Polycythemia (hyperaemia) is true blood disease in which there is an excess of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Polycythaemia (hyperaemia) is very dangerous because it can develop into acute myeloid leukemia. What are the causes and symptoms of polycythemia vera? What is the treatment?
Czerwienica( hyperchemia) true , otherwiseVaquez-Osler disease , it's a blood disease belonging to myeloproliferative diseases, i.e. those in the course of which there is an overproduction of one or more morphotic components of the blood. In the case of polycythemia vera overproduction of all basic blood elements occurs:
- red blood cells (erythrocytes)
- granulocytes (a type of leukocytes - white blood cells)
- platelets
These abnormalities can be seen in a simple study such asmorphology .
True polycythemia (hyperaemia) occurs with a frequency of about 2.5 / 100,000. The disease is most often diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 80, with the peak incidence at the age of 60. Only about 5 percent. patients are diagnosed with the disease before the age of 40.
true red (hyperchemia) - causes
The causes of polycythemia vera are unknown. It has been scientifically shown that ionizing radiation is a factor increasing the risk of its development.
There is also a genetic predisposition to develop polycythemia vera. In this case, the disease is caused by a mutation in the JAK2 tyrosine kinase gene.
True red (hyperaemia) - symptoms
The most common symptoms of polycythemia (occurring in approximately 50% of patients) are:
- headaches
- itchy skin (especially after a hot bath)
- fatigue
- dizziness
- visual disturbance
- weight loss
- stomach ache
- erythroderma - redness and peeling of most (90%) of the skin surface
- erythromelalgia (redness and pain in the hands and feet)
- cyanosis of lips
- liver enlargement
Besides, there may be nosebleed or gastrointestinal bleeding, skin ulceration and gout developmenturanowa.
Czerwienica (hyperemia) true - diagnosis
In order to diagnose the disease,blood tests are performed . Then there is an increased concentration of hemoglobin. In more than half of patients an increased number of platelets is observed, and in 40% patients with an increased number of leukocytes (mainly neutrophils).
The bone marrow is also collected. With polycythemia, cells that produce blood elements are overactive.
In the course of diagnostics, the doctor should exclude two other types of polycythemia - secondary polycythemia and pseudo polycythemia.
true red (hyperaemia) - treatment
Blood is drained, initially every few days, then every 3-4 months, to keep red blood cell levels close to normal and lead to iron deficiency as this delays the process of rapid red blood cell mass build-up. Low doses of acetylsalicylic acid are also used.
Cytoregulatory drugs are used in people who, for various reasons, cannot tolerate blood loss. The type of drug, however, depends on the patient's age, physical and mental condition, comorbidities and morphology assessment.
Polycythemia true - serious complications
In the course of polycythemia vera, coagulation disorders may occur, which may result in diseases such as:
- stroke
- heart attack
- superficial or deep vein thrombosis
- pulmonary embolism
In extreme cases, leukemia may develop. It is these complications that are the main cause of death in polycythemia vera patients.