Almost every third Pole is overweight, i.e. the state of the so-called pre-obesity or obese. This is the effect of not only incorrect eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, but also many other factors, the so-called environmental, psychological, hormonal and genetic. Long time ago, overweight ceased to be an aesthetic problem. Today it leads directly to obesity - the greatest civilization disease of the 21st century?

Fat cells, or adipocytes, are a storehouse of energy that is not used by the body. Thus, it is mainly those people who gain weight who eat less than they burn. If you areoverweight , please verify yourlifestylefirst. If you eat a lot, move more.

Reasons for being overweight

After a meal, glucose and fats from the food travel through the bloodstream to the adipocytes. In this warehouse, they turn into fat, which for the body is a source of energy necessary for all life processes. If the stored fuel is not used up, the fat cells will expand to accommodate it. It is worth knowing that one fat cell is three times lighter than a muscle cell. So when as a result of weight loss it shrinks (will not disappear!), Ourweightwill not decrease at all. On the contrary, it can even increase if we exercise and gain muscle.

Obese child=obese adult

About the second year of life, our body builds up the number of fat cells. Then they may arrive at puberty. If a sixteen-year-old man gains weight within a normal range, his adipocytes will increase in adulthood, but not even if he becomes fat. It is different with obese children. If their adipocytes are well fed in the future, they will give the body a signal that they are already full of fat and need to create more. That is why people who were overfed in childhood find it so difficult to lose weight afterwards.

Types of obesity

Women have more body fat around their buttocks and thighs. This is a protection for a possible pregnancy. In men, adipose tissue is mainly deposited on the abdomen. It is related to the activities of male hormones. Therefore, we are talking about male and female obesity. In menopausal women, androgen levels increase and therefore begin to gain weightwaist.

The gene responsible for overweight

Scientists have discovered a gene responsible for the formation of adipocytes, or fat cells. It codes a protein called PPAR gamma that makes them grow. Adipocytes are formed from cells of the embryonic variety - just like bones, cartilage, blood and blood vessels. First, a pre-adipocyte is formed, then a mature cell filled with fat. This transformation is due to the PPAR gamma. It has been proven that pre-adipocytes lacking this protein cannot transform into mature fat cells.

If you want to avoid being overweight:

  1. Do not exceed 1500 kcal per day.
  2. Limit the amount of fat: a teaspoon of vegetable a day is enough.
  3. Don't eat fried foods.
  4. Don't eat sweets or sugar.
  5. Drink still water, because carbon dioxide stimulates the appetite, just like alcoholic beverages, especially beer.
  6. Eat often - every 3 or 4 hours so that the body does not feel "starved" and does not have to accumulate excess energy while waiting for the next meal.
Important supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.

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