Knee knees are a lower limb defect that develops in children. Knee lopsided make the legs form an "X" shape, and the child walks unsteadily and may also complain of pain while walking. What are the causes of valgus knees? What is the treatment and rehabilitation of this defect? What exercises should children with valgus knees do?
Knee kneesis a lower limb defect that most often occursin preschool children . Knee knees are more common in girls than in boys due to the specific structure of the pelvis.
Crooked knees - causes
Knee knees may be the result of a birth defect in the knee joints. Then the curves of the leg are already visible in infants or young children. Moreover, the defect can be observed in many preschool children who had varus knee in the first 3 years of life and it turned into valgus. Other causes of valgus knees can be:
- rickets;
- bone injuries or fractures;
- rapid growth of the child - may result in uneven growth of the lower limbs. Consequently, they are of different lengths. There is also an uneven weight distribution, which favors the formation of valgus;
- overweight or obese;
- joint diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis);
- foot defects (most often flat feet);
- muscle paralysis or reduction in muscle tone;
- performing certain jobs - the risk of knee valgus increases for jockeys;
Knee knees - symptoms
The legs of a person with valgus knees are arranged in the shape of the letter "X". Consequently, the knees are in contact with each other freely and the ankles are spaced several centimeters apart. A child's gait is also indicative of valgus knees - awkward, unsteady, unstable (due to weakening of the ligaments and instability of the joints). In addition, the child may complain of pain and fatigue while walking.
This will be useful to youHow do I check if my child has a lumpy knee?
The child should stand at attention and bring their knees together. Then check the distance between the cubes. If the distance is up to 4 cm, the defect should be monitored for any further development. If the distance is 5 cm or more, see a doctor becausethe defect requires treatment.
Crooked knees - diagnosis
The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a physical examination, but to confirm it, the doctor may order an X-ray or (less often) an ultrasound.
Crooked knees - treatment and rehabilitation
The child should wear correction shoes with Thomas heels or specialized inserts (they will relieve the knees).
A proper diet is important, rich in vitamins and minerals responsible for he althy and strong bones, such as vitamin D and calcium.
Knee knees should disappear by the age of 10. However, if the defect worsens, your doctor may order you to wear an orthopedic appliance or a splint. In extreme cases, an operation involving cutting the bones and setting the fragments into the correct position may be necessary.
Don't do thatA child with valgus knees should avoid long standing, especially when straddling, as well as long marches.
It is inadvisable to sit down on your knees with your feet and heels pointing outwards. Turkish sitting is allowed.
Children with valgus knees are not advised to roller-skate, ski or skate.
Crooked knees exercise
A person with valgus knees should perform exercises in which the weight of the body will not burden the knee joints and which will ensure proper muscle development. Recommended are:
- swimming (especially crawl),
- cycling,
- corrective gymnastics,
- riding a horse,
- soccer.
Regular exercise will also help, by gently pushing your knees up in a cross-legged sitting position, and in a standing position and slightly stretching.