The Polish society is aging and we cannot do anything about this trend. As a result, there are more and more people aged 50+ and 60+ on the labor market who should have decent employment conditions. However, entrepreneurs do not fully "trust" seniors - people are still looking for "young and dynamic" people who, by definition, bring greater benefits to the company. But is it really so? It turns out that employing people over 50 is also associated with real benefits.
Ignoring people aged 50+ during recruitment is a big mistake made by companies. You lose their extraordinary, many years of experience, skillful control over emotions or greater loy alty towards the employer. That is why we have prepared a set of benefits related to the employment of seniors. They even apply to finances at the opening!
1. Great experience
Seniors can boast even several decades of experience in the labor market. It is a great value for the company, because they are able to think in a multidirectional way, look for various solutions to problems based on their practice, and very often point to creative development paths that "young" do not think of. It is also worth remembering that years of experience often mean fewer mistakes at work, because people aged 50+ and 60+ have more knowledge on specific topics. Building a master-apprentice relationship, i.e. intergenerational dialogue, can also be an interesting value for the company. From the company's point of view, it is a greater chance for development.
2. Loy alty and commitment to the company
For people aged 50+ or 60+, working in one company throughout their lives is not unusual. As a result, such workers are more likely to remain "faithful" to their employer. Many companies have problems with employee rotation, which mainly concerns the youngest employees - they are still looking for new challenges, they are more flexible, and less likely to show some kind of loy alty. So if someone is looking for more confident employees, sometimes also more involved in their work, they should remember about experienced seniors. Another thing is that people aged 50+ and 60+ are less willing to change jobs. When they find the right one for their qualifications, they are more likely to work in it for years.
3.Calm and composure
These features of seniors are largely due to many years of experience. A specific life training in dealing with problems translates into greater composure in the face of new, often also he althy, rational distance, which allows you to easily get out of even the most complicated situations. Younger employees are more likely to suffer from less patience and greater stress. They, too, can take advantage of the self-control of older employees, which tones down emotions in the company. Working together can solve complex problems.
4. Better availability
Statistically, people aged 50+ and 60+ have more "raised" children, which is good news for employers. They do not have to worry about staffing gaps associated with childcare leaves or in the event of children's sickness. Older people are also usually less involved in family matters, so they can devote more of their energy to work. In addition, they are more likely than young people to do replacement, seasonal or part-time jobs. And with that comes greater loy alty, as indicated above.
5. Lower labor costs
In Poland, the "Solidarity of generations" program has been operating for several years, which aims to promote the employment of people aged 50+. This translates into real benefits for entrepreneurs. The employer does not have to pay contributions to the Labor Fund in the case of people in the pre-retirement age (men over 60 and women over 55). Companies also pay less for sick leave for people aged 50+, namely only for 14 days, while for younger employees it is 33 days. Still other benefits? If the company decides to employ an unemployed person over 50, referred by the employment office, it may apply for co-financing of the costs of equipment and retrofitting of the workplace. This type of financial incentive can amount to as much as 6 times the average monthly salary.
6. Strength in diversity
In human resource management, there is now a strong trend of emphasizing diversity in the workplace. Why? Different people are the power of ideas, experiences and creative solutions that allows the company to function better and achieve higher profits. The aforementioned diversity may be related to age. Young employees benefit from the experience of the older generation, self-control and better ability to deal with emotions. At the same time, the older staff learns to be more flexible, and also uses the proficiency of the younger in the world of new technologies or social media.
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