Ways to deal with clogged ears can be used, among others when flying in an airplane, when driving in an elevator, and when you are in the runway, where you often have the impression that your ears are full of water or air. Find out what are the home remedies for clogged ears.

Remedies for clogged earsare a solution for people who struggle with blocked ear canals, and thus - with hearing impairment, for various reasons, e.g. due to sudden changes in pressure when flying in an airplane or during a cold.Home remedies for clogged earswill help not only unclog the ear, but also relieve troublesome accompanying symptoms, such as tinnitus or dizziness.
The remedies for clogged ears can be used for about 3 days. If they do not work or the problem recurs, see your doctor. In this case, there is a suspicion that the cause of the clogged ears is much more serious. It can be, for example, otitis or a rupture of the eardrum.
Remedies for clogged ears at the head of the catarrh
If your ears are blocked in the course of a cold, you shouldclear the airways . During an infection, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose occurs, which can also cover the ear canals and the Eustachian tube (which connects the ears with the nose), and then lead to their closure. Then you have the feeling of clogged ears.
In such a situation, it is best to reach for nasal drops that will constrict the nasal mucosa. Inhalations of essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus) or herbs (e.g. chamomile) will also work. Just pour a liter of hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil to it. Then lean over the bowl, put a towel over your head and inhale the rising vapors for a few minutes.
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You should see a doctor if the runny nose persists. This could indicate sinusitis. Permanent obstruction or inflammation of the Eustachian tube may then occur, as it accumulates thick mucus that runs from the sinuses. It is she who gives you the feeling of being full and clogged. A very common cause of clogged ears isexcess earwax-natural secretions from the ear. When produced in normal quantity, it cleans and moisturizes the external ear canal. However, its excess blocks the lumen of the ear canal, which causes hearing impairment and sometimes even deafness. The overproduction of earwax often occurs in people who wear hearing aids (usually the elderly), stay in a polluted environment or in places where there is a lot of dust and noise. Also, people who use earbuds and expose their ears to large changes in atmospheric pressure and baths (earwax swells and clogs the ears in contact with water) may struggle with wax plugs in the ear. Then the only solution is to remove the earwax. However, the earsshould not be cleaned with cotton buds , as they not only push the earwax deep into the ear canal, but can also damage the delicate eardrum, and thus the hearing. To remove earwax, it is best to useparaffinorearwax dissolving drops . They soften residual deposits and prevent them from sticking to the walls of the ear canal. These types of drops are available over the counter at a pharmacy. Just remember to warm the packaging in your hand to body temperature before using them. If the procedure does not bring the expected results, go to a doctor who will professionally remove the earwax. THIS WILL BE USEFUL>>Ear cleaning: How to properly clean your ears? During an airplane flight or while riding the elevator,too much airgets to your ears, compressing the Eustachian tube and temporarily narrowing it, giving you a feeling of blocked ears. The solution to this problem ischewing gum and sucking on candy . Then, the production of saliva is stimulated, which means that it is swallowed more often, and this "unclogs" the ear canal. The ears are easier to detach when sitting upright as it helps the air outflow. You may also find it helpfulyawning . When opening the lower jaw, movement around the ear is assisted, which may help to open the ear canals.Remedies for earwax clogged ears
Remedies for blocked ears when flying