Diseases of the spine are one of the most common reasons for visiting a GP. No wonder, diseases of the spine usually cause discomfort that limits normal activity. The most common pain is back pain, although other symptoms may also occur. Check what are the most common spine diseases.
Diseases of the spineis a group of diseases that most people struggle with. No wonder, because the spine plays an important role - it keeps the whole body in an upright position. Unfortunately, it wears out inexorably over time. Bones, joints, ligaments and muscles are also subject to this process. This is when spine pain occurs most often, although other, more serious symptoms may also occur.
Diseases of the spine - degeneration of the spine
Degenerative changes in the joints of the spine are caused by lack of exercise and being overweight. Genetic predispositions are also important. The bones that make up the joints of the spine are separated by cartilages, which work similarly to ball bearings. During movement, they are "lubricated" by the synovial fluid, which makes them slide. However, if we spend most of our time in one position, the fluid disappears. Then the friction increases and cartilage microtraumas occur. Its jagged edges, in turn, damage the bones. It heals over time, but scars remain, limiting the flexibility of the joints. There is also pain that makes us try to save our spine and move as little as possible.
With spine degeneration, you should sleep on a hard mattress. In turn, people with AS will be helped by a massage that will relax the paraspinal muscles and reduce the tension of the back.

And the lack of movement causes ligament contracture and atrophy of the muscles that stabilize the spine. With time, it becomes difficult to make the simplest movements, e.g. getting up, sitting down.
Diseases of the spine - ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis is a rheumatic disease whose first symptoms are morning stiffness and pain in the lower back. Over time, they extend to the higher parts of the spine. When they reach the neck, the joints of the spine fuse, ligaments and nucleus pulposus harden, and the spine itself arches and stiffens. This disease cannot be prevented and the goal of treatment ismaintaining the flexibility of the spine as long as possible.
Diseases of the spine - discopathy
Popularly also known as the prolapse of discs, i.e. flat, round cushions separating the vertebrae. While we are talking about discs falling off, in reality they are not fully extended, but only partially dislodged. They disrupt the symmetry of the spine and put pressure on the nerves going through or out of the spinal canal. This causes severe pain. Sometimes so strong you can't move at all.Discopathyconcerns most often the cervical and lumbar spine - usually a disc located between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae moves. The cause of problems with discs are weak back muscles, worsening posture defects, mechanical injuries of the spine as well as being overweight and obese.
Women with discopathy should avoid high heels. In turn, people suffering from osteoporosis should love milk and sun.
Diseases of the spine - osteoporosis
As we age, our bones gradually lose calcium. They become porous, brittle and brittle. This process primarily affects the vertebrae of the spine, femurs, and forearms. The result of osteoporosis is an excessive tendency to break bones and a reduction in height (sometimes even more than 10 cm!). Like degenerative changes, osteoporosis is part of the body's natural aging process, but it can progress much faster when there is not enough calcium in our diet, we abuse alcohol and become addicted to smoking, and in women, when they enter menopause and lose skeletal estrogen. .
Diseases of the spine - lumbar stenosis
Lumbar stenosis can be congenital, but it also occurs as a result of trauma, inflammation of the soft tissues of the joints or degeneration of the spine. The cause of the ailments is the narrowing of the canal through which the spinal cord runs. The result is pressure on the nerves that depart from it, and constant low back pain or sciatica-like attacks. The symptoms increase when standing and descending stairs, and decrease after several hours of lying in bed. They are usually accompanied by calf cramps.
Diseases of the spine - lumbago
Lumbago is a sudden and sharp pain in the lower back. The name lumbago comes from the Latin language - lumbalis, meaning lumbar. A gunshot is also commonly referred to as this ailment. The cause of the injury is usually the same - the usual shooting pain occurs during activities in which the spine is excessively overloaded, such as removing a heavy bag from the trunk of a car. Then it happens that the intervertebral discit bursts and some of the flesh "slides" to the rear or to the side. This bulge, or herniation of the nucleus pulposus, puts pressure on nearby nerves, causing severe pain in the lower back and even in the legs. The trauma usually affects the lumbar part of the spine, but may also involve higher parts. His symptoms are:
- sharp, persistent pain in the back or lower back;
- pain radiating to the hip and quadriceps muscle (above the knee);
- stiffness of the whole torso;
- tingling sensation in the feet;
- numbness in legs
Pain attacks every time you try to bend down, twist your body, and even change your position.
Diseases of the spine - sciatica
The sciatic nerve is one of the longest in our body. It begins at hip level from the spinal cord and runs down the back of the thigh and calf to the metatarsus. Most often, the pressure on it is caused by a hernia of the nucleus pulposus in the lower spine, swelling or degeneration of a joint in the spine. Women in advanced pregnancy also sometimes complain of this ailment - the weight of the baby forces them to change their body posture, which may affect the different position of the vertebrae and the pressure on the nerve. The pain typical of sciatica is very acute, it penetrates the body from the lower back and radiates over the entire leg, even reaching the heel. It is often accompanied by a feeling of tingling and numbness in the limb, sometimes by its inertia. Sometimes the discomfort is felt only in the lower legs. Untreated sciatica can cause the muscles innervated by the sciatic nerve to atrophy. This may result in loss of fitness and recurring, painful attacks.
ImportantThe visit to the specialist should not be delayed if:
- the pain is extremely troublesome and prevents you from breathing freely
- acute and severe symptoms last for several hours
- pain radiates to the chest and extremities
- we lose feeling in our hands and legs
- have problems with incontinence or faeces
- the pain does not go away despite taking painkillers