A foreign body in the nose is a problem that most often affects a young child. The youngest put various small objects into their nose, e.g. blocks or polka dots. The child should then be given first aid as soon as possible, because with each breath, the risk of a foreign body getting into the larynx and then into the lungs increases. Check what first aid for a foreign body in the nose looks like. How to remove a foreign body from the nose?
A foreign body in the noseis most often a block, a pea, a bead, etc. Therefore, in most cases this problem concerns a small child , under 3 years of age. Therefore, you should carefully observe the child while playing, as a foreign body may end up not only in his nose, but also in the ear. There is also a risk of swallowing a small object.
Foreign body in the nose - symptoms
The first symptoms ofpresence offoreign body in the noseare stuffy nose and minor breathing problems. The baby, as in a runny nose, speaks through the nose. Other symptoms depend on the structure of the foreign body and the amount of time it takes to block the nose. If the foreign body is sharp, it damages the nasal mucosa, and therefore bleeding occurs immediately. It is worse if the foreign body stays in the nose for a long time. With each inhalation, the risk of the object moving towards the higher sections of the nasal cavity increases. In this case, the foreign body may become blocked as the higher sections of the nasal passage are narrower than the nostril itself. This can cause inflammation. This is when bloody nasal discharge with an unpleasant smell, redness and swelling of the nose area usually appear. This applies to larger-sized items. Smaller foreign bodies can pass through the nasal cavity and then through the larynx to the lungs, which is a direct threat to life.
Foreign body in the nose - first aid. How to remove a foreign body from the nose?
Breathe through your mouth first - this way you won't pull the foreign body any deeper.
If the object is sticking out of your nose, try to grab it with your fingers and slowly pull it out.
If the foreign body is not visible, try blowing it out of your nose. If an object is stuck in the child's nose, close the obstructed nostril and ask the child to gently but firmly blow their nose. If 2 tries don't help, don'tcontinue this step. By blowing the nose further, the object may shift even further to the higher parts of the nasal cavity.
Don't do thatDo not remove the foreign body from the nose with tweezers or tweezers, even if the object is visible or protruding from the nose. With these types of tools, you can easily damage the inside of the nose and cause profuse bleeding. In addition, the item may be pushed further into the respiratory tract.
Make sure the child does not try to remove the foreign body by himself.
Foreign body in the nose - when to see an ENT doctor?
You should visit the ENT doctor when:
1. When blowing your nose doesn't help.
2. When an object that is in the nose has a sharp structure and can damage the nasal mucosa.
3. When the foreign body moves to the higher parts of the nasal passage.
4. When symptoms of nasal cavity damage appear, such as nosebleeds, bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor, unpleasant smell from the nose and mouth, swelling of the nose. In these cases, it may be necessaryremoval of the foreign body from the noseunder general anesthesia.