Parkinsonism (parkinsonian syndrome) is a group of symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's disease that can appear not only in the course of this disease, but also in other diseases. Parkinsonian syndrome may appear in people suffering from hypertension, brain tumors or after poisoning. In what other cases can we talk about parkinsonism?
Parkinsonism (parkinsonian syndrome)is a group of symptoms typical of Parkinson's disease, such as slowness of movement, resting tremors, muscle stiffness, and changes in body posture, which can also occur in the course of other diseases. Therefore, on the basis of symptoms alone, without additional tests and prolonged observation, Parkinon's disease cannot be diagnosed with certainty, only Parkinsonism.
Parkinsonism - causes. Primary Parkinsonism
1) Parkinson's disease is a chronic, slowly progressive disease of the nervous system that is caused by the gradual loss of nerve cells in certain regions of the brain.
The most common cause of parkinsonism, over 60 percent. cases, is Parkinson's disease.
The reason for this decline is a process called degeneration, not damage to another type, such as ischemia or encephalitis, which may result in symptoms that are the same or very similar to those of Parkinson's disease
2) Juvenile Parkinsonism - you can talk about it if the disease begins before the age of 21. It is characterized by even more severe disorders. Juvenile Parkinsonism can be a family history of hereditary disease. Juvenile Parkinsonism is not to be confused with early-onset Parkinson's disease, with symptoms appearing between the ages of 21 and 40.
Parkinsonism - causes. Parkinsonism plus syndromes
Parkinsonism "plus" (oratypical parkinsonism ) is a group of neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. those in the course of degeneration of the central nervous system) characterized by the presence of parkinsonian symptoms and other symptoms of damage to the nervous system:
- progressive supranuclear palsy
- dementia syndromes, e.g. dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer's disease
- disappearmulti-chip
- cortico-basal degeneration
Parkinsonism - causes. Secondary parkinsonian syndromes
- Atherosclerotic Parkinsonism- accompanies brain damage caused by many small, diffuse infarcts, i.e. sites of damage resulting from ischemia. They can be caused by ischemic heart damage, atherosclerotic changes in the walls of large arteries, and chronic arterial hypertension.
- Hydrocephalus - is the excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.
- A brain tumor, e.g. a meningioma that grows slowly between the cerebral hemispheres.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning. Parkinsonian symptoms may appear after carbon monoxide poisoning. This applies to severe poisoning, and symptoms may appear from several months to several years after manganese poisoning - it concerns mining and industry workers who come into contact with substances containing manganese-cyanides, methyl alcohol, mercury, varnishes, other industrial chemicals and drugs (rarely).
- Inflammation, e.g. encephalitis - nowadays it is very rare for a viral (including AIDS), fungal or bacterial infection to be associated with parkinsonian symptoms.
- Multiple, repetitive injuries that damage different areas of the brain. This mainly affects professional boxers (so-called boxer encephalopathy) or people with several previous concussions.
- Drug-induced Parkinsonism- can be a side effect of some medications, mainly those used to treat mental illness.