Digestive disorders are manifested by stomach pains, nausea, crushing in the dimple. The reason may be, for example, insufficient production of gastric juice or artificial preservatives in the food consumed. Find out why the stomach is not always good at digesting.
The first stageof digestion takes place in the stomach . Hydrochloric acid takes part in this process, destroying microorganisms in food and activating pepsinogen - an enzyme that initiates the breakdown of proteins. Crushed food mixed with gastric juice should leave the stomach after about an hour.
This time is longer when the meal is too heavy or difficult to digest, because it is more difficult to process with hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen. And the more difficult it is for this organ to prepare food for digestion further down the digestive tract, the worse it will feel.
Causes of digestive disorders: acid reflux, gastritis, indigestion, ulcers
Discomfort, and even pain in the upper abdomen, is more common in people with digestive disorders due to bile reflux or acid-free gastritis. In the first case, the bile is returned to the stomach from the duodenum as a result of, for example, removal of the gallbladder. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which is involved in the first stage of protein digestion. So the food stays in the stomach longer. In the second case, this phenomenon is caused by insufficient production of gastric juice.
There can be many causes of stomach ailments, ranging from food poisoning, through various types of catarrh, peptic ulcer disease, to neoplastic changes.
Generally, however, it is caused by dyspepsia, or indigestion. It is usually caused by a dietary error: overeating, inappropriate food selection, irregular meals and incorrect preparation. It proceeds without complications or organic changes in the digestive tract, as it is only a functional disorder of the upper digestive tract.
Symptoms of digestive problems When discomforts are more severe, and they keep coming back, you need to see a doctor. It is difficult to decide, without extended diagnostics, whether the cause of pain, nausea, feeling of overflow are only dietary errors, or diseases of the stomach, duodenum or pancreas. Symptoms may be the same. Therefore, only for themWe cannot distinguish between ulcer-like dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease.
ImportantProcessed foods promote ulcer formation
Helicobaceter pylori infection is not the only factor in the development of gastric ulcer disease. 70 percent are infected with it. our society, but only a few of us get sick. Hence the conclusion that other factors also contribute to the formation of ulcers. One of them is the large amount of synthetic chemicals contained in highly processed foods. Therefore, it should not form the basis of our diet.
The Tomato Skin Myth
Sometimes the stomach reacts to what we eat with vomiting and pain. And since there is no indication of food poisoning, we say that we suffer from the "sticking" of the tomato skin to the wall of this organ. Such an explanation should be put between the fairy tales, because nothing will stick to its mucosa!
It can be irritated by plant products rich in raw fiber, good for the intestines, but not necessarily for the stomach. They are digested more slowly, they stay in the stomach longer, fermenting. The excess fiber may irritate the mucosa in some people.
However, it is more often caused by synthetic food additives: preservatives, dyes, raising agents, improving the taste.
A severe stomach reaction can also be caused by foods that are too hot, spicy, alcohol, non-steroidal painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
How and what to eat so that the stomach does not hurt?
Eating sloppy and sloppy is the most common sin committed against the stomach, for which we pay with gastric ailments. To avoid them, let's try to limit the consumption of processed foods, fried foods, and hard to digest.
Let's focus on food quality, not quantity, so avoid fast food. Let's eat often, 4 or 5 times a day, but not much, so as not to force the stomach to work hard. Take your time during the meal, take every bite carefully. When it is chewed well, the stomach is better at processing it.
Let's not wash down our meals with cold drinks. The temperature in the stomach is 37 ° C. It promotes the secretion of gastric juice and digestion. Its lowering by cold fluids slows down these processes. After a heavy and hard-to-digest meal, it's best to quench your thirst with hot black tea. The heat stimulates the digestive tract to work, and the tannins contained in the tea infusion have a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. We can also drink herbal tea to facilitate the digestive process, but if you are prone to heartburn, avoid mint.
This will be useful to youWhat will help with stomach pain?
We can support the workof the stomach with herbal preparations that increase the secretion of gastric juice and bile (e.g. Ulgix Digestion, Gastroval, Gastrobonisol, Hepatil Digestion).
We will also feel relief after taking medications containing digestive enzymes (eg Lipancrea 800, Travimax). Well-being is also improved by herbal infusions of nettle leaves, St. John's wort, thyme herb, and moth. They stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and act as cholagogue, without causing heartburn.