Home inhalations can help fight a runny nose and a stuffy nose. See how to prepare your own home inhalation that will soothe a runny nose and help you cure autumn colds faster.

Inhalationis a goodhome remedy for runny and stuffy noseaccompanying a cold. Inhalations with the addition of herbs or essential oils, the particles of which in the form of an aerosol easily spread in the nose, can be prepared and carried out at home. It's a very simple and effective way to treat a cold and runny nose.

Home herbal inhalation

To prepare home inhalation, it is enough to buy pre-packaged dried herbs at a pharmacy or herbal store or add aromatic kitchen spices that we have at hand. They are perfect for this:

  • common chamomile
  • medical sage
  • thyme
  • carnations
  • rosemary
  • podbiał
  • fennel

How to do home inhalation?

At home, preparea small bowlanda clean towel . Throw the purchased herbs or spices into a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Instead of dried herbs, we can also add 15 drops of the selected essential oil to the hot water.

Then we cover our head with a towel and lean over the bowl, but not too low so as not to burn ourselves. Fora few minuteswe slowly inhale a couple through our nose and exhale through our mouths. Such inhalations have a disinfecting effect, thinning the residual secretion, and consequentlyclearing the nose . By the way, they also help soothe the skin irritation caused by the frequent use of handkerchiefs.

Note! People with very sensitive skin and those with couperose skin should be careful about such inhalations with hot steam.

Inhalation for colds and colds with essential oils

Inhalation with thyme oil

It is recommended for runny nose, cough, colds, tonsillitis, and clogged sinuses. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil into hot water and inhale the vapors deeply for a few minutes. Thyme oil should not be used by pregnant women and people with hypertension.

Inpersistent coughinhalation is recommended: 3 drops of thyme oil, 1 drop of manuka oil, 1 drop of anise oil. Tothe inhalation turned out to be effective, you have to repeat it at least for5 consecutive days .

Eucalyptus oil inhalation

It is commonly used to treat colds, runny nose, cough, angina, and sinusitis. It has bactericidal and antiviral properties. Eucalyptus oil clears the nasal passages and facilitates expectoration. The oil also has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.

The advantage of eucalyptus oil is also its disinfecting effect. When sprayed in the air, it kills bacteria and cleans them.

Inhalation with tea tree oil

Helps with pharyngitis and troublesome cough. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the hot water and inhale the vapors for about5 minutes . It should not be used by young children, pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

Inhalation with pine oil

It works in the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, sore throat and flu. It has an expectorant and antiseptic effect. It opens the upper respiratory tract, making it easier to breathe. Inhalations with pine oil are recommended up to three times a day, until cured of the disease.

The action of pine oil is strengthened by eucalyptus oil, and their properties complement each other. When preparing your home inhalation, you can add a few drops of both oils.

Inhalation for colds and colds - s alt

S alt inhalation

S alt is recommended mainly for runny nose. S alt inhalation is very easy to prepare. Just puttablespoonrock or sea s alt into the bowl, pour hot water and inhale, covered with a towel, no longer than10-15 minutesor until the water cools down . However, you cannot overdo it with the amount of s alt - too muchirritates the mucous membranes . Thanks to inhalation, the secretions of the mucous membranes are thinned and the respiratory tract is easily cleansed.

To avoid a runny nose and cough orprophylactically- s alt inhalation can be repeated1-2 times a day .

Inhalation with saline

When the runny nose problem affects children - mothers often choose the natural method of inhaling saline. To prepare such inhalation, you need a special device -nebulizer(available at a pharmacy).

A special container turns the saline poured into it intoa delicate mist . The inhalation mask is placed on the baby's nose. After just a few treatments, it turns out that the child breathes easier and the infection lasts less than usual.

Too dry air irritates the mucosa, promoting infections. Inhalation with saline will moisturize the nose from the inside andwill prevent the multiplication of bacteria, so there is nothing to prevent adults from doing such inhalations of saline.

Inhalation for colds and colds - amol

Garlic and lemon? Not only! See also other home remedies for colds!

Amol is one of those herbal remedies that never diminishes in popularity. You can rub it, swallow it, add it to your bath and… inhale! One of the ways to use amol is inhalation. Sausages with amol are used for colds, for fighting a sore throat and fever. This drug is an excellent cleansing clogged sinuses thanks to the content of essential oils and high-percentage alcohol.

How to prepare the inhalation?Pour a teaspoon of amol into 1 liter of hot water and inhale under a towel.

Note! Amol should not be used by people who are allergic to any of these ingredients: Indian lemon balm oil, clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, peppermint, lavender, menthol, 70% ethyl alcohol.

Home inhalations - be moderate

If we do not have herbs at hand, a quick way to increase the humidity in the room, and thus facilitate breathing, is also to hang damp towels on the radiators. Warning! If you can hardly handle hot steam while inhaling, you can cool your face with water from time to time.

Remember that inhalation should not be performed more than 3 times a day, and after it is done, half an hour of rest is recommended. Care should be taken when using essential oils for sausages - their excess may be harmful, and in some cases even poisonous.

