You don't know why are you still cold? Do you wrap your scarf around when others take off their sweaters? Are you freezing in the office, although your colleagues are warm? It is worth checking why this is happening. Here are 8 reasons why we may feel cold for a long time.
Why am I still cold?Answers to this question may be several / The reason for the constantfreezingmay be some systemic diseases, system disorders circulation or the secretory functions of the thyroid gland.
The lifestyle is also important, e.g. fatigue or poor nutrition. Adipose tissue plays an important role as it is not only an energy store for cells. If there is not enough of it, the body does not have an adequate insulating layer and loses the heat it produces faster.
Man, like other mammals, is a warm-blooded creature. This means that our body strives to maintain a single temperature (usually 36-40 ° C), regardless of external conditions.
It achieves this thanks to an elaborate system of thermoregulation whose command center is in the pituitary gland. This is where information about the processes taking place throughout the body flows, and from there signals are sent that trigger various reflexes to maintain a constant body temperature.
We shiver when the air is too cool and we sweat when it is too hot. Sometimes, however, thermoregulation fails and we start to feel cold excessively.
Why am I still cold?
Low blood pressure
If it is not a result of a cardiovascular disease, but only an individual feature, you can save yourself by adding some s alt to your food. Lifestyle and diet can also cause you to feel cold constantly. Therefore, it is worth increasing physical activity, and also systematically hydrating the body (drink at least 3 liters of fluids a day).
Nutritional deficiencies
If you constantly lose weight or skip basic meals, your body can develop serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A low-calorie diet also means that the body cannot generate enough energy to maintain a normal body temperature. The only solution is to change your eating habits, i.e. to take 4-5 meals a day at regular intervals.
One of its symptoms may be the feeling of coldness disproportionate to the climatic conditions. Anemia can develop for a number of reasons, including latent blood loss, blood disease, or poor nutrition. If the number of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to all organs in the body, decreases, the tissues are under-oxygenated, which translates into a disturbed metabolism. The energy generated, for example, from food, does not adequately warm the body. A blood test should be done to determine the cause of the anemia. It is better not to delay with such an examination!
Stress and fatigue
Mental or physical exhaustion of the body caused, among others, by stress causes the brain to direct the most well-oxygenated blood to the most important organs of the body, e.g. the heart. The sympathetic nervous system determines that less important organs can remain malnourished and hypoxic. That's why we have cold hands and feet. In this case, the only advice is to slow down, spend more time sleeping and relaxing.
Aging of the body
We do not have much influence on the biological changes resulting from the disappearance of heat receptors. With age, the threshold of thermal sensitivity decreases, both to the feeling of coolness and warmth. Elderly people can support the body by even a little exercise, putting on warmer clothes, eating hot meals and drinking warming teas, e.g. with ginger, cinnamon, raspberry juice. You can also add a few mustard seeds to the tea, which warms up and improves the taste of the drink.
Feeling cold is one of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland. The disease develops as a result of thyroxine deficiency, and thus - insufficient action of triiodothyronine. The disease can be caused by iodine deficiency in food. Blood TSH level should be determined and treatment should be started if it is too high.
Too little body fat
Adipose tissue is like an insulating layer that protects the body from unnecessary heat loss. The cold can be felt primarily by people who got rid of excess pounds in a short time. However, this does not mean that you need to gain weight quickly. Rather, you should focus on more intense exercise that will build your muscles, because their work generates heat in the body. If the muscles are not working, no energy is produced. In addition, blood pressure drops, which means that some parts of the body are insufficiently supplied with blood.
Alcohol abuse
Drinking alcohol dilates the blood vessels, so the blood can circulate faster around the body. But the liver, which has to fight the toxic effects of alcohol, is unable to warm the blood tocorrect temperature. Therefore, after alcohol abuse, chills may appear. The only advice - limit your drinking.
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