Carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide, CO), commonly known as carbon monoxide poisoning, is a common type of poisoning, usually caused by blocked chimneys, clogged ventilation grilles or poor ventilation in various rooms.

Chadis dangerous because it is odorless and colorless. If we ignore the firstsymptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning , the consequences could be dire. Chad is absorbed by the respiratory tract, it connects, among others, with hemoglobin and hinders the transport of oxygen to the lungs and the discharge of oxygen to the tissues. This results in hypoxia and, consequently, damage to internal organs and death.

Smoke symptoms

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoningdepend on the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air and the exposure time to inhalation. The first symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is headache. This is followed by: dizziness, vomiting, light-headedness, weakness, pain in the extremities, convulsions, increased heart rate and breathing, loss of consciousness, and in the event of exposure to a very high concentration of carbon monoxide, death in a short time. A characteristic symptom of acute carbon monoxide poisoning is also a clearly red color of the skin.

Symptoms of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning

People regularly poisoned with carbon monoxide may complain of frequent headaches, deterioration of memory and logical thinking ability, loss of appetite, deteriorated sense of smell, insomnia, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, blue skin. Long-term inhalation of even small amounts of carbon monoxide is very harmful to the body.
