DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural steroid hormone produced from cholesterol by the adrenal glands (the reticulate layer of the adrenal cortex). What is the function of DHEA in the body? When can it be supplemented? Check the DHEA norm in the blood.

DHEA( dehydroepiandrosterone ) is an extremely importanthormoneproduced by the adrenal cortex. It is designed to stimulate the production of testosterone and estrogens, i.e. sex hormones, but also has a very positive effect on the physical and intellectual condition. High DHEA levels are a sign of youth. Its concentration in blood varies depending on age. We have the most of him between the ages of 20 and 30. Then its quantity decreases.

DHEA: deficiency

The decrease in DHEA in the body is also influenced by long-lasting stress. This is because in an emergency, cumulative tension, the adrenal glands are mainly occupied with the production of cortisol - commonly known as the stress hormone - and do not supply enough DHEA.

DHEA deficiency makes our response to stress worse:

  • we have trouble sleeping,
  • we get irritated
  • depressed,
  • depressed.

Some may experience panic attacks.

DHEA: increase in the amount of DHEA in the blood

Increasing the amount of DHEA in the blood has an antidepressant effect. Research has shown that administration of DHEA supplements helps people suffering from depression. Patients feel better even in the first week of treatment. DHEA affects the same receptors in the brain that are affected by anxiolytics (benzodiazepines) used to treat depression.

What are the benefits of DHEA?

Other benefits of supplementing DHEA deficiency include energy boost, vitality, and improved sexual performance.

Some studies also indicate that this hormone has a positive effect on bone density, helps fight excess weight (improves muscle tone, which causes faster calories burning), and strengthens the skin and hair.

When to take DHEA supplementation? DHEA


Before you reach for DHEA supplements, do your research to make sure you do not have enough DHEA in your body. You do not need to fasting to donate blood, but the DHEA level should be tested in the morning, becauseThis hormone is most active in the morning.

If the test is to determine DHEA-SO4, you can perform the test at any time of the day, because this hormone shows a constant daily concentration in the blood serum. Its level is determined on the basis of blood analysis. The norm of DHEA in the blood serum of a he althy person ranges from 7 to 31 nmol / l (200-900 ng / dl). The DHEA-SO4 standard ranges from 2 to 12 µmol / L (75-470 µg / dL) and varies slightly by gender.

Some experts believe DHEA supplementation may be beneficial when it affects you:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • diabetes
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • obesity
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • immune system disorders
  • depression
  • osteoporosis

There is, however, too little scientifically proven data to recommend the use of DHEA on a larger scale, outside of specialized endocrine centers.

  • Testing the concentration of DHEA and DHEA-SO4 - norms, excess and deficiency
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