Wrist injuries are the most common falls. When we fly to the ground, we instinctively support ourselves with our hand and … we are lucky when it ends with a wrist injury. Skiers are injured like this, but snowboarders are the specialists in wrist injuries. What are the symptoms of a wrist dislocation and fracture? How are wrist injuries treated?

Wrist injuriesaccount for 25 percent of all snowboarder injuries.Wrist injuries on skishappen less frequently. Skiers destroy their knee joints more often. Both have no mercy on the shoulders. But a shoulder injury often starts in thewristright. While falling, we support ourselves with our hand, the force of the impact is transferred to the shoulder, and there it is dislocated, damaged the tendon, and even the acetabulum, humerus or collarbone fracture. Wrist injuries in 70 percent of cases result in bone fractures.

Wrist injury - symptoms

A fracture in the wrist is primarily manifested by severe pain and difficulties in making hand movements: first of all, it cannot be bent or twisted. Wrist swelling increases quickly and a hematoma appears. In the event of any wrist injury, immediately apply a cold compress and go to the orthopedist.

Wrist injury - take it easy it's just a sprain

Sometimes the fall ends well with only a wrist sprain. Pain and restricted mobility are similar to fractures, but no fracture or fracture is found on imaging. Which does not mean, of course, that the injury can be underestimated. If left untreated, a wrist sprain causes prolonged inflammation and pain that is difficult to eliminate later. The injured wrist, or in fact the entire hand with the thumb, must be immobilized, after the inflammation subsides, start rehabilitation.

Wrist injury - fracture

The wrist is made of eight bones, so there is nothing to break. However, the most common fracture during winter sports is the distal epiphysis of the radius (which runs from the thumb side) about two and a half centimeters below the wrist. This is a fracture characteristic of falls on a bent hand. The symptom of a wrist fracture is the bayonet-shaped hand, swelling and hematoma. This is accompanied by severe pain.

Wrist fracture -treatment

If the fracture is simple, a plaster cast is applied without displacement or immobilized with special wires. If dislocation has occurred, an operation to adjust the bone fragments is necessary. In the latter case, the plaster cast must be worn for up to seven weeks. During the process of fusing the immobilized bones, one must remember to move the elbow and shoulder joints. For all wrist injuries: dislocations, sprains and fractures after the recovery period, rehabilitation is required. Wrist injuries, especially fractures of the distal epiphysis, may result in limited movement in the wrist.