, the rest is ours.
Usually it is enough to show the litter box filled with litter. Most cats learn to use it easily. With time, they will mobilize us to keep it clean, because nothing disgusts them like an unclean toilet. Interestingly, the cat also cleans itself when it is upset. This discharges the voltage.
Cat and sterilization
Many of us have mixed feelings about sterilization procedures, which involve the removal of he althy organs. It's like rape in nature. However, the main argument in favor of sterilization is that by breeding our domestic animals, we condemn others to death.
Suppose a pair of cats produces offspring twice a year and that three kittens out of each litter survive. This would increase the cat population 30 times in 10 years! Most of its representatives wander in garbage cans, some, if they are lucky, end up in shelters.
The remaining arguments apply directly to our student. A male who senses a female in heat nearby will do anything to get to her. It will squeeze through the tiniest crack in a door or window, pass any fence or street, disregarding cars, dogs and other dangers.
Females behave in a similar way during heat, which repeats itself cyclically, regardless of the season, at longer or shorter intervals. In order to escape from the apartment, open the door, jump out of the window, the cats show remarkable ingenuity.
Often they don't come back from such sexual escapades. And to this must be added the suffering of dissatisfaction. Do you need to persuade further? Kittens must also be sterilized for he alth reasons - the administration of hormonal contraceptives may lead to pyrethra and malignant tumors.
Contrary to what is believed, sterilization does not affect character. And if, then only in a positive sense. The animal becomes less aggressive, less prone to wandering, and more relaxed. In the case of males, the problem of the importance of the terrain and specific smell disappears.

Cats and toxoplasmosis
Sometimes doctors suggest that we get rid of the cat when we plan on having a baby. They warn against toxoplasmosis. It is a parasitic disease caused by a protozoanToxoplasma gondii . Cats are its ultimate host.
They get infected, incl. by eating infected raw meat or through contact with other cats and theirsfeces. Similarly, a person can become infected with toxoplasmosis. The disease is dangerous for pregnant women. As a result, you may miscarry or seriously harm your unborn child.
Not every contact with a cat, however, means getting sick. You should not be afraid of infection if there are antibodies in the woman's blood (that is, the expectant mother has previously had contact with toxoplasmosis). There is also no risk if a cat lives in the house that does not go outside and does not get raw meat.
Of course, basic precautions should always be taken: a pregnant woman should not clean the litter box, and if she has to, wear gloves and a face mask. Then the risk will be negligible.
- What can you get infected from a cat? What diseases do cats transmit?
Cat: what is his diet like?
The cat claims the right to decide about the contents of its bowl. However, do not succumb to his whims, because additional treats go "into his hips".
An overweight cat loses its natural temperament, plays reluctantly, is less and less agile, but more prone to injuries, even when jumping from the wardrobe. He suffers from respiratory diseases and gastric problems, he is at risk of diabetes.
The cat's diet must be properly balanced. A deficiency of just one vitamin or micronutrient can cause he alth problems. Food also has a caring meaning.
Hard dry food removes plaque from plaque and prevents scaling. There are also special types of food that help to prevent clumps of hair from accumulating in the digestive tract, which can cause an "unexplained" death of the animal.
Cat: senses
When a cat does not respond to a call, it does not mean that it cannot hear. Sometimes, to make sure that he is being addressed with ingratiating "kitty, kitty", he will turn one ear towards the person calling.
This precision instrument is equipped with 30 muscles (human muscles only have six). A cat's hearing is many times better than a dog's. Can distinguish between very high frequency sounds that are inaudible to humans and dogs. This allows him to locate the victim (a scratching mouse) from a distance of several hundred meters.
We can envy our cats' eyesight. They can see six times better than humans. They can distinguish the figure of the guardian from a distance of 100 m. On every square millimeter of the cat's eye retina there are 400,000 sensory cells that react to light and movement.
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When is the cat castrated? Preparation and course of the treatment
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The cat's field of view is panoramic - it is 285 degrees.
Thanks to the phenomenon of photoluminescence, i.e. the reflection of light by the retina, a cat can see as well in the dark as in full light. Always with the same sharpness.
This is due to the pupils, which precisely regulate the amount of light reaching the retina. Therefore, the cat can stare at the sun.
Field orientation
The cat's sense of orientation in the field is also extraordinary. Even from a distance of several kilometers, the animal is able to return home. In addition, it will find the shortest path.
Probably something resembling an acoustic image, in which sounds characteristic for a given area are registered.
For orientation in space, apart from hearing and sight, the cat's whiskers and eyebrows are used, as well as short hairs on the inside of the paws - these are specific antennas that allow you to study the temperature and other properties of the environment and objects found in it.
Cat: interesting facts
It is not true that:
- A dog and a cat cannot live under the same roof. Due to their different characters, these animals are considered natural enemies. However, friendship between them is possible and not uncommon at all. Most dogs tolerate the presence of a cat, as long as the wise handler does not piss them off at each other or try to befriend them by force. Ideally, the puppy and the kitten should come home at the same time. Growing up together, they learn each other's behavior and body language.
- A cat always falls on its feet and does not hurt itself. A falling cat is trying to set its paws down. But even if he succeeds, it does not mean that he comes out of trouble unscathed - on contact with the ground, his mouth breaks, severe internal injuries (e.g. bladder rupture) and fractures. So you can't expect too much from a cat's dexterity. Windows and balconies on the floors must always be secured with mesh.
- Can be left alone for hours. Indeed, usually a cat is very good at taking care of itself and endures loneliness better than a dog. But he is not happy at all then. Therefore, it is best if he has another cat with him.
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