There are numerous indications for laser therapy. Laser therapy is used, among others, in the case of dermatological problems, after injuries, in pain, aesthetic medicine and podology. The indications for laser therapy are also diabetic foot, shingles or venous diseases and many others.
What islaser therapy ? The essence of laser therapy is the action of a light beam on a specific area of the body so that the absorption (absorption) of radiation is effective, and the conversion of laser light energy into a different type of energy produces the desired therapeutic effect. Depending on the type of laser and its settings, as well as the exposure time and the surface on which the treatment will be performed, laser therapy can be used for various purposes. The general principle illustrating the reactions taking place under the influence of a laser is in line with the Arndt-Schultz law, which states that weak stimuli stimulate biological activity, strong ones delay it, and very strong ones can inhibit it. Therefore, for example, weak stimuli are used to fix skin grafts, and much stronger stimuli are used to treat cancer.
Laser therapy - types of lasers
Lasers basically fall into three main groups:
- low-energy lasers (soft lasers) with the emitted energy power of 1-6 mW,
- mid lasers, 7-500 mW,
- high energy (surgical) lasers, above 500 mW.
Biostimulation lasersused in physical therapy belong to the group of low and medium energy lasers. Biostimulation is a therapeutic method consisting in initiating or stimulating the physiological response of the body with the use of small doses of energy increasing the local temperature of tissues by no more than 1 ° C. After exceeding the biostimulating dose, thermal bioactivation takes place, at which the local temperature does not exceed 42 ° C. After the skin is exposed to the biostimulation laser, energy is absorbed and the resulting primary reactions (biophysical, biochemical effect). The next stage is the secondary reactions that already give noticeable analgesic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects.
Medium energy lasersare also used in the diagnosis and therapy of neoplastic diseases(photodynamic therapy, using photosensitizers and laser light).
High-energy lasersare mainly used in surgery or aesthetic medicine. They can be used for the coagulation (closing) of vessels, removal (evaporation) and cutting of tissue structures, mainly as a result of their rapid local heating (increase of tissue temperature to 100 ° C). One of the greatest advantages of using the laser in surgery is its precision, the lack of contact between the tool and the tissue and the simultaneous closure of the vessels, therefore the procedure is bloodless. Surgical lasers are also used in procedures on the inside of the eye and for the removal of: hair, pigmented lesions, tattoos and photorejuvenation of the skin.
Laser therapy - indications for laser therapy
- dye pulsed lasers - used in the treatment of vascular lesions
- argon - used in the treatment of vascular lesions, less often - when removing tattoos (due to possible complications in the form of scars)
- dyes with long impulse - used in the treatment of vascular changes
- copper - used in the treatment of vascular changes, removal of pigmentary changes
- KTP - most often used in the treatment of vascular lesions, when removing pigmented lesions
- semiconductor (diode) - used in the treatment of vascular changes
- Nd-YAG - used to reduce major vascular lesions, laser epilation, clearing closed ducts, removing: small nodules, pigmented lesions and tattoos
- diode - used in laser epilation, non-ablative photorejuvenation
- alecasndrite - used in laser epilation, removal of pigmented lesions and tattoos
- ruby - used for laser epilation, removal of pigmented lesions and tattoos
- IPL- used in laser epilation
- pulsation-dye - when removing pigmented lesions
- CO2- in the removal of pigmented lesions, ablative photorejuvenation, less often - in the removal of tattoos (due to possible complications in the form of scars), in surgical cuts, ablation of superficial skin lesions
- Er-Yag- when removing pigmented lesions, ablative photorejuvenation
- IPL- when removing pigmented lesions, non-ablative photorejuvenation
Laser therapy - contraindications
- neoplastic diseases - laser therapy is also not recommended for people whose cancer has already been cured within 5 years from the date of the cure
- tuberculosis
- pregnancy
- occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding
- youthfuldiabetes
- hyperthyroidism
- severe viral, bacterial and fungal infections
- taking photosensitizing drugs
Laser therapy will fight toothache, facilitate wound healing
The aforementioned indications for laser therapy can be supplemented with revascularization (restoration of proper circulation), treatment of postoperative scars, ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds, skin graft fixation, treatment of overload conditions: pain syndromes of the lumbar and cervical spine, damage to the Achilles tendon , tennis elbow, inflammation of the patella ligaments, torticollis.
In addition, indications for the use of laser therapy are cases in which we want to accelerate the healing process of injuries (after fractures, sprains, sprains, contusions, etc.), in patients with a diabetic foot, with diseases of the venous and lymphatic vessels (post-thrombotic syndrome, edema lymphatic), with injuries of peripheral nerves and those suffering from neuralgia and after shingles.
Laser therapy is also used in dentistry (therapy of alveolitis, pain relief, periodontitis and to accelerate postoperative healing), dermatology, cosmetology and aesthetic medicine (treatment of burns, alopecia, dermatitis, fresh scars, keloids as well as in the case of acne vulgaris).
In podiatry, the indications for laser therapy are inflammation accompanying ingrown nails and inflammation of the nail shaft.
Kasprzak W., Mańkowska A.,Physical therapy, spa medicine and SPA , Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warsaw 2008