What symptoms indicate labyrinth diseases? The first symptoms of the labyrinth disease are dizziness. The list of symptoms also includes others that are an indication for visiting an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and neurologist. Learn how to recognize labyrinth disorders and what symptoms, indicating labyrinth diseases, should prompt you to visit a doctor?
Symptoms indicating diseases of the labyrinthis very easy to confuse with symptoms of other, sometimes serious, diseases that are not related to the labyrinth. Therefore, people suspecting labyrinth dysfunction should pay special attention to dizziness or tinnitus. Checkhow to recognize labyrinth disorders .
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - vertigo
With labyrinth diseasesdizzinessis sudden, strong and short-lived. They are usually described as spinning the world around. However, some people whose labyrinth does not function properly feel that the body is spinning in the opposite direction to the world around it. When the labyrinth is damaged, rocking is also characteristic - as if the ground was about to collapse under your feet. Sometimes as we go, we deviate to one side because "something" is pulling our body towards it. Dizziness can also appear when your eyes are open or closed, when you make a sudden movement, e.g. when you get up from a chair, and when bending down, or even when your body is still, e.g. while driving a bus. In the latter case, it is usually a symptom of motion sickness.
CHECK>>What does dizziness mean? The cause of the imbalance, i.e. the orientation of the body's positioning in space, as well as maintaining the correct posture. there is damage, e.g. as a result of inflammation, to the vestibular part of the labyrinth, which is responsible for the sense of balance and orientation in the field. Usually, the patient feels as if his legs are carrying him sideways. This is because the receptors of deep feeling in muscles, tendons and joints cooperate with the sense of balance. Nystagmus of peripheral origin - the eye, which also cooperates with the sense of balancesends information to the brain about the changing image of the environment. Therefore, in the event of damage to the labyrinth, the knobs may vibrate independently of human will. Nystagmus usually worsens after sudden movement, e.g. when you return to an upright position after bending down. In the advanced stage of labyrinth disease, photophobia may also appear. Read also: Labyrinthitis: causes and symptoms. How long does the treatment of viral labyrinthitis take? Tinnitus is a group of sound experiences that do not come from the external environment. The patient may hear various thanks, from murmurs and humming to squeaking, ringing, to pulsing, rustling or ticking. Other symptoms include a feeling of fullness in the ear or distension in the ear (characteristic of Menier's disease), andsensorineural hearing loss(single or bilateral), which is the result of damage to the inner ear. A symptom of otosclerosis is that the patient hears speech better in noise than in silence. Nausea and vomiting are a defensive reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the disorder of the labyrinth. Read also: Błędnik: structure and functions If there is a fistula between the middle and inner ear, symptoms of a fistula may appear (which is the result of a change in pressure in the outer ear when the eardrum is damaged). The balance organ regulates blood flow to the brain when standing. Fainting may occur if less blood goes to the brain. When the labyrinth function is disturbed, headaches do not appear, and the body temperature is not elevated. If you suspect a labyrinth dysfunction, see a doctor. Among the diseases in the course of which the labyrinth is disturbed, there are labyrinthitis or a tumor, which is a direct threat to life. Therefore, it is necessary to rule out these diseases as soon as possible.Symptoms of labyrinth disease - balance disorders
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - nystagmus
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - tinnitus
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - nausea and vomiting
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - fistula symptom
Symptoms of labyrinth disease - fainting