Excess beta-globulin in the blood may indicate kidney disease, acute liver damage. The decrease in the value of beta-globulins accompanies liver diseases, inflammatory processes and tumors. It can also be associated with iron deficiency or blood clotting disorder - the latter may be indicated by coagulation factors belonging to the beta-globulin group.

Globulins- are proteins responsible for immune mechanisms. These proteins are insoluble in pure water, only in dilute s alt solutions. They are an important component of the cytoplasm and are present in blood plasma, milk and muscle tissue. Belong to them.Beta-glubulinsare blood plasma proteins. These include, among others: beta-lipoproteins, plasminogen, trasnrin, factorsblood coagulation , angiotensins, enzymes and immunoglobulins from the IgM and IgA groups.
Biological material for testing there is blood. The test is diagnostic. A single result is for illustration only and cannot be used to diagnose the disease. Always consult your doctor about the result.

Blood beta-globulin values ​​

The correct concentration of beta-globulin is 6.3 - 9.1 g / L (which is 9-13% of the total protein concentration)

Increased values ​​of beta-globulins

Increased beta-globulin concentration occurs in the case of:

  • multiple myeloma
  • Waldenstoerm disease
  • cancer
  • of nephrotic syndrome
  • liver disease
  • amyloidosis
  • pregnant women - in the third trimester this symptom is normal

Values ​​of beta-globulins below the norm

Reduction in beta-globulin concentration is observed in the case of:

  • inborn disorders of protein synthesis
  • chronic damage to the liver parenchyma
  • states of starvation, malnutrition, malnutrition
  • digestive and absorption disorders
  • intestinal inflammation
  • of nephrotic syndrome
  • skin inflammation
  • burns
  • chronic bleeding
  • liver damage
  • cancer
  • hyperthyroidism
  • sepsis
