Heat and chronic disease - this combination may or may not be dangerous. However, it is necessary to take precautions. So how to deal with heat when we suffer from cardiovascular diseases, nervous system disorders, asthma and COPD, diabetes or have problems with the veins?
Heat and chronic diseases - in the case of some diseases, climate change itself can be a serious burden for the body and therefore the purpose of the trip must be carefully thought out so that the symptoms of the disease do not worsen, and sometimes life is at risk. In the heat, the blood vessels dilate quite quickly, the heart speeds up, and the skin is covered with sweat beads.
This is a signal that the body protects itself against overheating and tries to maintain the proper body temperature. This natural system of cooling down the body, however, can be disrupted when we suffer from chronic diseases. And although you should not go overboard, it is better to pay attention to your well-being on hot days and report any deterioration in your he alth to your doctor.
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Heat and cardiovascular diseases
People who have heart problems should protect themselves from excessive sun, rest in partial shade and always protect their heads from the sun's rays. You should not go to the tropics or extremely high mountains.
High temperature means that the human body focuses all its energy on fighting the heat. To support the body, avoid fatty, hard-to-digest food and high blood pressure. Let's switch to light and fresh dishes that will provide the necessary nutrients. On hot days, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day, alcohol and coffee are excluded.
In people with cardiovascular diseases, high ambient temperature may cause shortness of breath, visual disturbances and chest pain. In hot weather, the tendency to blood clots also increases.
People suffering from hypertension who noticed symptoms such as: dry, tiring night cough, excessive urination, hand tremors, increased sweating, dizziness or cold legs and hands should contact a doctor.
Heat and system disordersnervous
The heat pouring from the sky contributes to a decrease in concentration, brings laziness, drowsiness, anxiety and irritation. Therefore, people with disorders of the nervous system on hot days should spend more time resting and relaxing. It is worth adding that weakening of the nervous system may also adversely affect the circulatory system. In such a situation, the salvation can be an after-dinner nap, thanks to which we will calm our nerves and let our heart work slower.
Heat, asthma and COPD
Heat is a difficult time for people suffering from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They run the risk of drying out the mucosa that lines the airways. Dried mucosa reacts more often and faster to irritating factors getting into the respiratory tract.
Therefore, you should always carry your inhaler with your medication, which can be used in case of shortness of breath. You also need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and protect yourself from the sun between 10 and 16.
Heat and vein problems
If we have a long plane journey, let's wear loose clothing and socks that do not press on the calves. During the flight, we are immobilized in place, but you can move your feet, tighten the calf muscles to help the blood drain from the legs.
However, when traveling by car, let's stop from time to time and walk a bit to activate the muscle pump in the calves, which will stimulate the blood to circulate faster. Before going on vacation, it is worth supporting the body by taking, after consultation with a doctor, for at least a week preparations strengthening blood vessels and anti-inflammatory.
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