Hyperphosphatemia is the concentration of phosphorus in the blood above the normal level. Phosphorus is a very important element, because its correct amount determines the structure of bones, all body cells, genetic material (DNA) and substances that provide cells with energy. Find out what changes occur in the human body when the concentration of phosphorus exceeds the norm.
- Hyperphosphatemia - definition
- Hyperphosphatemia - symptoms
- Hyperphosphatemia - causes:
- Hyperphosphatemia - diagnosis
- Hyperphosphatemia - treatment
- Hyperphosphatemia - prevention?
Hyperphosphatemia is otherwise too high concentration of phosphorus in the blood. The structure of bones depends on the correct level of phosphorus, as well as the genetic material of DNA and substances that provide cells with energy.
Hyperphosphatemia - definition
Phosphorus in the body is found primarily in bones and DNA. Phosphorus levels are regulated by parathyroid hormone, vitamin D levels and kidney function. The concentration of phosphorus in a he althy adult human is 0.8-1.5mmol / l. In children, the normal concentration of inorganic phospharates is higher by up to 50%, and these values depend on the child's age.
Hyperphosphatemia in adults means blood phosphate levels above 1.5mmol / L.
Hyperphosphatemia - symptoms
Hyperphosphatemia is usually asymptomatic. However, there may be signals of hypocalcaemia as elevated phosphorus levels lead to increased calcium binding. These symptoms include:
- symptoms of tetany: tingling sensation around the mouth, hands, feet, numbness, muscle spasms in the hands, the so-called obstetrician's hand - maximum flexion of all joints of the 4th and 5th fingers, with the thumb, index and middle finger extended. Then, there is a contraction of the forearms and shoulders, the chest and lower limbs. You can see clubfoot and "carp mouth",
- demineralization of bone tissue manifested by bone curvature or softening, bone damage leading to distortions, more frequent fractures,
- itchy skin.
Hyperphosphatemia - causes
- uncontrolled diabetes,
- hyperparathyroidism,
- hypocalcemia,
- excess phosphate in the diet isupplementation,
- increased absorption of phosphates from the gastrointestinal tract or administration of phosphates parenterally,
- excessive release of phosphates from damaged tissues (in patients with infections or injuries, with excessive physical exertion),
- decreased urinary phosphate excretion due to decreased active parenchyma mass in case of chronic or acute renal failure,
- excessive phosphate reabsorption by the renal tubules.
Hyperphosphatemia - diagnosis
In order to recognize hyperphosphatemia, blood levels of inorganic phosphate must be measured. If it is below the norm, the doctor will make a diagnosis.
Then find the cause of the hyperphosphatemia. Then the doctor orders other tests, including: determination of the concentration of calcium, magnesium, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D. It is also worth checking the level of creatinine in the blood, which indicates the work of the kidneys and may indicate their insufficiency.
Hyperphosphatemia - treatment
Treatment of hyperphosphatemia depends on its cause. In addition to causal treatment, pharmacological agents are used - compounds that bind phosphates in the gastrointestinal tract: Al (OH) 3, Al2 (CO3) 3, CaCO3, calcium acetate.
When the disease causing hyperphosphatemia resolves, excess phosphorus is excreted through the kidneys and phosphorus levels return to normal. In cases where hyperphosphatemia is incurable, people with renal insufficiency should take drugs that inhibit the absorption of phosphorus from the intestines and a proper diet. Products to Avoid:
- highly processed food: ready-made, coca-cola drinks,
- meat,
- dairy,
- fish,
- nuts.
It is recommended to use the help of a dietitian when choosing meals, because the patient eliminating too much food may lead to protein deficiency.
Hyperphosphatemia - prophylaxis
To prevent hyperphosphatemia, you should check your blood phosphorus level regularly. In addition, it is also worth determining the concentration of calcium, because it affects the absorption of phosphorus. Do not take vitamin D and medications that contain phosphorus for a long time without medical supervision.
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