A stuffy nose makes it very difficult to function normally. It is difficult to breathe, talk, sleep does not fully regenerate and snoring appears through a completely obstructed nose. The feeling of stuffy nose is often associated with a nasal discharge or even runny nose, and it is not always a runny nose. The cause of the problem may be infection, allergy, sinusitis, polyps. Check what else can cause nasal congestion and when you need to see a doctor.
The nose, specifically the nasal cavity ,is a very important element of the respiratory tract . If the nose is blocked because the inside of the nose is anatomically altered - swollen, full of discharge - we have serious breathing difficulties. Sometimes the nose is blocked, but nothing is dripping from it. It must be remembered that a long-term stuffy nose may have a negative impact on the overall he alth condition of the body, as it reduces physical performance, causes headaches, fatigue, and problems with concentration. A stuffy nose results in general discomfort and the need to breathe through the mouth, which can make it difficult to eat and drink.
When to see a doctor?
In the case of young children, a stuffy nose always requires a doctor's consultation as it makes it much more difficult for the child to breathe. As for adults, see your doctor if:
- A stuffy nose makes it difficult to function normally
- Nasal stuffiness lasts longer than 10 days
- You have a high fever
- There is severe pain in the nose and forehead area
- Nasal discharge is yellow or green in color
- nose bleeds
- Recently there was an injury to the face, head
Identifying the cause of a nose problem requires a careful history. If the feeling of nasal congestion is not associated with a cold or allergies, then further diagnostics is necessary.
Usually people suffering from a stuffy nose are referred to an ENT specialist after visiting a family doctor. The doctor examines the patient with an endoscope, i.e. he inserts a thin probe with a mini camera into his nose and sees the inside of the nose on the monitor screen. In this way, he checks to see if the potential cause of the stuffy nose is a sloping septum, polyps, or enlarged turbinates.
UsuallyThe cause of a stuffy nose is a runny nose, i.e. rhinitis. It is an inflammation of the mucosa of our olfactory organ. Most often it is caused by viruses - there are over 200 of them (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses). Less commonly, a runny nose is a consequence of an infection with bacteria. Acute rhinitis is one of the symptoms of a common cold caused by these viruses.
For viral acute rhinitis, which most often bothers us, a watery-mucous discharge is characteristic. With bacterial rhinitis, it is muco-purulent, dense, yellow-green.
The immune system is generally good at dealing with any microbes responsible for upper respiratory tract infections. However, at the moment of its weakening (e.g. due to overheating or cooling down of the body), the germs prevail. If they manage to penetrate inside the mucous membranes, they multiply quickly and an infection appears, the symptoms of which are a troublesome runny nose and stuffy nose. The mucous membranes are swollen and difficult to breathe. Due to the excessive permeability of the blood vessels and the increased activity of the mucus-producing cells, the production of secretions increases. It hinders the work of the cilia covering the mucosa, and they have an important task to fulfill. They fight microbes and cleanse the nasal cavities and sinuses. The discharge is watery at first, then thickens. If it becomes a bacterial superinfection, favored by a viral infection, it becomes very dense. Then the nasal obstruction worsens.
What to do?Viral acute rhinitis lasts 5-7 days. The body usually takes this long to deal with an infection. Sometimes a seemingly banal runny nose results in various he alth complications. If the infection spreads, inflammation of the sinuses, ears and bronchi can develop. It also happens that acute rhinitis becomes chronic or changes from viral to bacterial and antibiotics are required. Therefore, a runny nose must be treated. For this purpose:
- Use a spray with seawater.It will moisturize the mucosa, thin the secretions and improve the work of the cilia. It will help reduce the swelling.
- Take inhalations.They help to clear a stuffy nose. Use hot water or an infusion of herbs (chamomile, thyme, sage).
- Reach for nasal drops.They reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, reduce the amount of secretions, some fight inflammation. However, they should be used in moderation, preferably for no longer than 3-4 days. Overusing the drops may damage the mucosa manifested by a feeling of stuffy nose (the so-called rebound runny nose).
- Hydrate the body.Long-lasting, lasting even a fewdays or longer, a stuffy nose can be relieved by drinking plenty of fluids. Water, hot tea, herbal infusions and traditional broth are recommended. More fluid in the body will dilute the secretion in the nose, and thus facilitate its removal.
A nasal congestion that occurs without a cold first - especially in the spring - can mean an allergic problem. Allergic fever (hay fever) is an allergic reaction to dusting of flowers, trees, shrubs, grasses and herbs as well as to dust mites, mold and animal hair.
Symptoms.In allergic rhinitis, the discharge is usually watery, and there is also itchy nose, watery eyes and sneezing. Some also experience a cough and rash. These symptoms disappear when contact with the allergens is stopped, because they, and not the germs, cause the inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
What to do?If we have not had such ailments before, it is worth visiting an allergist who will order tests (e.g. skin or blood tests). In the event of allergies, it will be possible to identify allergens and prescribe appropriate medications to clear the stuffy nose.
Drug-induced rhinitis
Nasal congestion may occur as a result of taking certain medications. Drug-induced rhinitis is caused, for example, by antihypertensive drugs, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and oral contraceptives.
Some people have a runny nose and a stuffy nose when they go outside to a warm room or eat a hot meal in winter. The reason for such a temporary reaction are vasomotor changes.
It is about the impaired nervous control of the expansion and contraction of blood vessels. There is even something called vasomotor rhinitis. It is because some of us feel the effects of a sudden change of rooms that differ in temperature or humidity more. In summer we enter an air-conditioned office, in winter we enter the house from the manor house and sniffle. Some people experience these symptoms after eating hot soup. This does not mean that there is an infection or an allergy. This is a signal that the nose is not able to adapt so quickly to the changed conditions. There is swelling of the nasal mucosa, there is more discharge, but this is not a symptom of the disease. The vasomotor catarrh passes spontaneously after a few or several minutes.
Humidity is too low
The problem of a stuffy nose is also influenced by the environment in which we most often stay and its parameters such as air humidity. If we work or live in a room with a low levelhumidity (dry air), drying of the nasal mucosa can cause a feeling of clogging (especially in the morning, after waking up) - this is a dry nose syndrome.
In such a situation, it is worth getting an air humidifier. There are even small devices to be placed on the desk. In winter, you can hang a vessel filled with water on a hot radiator, which will slowly evaporate, increasing the humidity level in the room.
Important . The correct and ideal air humidity for our nose should be 40-60%, with the optimal room temperature of 20-22 ° C (18 ° C in the bedroom).
Irritants - smoke, dust, chemicals
A stuffy nose can be caused by airborne dust, pollen and cigarette smoke, which paralyze the cilia inside the nasal cavity. Chemicals, dusts and irritating vapors can also cause abnormalities in the humidity and functioning of the nasal mucosa, causing inflammation in the upper respiratory tract mucosa, immobilizing the cilia and the natural cleansing of the nose. Workers in the chemical or construction industry, miners and cleaners are at risk.
Sinus problems
The paranasal sinuses are air cavities within the skull that are connected by natural openings to the nasal cavity so that air and mucus can move around. They perform important functions: they are a kind of shock absorbers that protect the brain, they modulate the voice, moisturize the air inhaled through the nose.
Normal runny nose passes after a few days. If it lasts longer, keeps coming back, or you get a headache, it's likely the problem is with your sinuses. If you start treating inflammation quickly, you can be protected against chronic, recurrent sinusitis.
Sinusitis is most often caused by viral, sometimes bacterial, rarely fungal infections. It is favored by recurrent and untreated upper respiratory tract infections and … tooth decay. Sinus problems are much more common for allergy sufferers and those suffering from asthma or allergic rhinitis, people with some anatomical abnormalities, e.g. a curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils or the pharyngeal tonsil.
What to do?If the disease has just started, you can try to cure it with home treatments. You need to ensure that the sinuses can cleanse.
- Home remedies.Use warm compresses and inhalations. Use the sauna.
- Specialist help . If, despite home treatment, the symptoms worsen and last more than a week, you need to visit a doctor who will decide whetherneed an antibiotic. A specialist may order computed tomography and endoscopic sinus irrigation. Sometimes the only solution to get rid of a blocked nose due to sick sinuses is surgery, e.g. removing lesions and widening the natural sinus openings.

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If inflammation begins in the lining of the sinuses, discharge forms and clogs the sinuses. The air cannot get out and presses against the walls of the sinuses. It is for this reason that we feel pain in various parts of the face or head. Sinus pains worsen in the morning and with tilting the head.
Polyps are usually benign, non-cancerous changes. Some systematically grow, others arise and disappear over time. Their presence causes obstruction, which forces you to breathe through the mouth, can cause a stuffy nose, talking through the nose, snoring, problems with smell.
Nasal polyps often develop in people suffering from bronchial asthma or hypersensitivity to salicylates (acetylsalicylic acid). They favor recurrent catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Typically, polyps form at the opening of the sinuses to the nose and as they grow larger, they deform the nose.
There is no effective pharmacological treatment of nasal polyps, they need to be surgically excised. This is usually done using an endoscope - this is called an endoscope. endoscopic polypectomy.
Nasal septum deviation
It's hard to find a man with a perfectly straight nasal septum. Most of us have a curve to it, but we don't feel uncomfortable about it. Interestingly, the nose and its septum are the part of the organism that grows the longest, until 25-28. age. As a result, it is more susceptible to injuries caused by falls or playing sports. If it is damaged, it continues to grow abnormally and over time causes serious ailments.
The nose with a curved septum cleans less well, and the residual secretion flows down the throat and promotes inflammation of the throat or sinuses. You can also hear worse, have a weaker sense of smell, complain of stuffy nose and headaches.
The septum should divide the nose into two parts. If it is bent - more or less - it impairs breathing through one or both nostrils, i.e. it blocks the nasal passages. Based on the results of the examinations (endoscopic, computed tomography, rhinomanometry assessing the patency of the nose), the doctor may refer you to surgery - plastic surgery of the nasal septum. The effect of the treatment is permanent. If the patient does not have a nose injury, the effect of the operationwill last for the rest of his life.
Nasal turbinate hypertrophy
The nasal turbinates are natural structures found inside the nose (along both sides). They are covered with mucosa, which plays an important role in cleansing and moisturizing the air you breathe. Sometimes, due to continuous inflammatory processes (due to infection, allergies), but also too frequent and long-lasting use of nasal drops, the turbinates become swollen, and over time their condition is referred to as turbinate hypertrophy. It is accompanied by a stuffy nose, olfactory disturbances, intense runny nose (often drug-induced rhinitis caused by overuse of drops), nose bleeding.
With time, the enlarged turbinates almost completely block the flow of air. Your doctor may refer you to surgery, which involves cutting the oversized turbinates. There are also minimally invasive ENT procedures - cryosurgery, laser. Thanks to them, the top layer of overgrown tissue can be removed, which improves air flow.
Foreign body in the nasal passage
Inserting peas, pieces of toys, batteries from watches is the speci alty of young children. Symptoms of the presence of a foreign body in the nose may be pain, difficulty exhaling air through a blocked nostril, unilateral swelling of the nose. When a pea or bean gets stuck in the nose, it swells with moisture, causing excruciating pain. In turn, the acid contained in small batteries from watches or other electronic devices can damage the nasal mucosa.
What to do?If an object is sticking out of your nose, try to remove it with your fingers or tweezers. You can also ask your child to try to blow the foreign body out of the nose. If the item is deep, take the baby to the pediatrician.
Disorders of the thyroid gland
A stuffy nose is one of the many symptoms of hypothyroidism. The problem of blocked nose due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland was described by Dr. Magdalena Jagiełło, endocrinologist (Doctor Magda) on her blog.
"Due to hypothyroidism, nasal congestion, disturbance of the blood supply to the upper respiratory tract mucosa and their swelling, drying and enlargement of the tongue may appear. This is the reason for the deterioration of our breathing comfort. (…) As a consolation I would like to mention that it does not appear often nowadays. However, its individual elements are very popular, such as the feeling of choking, stuffy nose or drying of the mucous membranes. "
Cancer of the nose, sinuses
The first symptoms of this kind of changes areusually chronic rhinitis and paranasal sinuses, as well as lymphadenopathy. Due to the fact that these symptoms are not characteristic, the disease is detected in many patients at an advanced stage.
Malignant neoplasms of the nose and paranasal sinuses are not very common as they constitute approx. 0.3% of the number of all malignant tumors in humans. They are characterized by an abnormal growth of epithelial cells. This type of tumor is usually malignant.
Symptoms . Worsening difficulty in breathing through the nose, runny nose and a feeling of blockage (usually only in one nostril), leakage of pus or pus in the blood from the nose, recurrent nosebleeds, thickening or deformation of the soft tissues in or around the nose, pain in he althy teeth, watery eyes .
What to do?The basis for the diagnosis of cancer of the nose and paranasal sinuses is a doctor's palpation (assessment of the lymphatic system) and a thorough examination with endoscopy of the nose and ultrasound of the neck lymphatic system.
Lesions located in the nasal passage can be detected by rhinoscopy and endoscopy. A biopsy is also performed, during which material is collected for histopathological examination. In addition, computed tomography is performed, which helps to recognize any pathologies in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. As for treatment, the usual procedure is reconstructive surgery, followed by complementary radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

A specialist may order an X-ray or computed tomography of the sinuses - this will allow you to check what is the cause of the problem, e.g. polyps, curved septum, foreign body.