Half of pregnant women have this problem: it is very difficult to get rid of waste products. If you also suffer from constipation, read how to deal with it.
Problems withdefecationis one of the "charms"of pregnancy , resulting from its physiology. The high level of progesterone (one of the pregnancy hormones) causes the muscles of the intestines to relax and the entire digestive system to function more slowly. The effect is that the stool remaining in the intestines for too long hardens and becomes difficult to pass. Unfortunately, as pregnancy progresses, the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the intestines increases, which increasesconstipation . Their main symptom is too rare faeces (less than three times a week), and additionally: a thick stool, incomplete bowel movements, increased and often painful pressure, dryness. However, these ailments can be prevented or alleviated.
Problems with constipation - first of all, take care of your diet
Although the main causes of constipation in pregnancy are hormonal changes and the pressure of the uterus on the intestines, poor eating habits also contribute to them. Heavy foods, animal fats, refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar remain in the stomach and intestines for a long time, so keep them as low as possible.
You should enrich your daily menu with products that are a source of dietary fiber. It is called the "digestive broom" because it effectively removes food debris from it. Fiber, as it passes through the intestines, absorbs water, thus loosening the stool and making it easier to defecate. Nutritionists recommend providing the body with about 30 g of fiber during the day. The best sources of it are: whole grain bread, bran, buckwheat and barley groats, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, raw vegetables and fruits, eaten with the skin if possible (but be careful with bananas! - these are the only fruits that lead to constipation! ), as well as dried fruits: plums, figs, apricots, apples.
It is also worth reaching for natural vegetable and fruit juices, preferably unsweetened, freshly squeezed or bottled for one day. With constipation, it is very important to drink a sufficiently large amount of fluids - it is thanks to the fluids that undigested food remains move faster through the digestive tract.So remember to drink 2-3 liters of fluid a day, preferably in the form of still mineral water (5-6 glasses).
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices and herbal teas are also good, and avoid carton juices. Milk drinks fermented with lactic acid bacteria are also helpful in preventing constipation: kefirs, yoghurts, and acidophilic milk. On the other hand, products such as cocoa, white, wheat bread, black tea, blueberries, as well as foods with a sticky consistency (e.g. porridges, puddings) have a slower effect on the work of the intestines.
According to an expertPaweł Kubik, MD, PhD, specialist in obstetrician gynecology, Institute of Mother and Child in WarsawOne of the factors that aggravate constipation are iron-containing preparations, which most pregnant women take. Is it right? High values of iron and hemoglobin - and especially the lack of physiological decrease in their values observed during pregnancy - are associated with such complications as: pregnancy-induced hypertension, eclampsia, low birth weight, low Apgar score. High hemoglobin levels can restrict placental flow. Continuous iron supplementation disrupts the intestinal absorption of copper and zinc. It is also a possible source of oxygen free radicals, which are a potential factor of DNA, lipid and protein damage. Iron supplementation in therapeutic doses may lead to the accumulation of this element in the intestinal mucosa, causing its dysfunction. Therefore, before taking any medication, even the over-the-counter "pregnancy vitamins", you should consult your doctor. In fact, a properly balanced diet ensures the correct level of iron in the body and supplementation of this element in many pregnant women is not justified.
Introduce he althy habits, keep moving
The way you eat also matters. When you eat in a hurry or, for example, standing up, the food is not thoroughly chewed and chewed - then the body cannot cope with its digestion. Therefore, you should eat slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly and not swallowing air.
It is good to get into the habit of having a bowel movement every day at the same time. The large intestine is most active in the morning after waking up. Take advantage of this: when the body demands to empty (after digesting previously eaten food at night) - do not postpone this activity until later. Unfortunately, the morning rush often stops bowel movements - and therefore this reflex disappears. Additionally, refraining from having a bowel movement weakens the muscles responsible for controlling it, making it harder for you to do so in the future. Therefore, in the morning it is better to get up a little earlier, to have time for everything: breakfast -high in fiber - eat at least half an hour before leaving the house to make sure you have a toilet appointment.
Physical activity also plays an important role in preventing constipation, as it increases the functioning of the intestines. A daily vigorous walk or regular, not too strenuous exercise can bring you improvement. Pelvic floor muscle exercises (known as Kegel exercises), which strengthen the muscles that control bowel emptying, are also helpful.
Constipation in pregnancy - try proven home remedies
If constipation has already appeared, in addition to dieting, you need to look for an effective way to deal with it. First, try some natural constipation relief measures that have been around for years.
- Apply the plum treatment. In the evening, pour 5-6 prunes with hot water and leave overnight. In the morning, drink water and eat plums. The treatment should last about a month.
- Others are helped by drinking a glass of water each morning with a teaspoon of honey in the morning. Water should be at room temperature, drink it on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
- A good measure is linseed kissel: 2 tablespoons of ground kernel seeds pour a glass of boiling water, wait for it to cool, then drink (preferably overnight), adding a little warm milk. You can also replace the whole water with hot milk.
- Kiwi fruit is perfect for fighting constipation. It has been scientifically proven that they have a very positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and have a gentle laxative effect. It is a good idea to eat these fruits before the main meals - eat 2 kiwi fruits before breakfast, and then repeat this snack two more times during the day.
- Americans eat… cupcakes for constipation. But very high in fiber!
What kind of help can you count on at the pharmacy?
If the methods mentioned above do not work, you can seek help from the pharmacy. But first of all, tell your doctor about your problems - he should prescribe you an anti-constipation drug that is right for you. Do not use any laxatives on your own - even herbal remedies! - because they can cause pelvic congestion, damage to the mucosa of the large intestine or disturbance of the water and electrolyte balance.
On an ad hoc basis, you can use rectal glycerin suppositories (available over the counter) or other suppositories to facilitate defecation, but not all pregnant women tolerate suppositories well - sometimes abdominal cramps and pain may occur.
Without a prescription, you can also buy preparations based on the active substance lactulose, which is well tolerated and does not react with other drugs - but be careful! Lactulase-based drugs can be used from 4 years of age.month of pregnancy.
Also liquid paraffin can be used by expectant mothers. This agent inhibits the absorption of water and coats the intestinal mucosa, causing the fecal masses to soften. Without a prescription, you can also buy ready-made probiotics that regulate the work of the intestines.