Over 20% of the population suffer from hypothyroidism. Many of these people have trouble losing weight, which is mainly due to the unbalanced levels of thyroid hormones. Once the hormones are balanced, the problem disappears and patients can lose weight at the same rate as he althy people. Check what, in addition to medications, affects the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and maintaining hormonal balance.
HypothyroidismThis is a disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. It can occur spontaneously or as a result of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Typical symptoms for this disease are:
- chronic fatigue,
- greater fatigue,
- worse intellectual capacity,
- tendency to fall into depression,
- feeling cold more often,
- slower metabolism, which may lead to a deterioration of lipid metabolism, e.g. an increase in the level of triglycerides or LDL fraction.
Hypothyroidism - where do you lose weight?
Thyroid hormones are involved in metabolic changes. Therefore, when they are depleted, for example, glucose and lipid metabolism disorders occur.
The metabolism can drop by up to 20%, so if you do not follow a sufficiently low-calorie diet, you may quickly gain weight.
Fortunately, balancing hormone levels with medications, as well as supporting their conversion through diet, can help maintain a he althy body weight and make it as easy for people with hypothyroidism to lose weight as people with a he althy thyroid.
Diet for weight loss in hypothyroidism
Reduction diet in hypothyroidism is a diet based on wholesome products, and at the same time taking into account the specific needs of people with a diseased thyroid gland - such as, for example, an increased supply of selenium or zinc.
It cannot be a restrictive diet with too few calories, because it disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland, e.g. it reduces the amount of active T3 hormone and leads to an increase in the concentration of hormonally inactive rT3 (reverse triiodothyronine), which blocks access to T3 receptors . Consequently, the thyroid gland does notcan work properly. Then there is also a decrease in the resting metabolic rate.
Adequate protein intake is important in a slimming diet with hypothyroidism. And it's not because protein boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight. Proteins are an important building block of thyroid hormones. When we get too little of them in the diet, it affects the functioning of the entire thyroid gland.
The most important amino acid (protein molecule) from which hormones are built is tyrosine. Fortunately, the body can produce it itself from phenylalanine, but it must already be provided exogenously, i.e. through food. A good source of phenylalanine is meat, which usually contains all essential amino acids.
The introduction of proteins into the diet is not enough to ensure their adequate supply. It is also necessary to take care of the intestinal barrier, which is very often leaky, and thus hinders the absorption and assimilation of proteins from food.
If we suffer from dysbiosis or have a diagnosed overgrowth of the bacterial flora in the small intestine - the so-called SIBO (not a rare disease in hyperthyroidism) or we experience constant overflow or flatulence, we should definitely take care of the condition of our intestines. One of the aspects of caring for this area is sealing the intestinal barrier by supplementing butyric acid or glutathione.
Proper probiotic therapy is also an important element of introducing balance in the intestines.
Thanks to correctly selected, by a doctor or a dietitian, strains of bacteria, we can achieve eubiosis in the intestines, which will favorably translate into the absorption of nutrients. In the case of people with SIBO, it is necessary to eradicate excess bacteria from the small intestine before using probiotics.
A good diet planning for hypothyroidism should also take into account the time of taking L-thyroxine or other medications used in this disease, because not all food can be taken shortly after hormones. First of all, remember that we take the drug on an empty stomach, and we can eat breakfast only after half an hour (or better even an hour).
For the thyroid hormones to be better absorbed, in the morning meal we should avoid foods that hinder their absorption. These types of food products include, for example, grapefruit juice, soy products, dairy products and coffee. Iron-rich foods can also inhibit L-thyroxine.
When taking thyroid medications, you must also remember not to use proton pump inhibitors within a short time.(they are taken in the case of reflux, stomach ulcers), as they also reduce the absorption of hormones.
L-thyrosine needs an acidic environment in the stomach for good absorption, and proton pump inhibitors inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which creates an unfavorable environment for drugs for hypothyroidism.
The hypothyroidism slimming diet must be selective, which means that it should provide an adequate supply of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, even with reduced calories.
This can be achieved by resigning from recreational products, such as crisps, sweets, sweet drinks, which do not add any nutritional value to the diet and are pro-inflammatory.
Diet ingredients necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and regaining a proper metabolism
A slimming diet in hypothyroidism should be based on the general principles of he althy eating, putting emphasis on anti-inflammatory products and those that support the functioning of the thyroid gland.
If we take care of the proper supply of nutrients and elements necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones or their conversion, then we can count on better effectiveness of pharmacotherapy, and thus an efficient metabolism and obtaining better results in weight loss.
In people with hypothyroidism, which is not accompanied by Hashimoto's, an adequate supply of iodine is important, because it is directly involved in the construction of thyroid hormones. Considering that T4 and T3 are made of tyrosine (an amino acid) and iodine molecules, it can be realized that without an adequate supply of iodine, for example, the conversion of T4 into T3, i.e. the transformation of the inactive form of the hormone into the active one, will not take place.
Usually we need 160 µg of iodine, and its best source is fish such as:
- cod (about 100 µg per 100g),
- mackerel (45 µg / 100g)
- or salmon (50 µg / 100g).
Numerous studies show that zinc deficiency contributes to the formation of hypothyroidism. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that zinc fingers are part of the structure of thyroid hormones. With an insufficient supply of zinc, a decrease in the concentration of T4 is observed, as well as a deteriorated conversion of T4 to T3.
In addition, T3 has been impaired in performance. Hypothyroidism itself also contributes to the deficiency of zinc, because in this disease worse absorption of this element is observed. Therefore, it is important to ensure the correct supply of zinc and provide it not only with the diet, but also periodically in the form of a supplement (after prior testingdetermining its level in the blood).
Pumpkin seeds, whole grains, and cocoa and beef are good sources of dietary zinc.
With hypothyroidism, especially with Hashimoto's, an adequate supply of selenium is extremely important. This element is part of the deiodinase enzyme, which is involved in the transformation of T4 to T3. Studies show that selenium supports the effects of pharmacotherapy and in a dose of 200 µg in combination with l-tyroskyne, it accelerates the healing process and the moment of regaining normal metabolism.
Selenium also reduces inflammation in the body, because it protects the follicular cells of the thyroid against the harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide. So it has an antioxidant effect, extremely desirable in autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto.
Selenium can be found in products such as: sesame, eggs or sunflower seeds.
Brazil nuts are a very good source of selenium, but with transport they lose a lot of valuable ingredients and can be contaminated with aflatoxins, so they can be eaten in small amounts, but should not be considered the main source of selenium in the diet.
Iron should become an equally important component of the diet in hypothyroidism, because its deficiency leads to an increase in TSH and a decrease in T4 at the same time. The conversion of T4 to T3 is also disturbed.
All this affects the metabolic processes and affects digestion, as iron can reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. To ensure an adequate supply of iron, it is necessary to consume meat (especially red), pumpkin seeds, egg yolks or lentils.
Slimming diet in hypothyroidism - sample menu
- Breakfast: Spinach omelette
- Second breakfast: kiwi
- Lunch: roast chicken, with zucchini, peppers, potatoes; salad with: lamb's lettuce, cherry tomatoes with the addition of pumpkin seeds, topped with olive oil
- Dinner: buckwheat bread with smoked salmon