To stay he althy and mentally fit in old age, follow a diet rich in antioxidants, engage in regular sports, and don't forget about constant, daily mental effort.

It's true that we live longer and longer, but is there anything we can do to celebrate our 100th birthday in good he althand condition? It turns out that it is. Two American scientists Steven Austad, a zoologist at the University of Idaho, and Jay Olshansky, a longevity expert at the University of Chicago, in 2001 donated $ 300 to a fund they set up. Fueled by small amounts each year, it will increase to half a billion dollars in 2150. If at least one of those who are young children today survives this year, the entire sum will go to Austad's heirs. If not, the money will go to the descendants of Olshansky. Scientists, knowing that the record life expectancy to date is 122 years, made a bet that anyone in the world would live to be 150 years old. And they allotted a time for it: the next 150 years. Can anyone do it? The optimist Steven Austad thinks so. Becauselongevitydepends on genes and luck. So far, there is not much that can be done with genes, but we can help luck a little.

Diet for he alth

Żywieniowcy recommend that we eat small meals 5 times a day and not eat in between. At least 2 meals should be vegetarian (preferably morning and noon). In this way, we will be sure that we provide the body with a sufficient amount ofantioxidants , substances that "sweep" free radicals and thus delay the aging process. Our menu should include 5 servings of vegetables and fruits - about 2 kg a day. Let's also replace white bread with dark, whole grains rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. Drink a cup of natural yoghurt with live bacteria every day. At least twice a week, eat fish. Reasonable diet and exercise help avoid obesity that shortens your life.

Sleep for he alth in old age

Get some sleep. Scientists asked the long-lived how many hours it took them to sleep. It turned out that most sleep 6-7 hours a night. For our body, sleep is the best, which lasts no more than 8 hours and no less than 4 hours. It is important to us for many reasons: then accelerated cell renewal takes place"Renovation" of the system that controls the metabolism, more blood flows to the muscles, protein synthesis and hormone production are increased. So we need sleep like oxygen. It allows us to regenerate both physically and mentally. It enables us to function well the next day.

Don't smoke - you'll stay he althy in your old age

Just don't smoke. Each smoked cigarette reduces our lives by five and a half minutes. This is probably reason enough to quit this addiction. There are about 4,000 in tobacco smoke. substances, 40 of which are carcinogenic. Nicotine kills antioxidants, which is why smoking cigarettes accelerates the development of atherosclerosis. Women who smoke go through the menopause about 2 years earlier. Nicotine also accelerates the development of osteoporosis (after 10 years of addiction, bone density is 2% lower than in non-smokers). Smoker's skin ages faster. As proven by American scientists, quitting smoking is worthwhile at any age. After 3-9 months, cough, shortness of breath and breathing problems disappear. 5 years of abstinence reduces the risk of a heart attack in half compared to a person who still smokes. After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer is half that of a smoker and the risk of a heart attack is the same as a person who has never smoked.

Nerves in check

Fight your stress. The stress hormones that our ancestors released in response to danger were neutralized during a fight or flight. Currently, we stress for mundane reasons and we usually cannot react to it. The body's levels of adrenaline, glucose, free fatty acids and triglycerides increase. If these substances are not neutralized, they will adversely affect the functioning of our body. We don't have an opportunity to fight and flee (fortunately, I guess), so try to avoid stress. And if we find ourselves in a crisis, let's just take a break, breathe deeply, count to 10, or analyze the situation by asking ourselves many times, "And what will happen then?" which would make us so nervous. " Remember that there is no way out.

Bright head of life will add

Train your mind. Ian Deary from the University of Edinburgh was researching 80-year-olds. In childhood, each of them solved the so-called intelligence tests (IQ). Those who once achieved very good results, i.e. a high IQ, in old age coped much better with the problems of everyday life, lived longer and in better he alth. So let's train the mind: let's solve crosswords, puzzles, tests and constantly deepen our knowledge by reading, watching interesting TV programs, participating invarious kinds of meetings with interesting people.

Make it before illness

Examine yourself. Each disease weakens our vitality. Regular preventive examinations allow to detect many diseases at such a stage of their development that they are usually easy to cure. Therefore, we must not forget about the pressure test (at each visit to the doctor), taking the ECG (once every 1-3 years), determining the level of cholesterol (once every 2 years) and blood sugar (once every 1-3 years). Women must remember to regularly examine their breasts (monthly - self-examination, and every 2 years - ultrasound or mammography) and cytology (once a year), and men - to check the prostate gland (every 2 years).

Pleasures until old age

Don't avoid sex. The more positive stimuli we provide to the body, the greater the chances of reaching old age. And such a positive stimulus is sex, says Dr. David Weeks of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Royal Hospital in Edinburgh. He studied 70-year-olds who had been celibate for some time, and their peers who had regular partners and made love systematically. According to the researcher, the latter were on average 5 years younger than their birth records. Sex has a beneficial effect on the mature body: it oxygenates it, speeds up metabolism, strengthens muscles, allows you to sleep better, satisfies the need for closeness, relieves tension and improves mood.

For two longer

Say goodbye to loneliness. Elderly people, when asked about their recipe for longevity, often say: "I have someone to live for." Scientists also believe that an active life among friends, alongside loved ones, has a positive effect on our psyche and well-being. on the general condition of the body. So let's not give up our favorite activities, hobbies or activities that make us happy only because, due to our age, "it does not fall out". Let us surround ourselves with friends and let us not deny ourselves the pleasure. We should also remember that numerous scientific studies confirm that a successful marriage extends the life of both women and men. So let's take care of our other half.


The best way to stay he althy is to exercise. Movement, however, is effective when we perform it systematically, intensively and in the right dose. In order to maintain good condition for many years, we should remember about the index 3 x 30 x 130. It means that every person who does not work physically must exercise at least 3 times a week and for 30 minutes of each training his heart rate should be approx. 130. Exercise recommended by doctors does not have to be a competitive sport. It is enough that, for example, we willwalk rhythmically, jog or cycle, play soccer, swim, do aerobics and even dance.

Life is beautiful

Be an optimist. American scientists, who measure and research almost everything, decided to check how optimism and pessimism affect our he alth. And what was the result of their inquiries? Well, scientists from the Mayo Clinic have calculated that optimists live 10-12 years longer than pessimists. They get sick less often, overcome their ailments faster and recover. They are more willing and more likely to examine themselves, visit doctors, and then scrupulously follow their instructions. Pessimists - the opposite. Since they immediately assume that nothing will help them, they neglect their he alth.

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