Meniscus are two cartilages in the knee that cushion the work of the joint. They resemble a porous sponge filled with liquid. When we walk, it carries a weight of 2-5 times the weight of our body. During sports, menisci carry a weight of more than 20 times our weight. What are the symptoms of meniscal damage? What treatments allow for the treatment of a damaged meniscus?
Meniscal injuriesare quite painful. Menisci are easily overloaded, and with age, these cartilages harden and wear out due to the developing collagen fibers. However, they are necessary in the knee. When they are absent, the joints do not work properly and degenerative changes occur quickly, and even the knee joint is destroyed and the endoprosthesis is required. That is why today menisci are saved at all costs: they are stitched, joined, restored, and if they are completely destroyed - they are transplanted.
Meniscus - symptoms of damage
A diseased meniscus is indicated by pain, a feeling of blockage in the knee or its running away. You cannot ignore such symptoms and visit an orthopedist. The doctor will find out if the meniscus is the cause of the symptoms by manipulating the knee. The final verdict, however, may be taken after an MRI is performed.
Overloaded meniscus - rehabilitation
If we are lucky and the meniscus is only overloaded, we will need physical therapy - cryotherapy, laser and magnetic field treatments. Physical therapy can also help when there is a slight tear in the meniscus. This cartilage has the ability to regenerate and, with minor damage, the body repairs it itself. The doctor decides whether the treatment can be left to our body.
Meniscal rupture - treatment
If the meniscus is cracked on a larger part - it must be stitched. Today it is done endoscopically through two small incisions. It is possible not only to sew in a traditional way, but also to connect with the use of bioabsorbable hooks.
Meniscus injury - reconstruction surgery
If the meniscus is damaged in a maximum of 75%, biological reconstruction of the damaged fragment can be performed. For this purpose, a meniscus-shaped implant is formed, made of bovine collagen or special polymers. It is sewn onto the remainder of the meniscus. On suchthe foam then settles the polypotential cells taken from the patient's blood. These cells have the ability to transform into cells of the tissue we want to recreate.
The operation takes 30 to 60 minutes. Then, the patient's own cells, using the implanted scaffold, rebuild the meniscus tissue. After one to two years, your own tissue replaces the implant, and after three years the collagen foundation simply dissolves.
The procedure of such a meniscus restoration is expensive - from 18 to 20 thousand. PLN plus the price of the implant - approx. 10 thousand. zloty. However, it is safer than a meniscal transplant from a dead donor, as it excludes the possibility of infection with dangerous viruses. A donor transplant is used when your own meniscus is removed. The menisci for such a transplant are prepared by a tissue bank founded by Professor Zbigniew Religa.