We feel embarrassed to give a hand covered in warts. And getting rid of them is not easy, because they are stubborn and chimerical. Kurzajki arise as a result of infection with the HPV virus. Sometimes they disappear by themselves, other times they grow back when damaged. Check which methods for warts are effective.
Kurzajkithat iscommon wartsare the result of infection with certain types ofhuman papillomavirus (HPV-Human Papilloma Virus ). The hands are a typical site for these benign skin lesions, but they can also form elsewhere. They are disfiguring, but not annoying, unless they form on the feet. Then they can be painful when walking. They must not be scratched because they spread.
Kurzajki full of secrets
Kurzajki are common because HPV viruses can be easily infected through contact with an infected person or with an object they have touched. The immune system does not always cope with warts. It happens that it destroys them quickly. In general, however, they last for years before our antibodies "notice" and destroy them. During this time, we infect others and ourselves. We can, for example, transfer them from the fingers to the face. This banal skin lesion still hides many secrets. We don't know why, after killing one or two warts, others disappear on their own. Unfortunately, neither treatment can guarantee they won't come back. Still, let's declare war on the warts!
Gentle wart treatment
The fight against warts should be started with pharmacological treatment, because it is painless, cheap and leaves no trace. You just need to be patient, it takes 6-8 weeks. The most commonly used preparations with lactic and salicylic acid. You have to lubricate the nipple with them every day. It is worth protecting the he althy skin around it with a colorless nail polish or petroleum jelly, because these drugs contain caustic substances. We can also choose specifics for the home freezing of warts, which make the wart fall off after 10-14 days.
Aggressive wart removal methods
Kurzajki are unpredictable, so some people will be helped by pharmacological treatments, while others - not. In the latter case, let's use the treatments provided by a dermatologist. Curettage of the wart is very effective, but it leaves discoloration. Cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen) is less invasive. It rarely leaves a mark, they canhowever, discoloration of the skin may occur if the warts are frozen in places other than the soles of the feet and palms. Kurzajki is also eliminated with the CO2laser. He removes them precisely, but sometimes scars form. Both treatments sometimes have to be repeated to be sure that all cells infected with HPV viruses have been destroyed. We can also choose electrocoagulation (cauterization with electricity). It is a cheap but painful procedure. The cost of such treatments ranges from several dozen to several hundred zlotys, depending on the method and number of lesions removed.
Kurzajki and correctly speaking - warts are gray-brown, clumped growths with a rough surface. What causes warts and how are they treated? Listen to our expert …
ImportantPlants in the fight against warts
If you are plagued by these annoying warts, you can also try home treatments with herbs.
- Celandine, or celandine - squeeze the juice from the stem onto the warts and cover it with a plaster. We do this every day.
- Dandelion - apply the milk from the stem to the nipples twice a day.
- Garlic - make a compress from a crushed clove and cover it with a plaster (three or four times a day).
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