Galactorrhea is a symptom of disorders in the body and should not be taken lightly. Although it is usually a consequence of hyperprolactinemia, there are other causes of disturbing milk secretion from the breasts - in both men and women. What else leads to galactorrhea and how to treat it?

If you have noticedgalactorrheaand you are not a nursing mother and are not expecting a baby, you should see your doctor. Physiologically, the secretion of milk from the breast occurs after delivery, enabling the baby to be fed, but sometimes it occurs even during pregnancy. It also happens that galactorrhea occurs when the nipples and cervix are irritated, that is, during intense sexual arousal, and does not necessarily mean any disorders. However, a number of other factors can lead to galactorrhea, such as taking certain medications, high stress, physical exertion, and even eating meals rich in protein and fat.

High prolactin causes galactorrhea

In most cases, galactorrhea is caused by elevated prolactin levels, i.e. hyperprolactinemia. This, in turn, may be caused by disorders of the thyroid gland (such as, for example, hypothyroidism), adenomas of the pituitary gland, in some inflammatory or neoplastic process or damage to the central nervous system. Prolactin also rises when we experience high stress, we live in constant tension.

Other causes of galactorrhea

It happens, however, that galactorrhea is a side effect of taking certain medications, such as the antipsychotic reserpine, used in the treatment of schizophrenia ( although today, in Poland, it is present only in one preparation), or chlorpromazine, with a similar destiny. Sometimes galactorrhea can cause a disorder of copper metabolism, i.e. Wilson's disease - lento-hepatic degeneration.

Treatment of galactorrhea

If galactorrhea is not explained by pregnancy or breastfeeding, or is not so-called with the "beauty" of a woman - it should be treated. Of course, we're treating the cause of galactorrhea, not the symptom itself. The attending physician should first refer you to an endocrinologist. If hyperprolactinemia is behind the appearance of breast discharge, further diagnosis will be performed, including in the direction of thyroid function and pituitary tumor. It is worth remembering that excess prolactin caninhibit ovulation and thus make it difficult to get pregnant.

Milky way in men

The discussed problem, although it seems typically feminine, also affects men. Galactorrhea, and even enlargement of the mammary glands - gynecomastia - usually indicates elevated levels of prolactin. It is associated with a simultaneous decrease in testosterone. Often, newborns have swollen nipples or both of them as a result of contact with the mother's prolactin, but this symptom is not treated and disappears by itself after a few weeks.

Worth knowing

Charles Darwin was of the opinion that nipples once served men for the same purpose as women. Thanks to this, they could help their partners in feeding their children. It is not known if this is true, but there are reports that in very special circumstances - incl. when the body is exhausted and starved - in men, lactation may actually appear. A few years ago, the internet spread the news that a Sri Lankan father had breastfed his two daughters after his wife died. Just like in the case of women, just hugging your baby, being with him all the time, listening to his cry, can stimulate the mammary glands to work.
