You pay dearly for dental treatment in a private clinic. Meanwhile, a dentist who has signed a contract with the National He alth Fund for basic dental care has paid for his services under the contract. So, since you pay a he alth insurance premium, use the NHF benefits you are en titled to and treat your teeth for free.

GuaranteedDental services ,financed by the National He alth Fundwill not meet all needs and are not enough to properly care for the condition of the teeth. But it is worth remembering about such possibilities and using them especially in matters that do not require serious intervention, such as stone cleaning or inspection, for which you can sign up early and wait in the queue.

NHF: free oral cavity checkup

A dentistwho has acontract with the National He alth Fundwill see youwithout referral . You can choose any branch in the country. There is no zoning. If you report with a toothache, you have the right to expect admission, if not immediately, on the same day.

However, the scope of free prophylaxis and treatment of teeth before a toothache catches you is severely limited. All those who have he alth insurance are en titled to dental examinations with instruction on oral hygiene, checkups and removal of tartar deposits (the so-called tartar), i.e. scaling, once a year, but the situation worsens when something bad happens.

The NHF gives … PLN 50 a year for dental treatment. Not even enough for one seal

Spending on dentistry accounts for approximately 2.5 percent the entire budget of the National He alth Fund, which means that a statistical Pole receives … less than PLN 50 per year. It is not even enough to seal one tooth, which costs over PLN 100. No wonder that people wait up to three months in the queue to see a public dentist, for a regular appointment. Therefore, most Poles are forced to choose the services of private dentists. The market, which is to be worth over PLN 12.5 billion by 2022, is undergoing strong consolidation.


When using the services of a dentist's office under the contract with the National He alth Fund, you must be aware that it is no longer possible to improve the standard of the service for an additional fee. So you cannot complete the entire treatment process as part ofNFZ, and pay extra for a better seal. By choosing free treatment, you agree to its standard. And if you decide to fill in a material other than that guaranteed by the National He alth Fund, you have to pay for the treatment according to the price list of commercial services.

NFZ: good fillings only for front teeth

You are en titled to free caries treatment. However, a dentist from the National He alth Fund will only place chemically cured fillings in the front teeth (from one to three). The rest can only be filled with amalgam.

  • Are amalgam fillings harmful? Do they need to be replaced?

With a referral from a contract dentist, you will x-ray your teeth according to the order, but if the matter is more serious, the National He alth Fund will pay for free endodontic (root canal) treatment only twelve teeth in the front (also from one to three). The other ones can at most be taken out for free or healed for full payment.

  • Extraction (removal) of the tooth: indications and course, complications

Only pregnant women and women in the puerperium have the right to root canal treatment. Remember that you are en titled to local anesthesia whenever you undergo procedures guaranteed by the National He alth Fund.

NFZ: prosthesis every 5 years

If you lose five of your teeth suit - you are en titled to a free acrylic denture. And it must last you five years. You can repair or improve it (bed it down) for free once every two years.

  • Dentures: fixed or removable?

National He alth Fund: treatment of milk teeth for free, varnishing also

The NHF invests a bit more in prophylaxis of the condition of the teeth of the young generation. Finances the sealing of milk teeth and treatments aimed at the proper development of the teeth:

  • surgical exposure of the impacted tooth
  • removal of tooth buds from orthodontic indications
  • resection of root tips of anterior teeth

You can also protect the furrows of the molars with wax for free, but only the sixes, and this - before the age of seven. On the other hand, varnishing of all permanent teeth before the age of 18 is free.

  • Anesthesia at the dentist's, i.e. treatment of teeth without pain
  • Single-visit root canal treatment
  • Caries treatment: modern FILLINGS

NHF: orthodontic treatment only for children

Free malocclusion treatment with removable orthodontic appliances is available only to children under 12 years of age. Until the age of 13, they can benefit from retention care, i.e. care aimed at maintaining the results of treatment andteeth stabilization.

During this time (attention! Once in the entire treatment process), you can take a panoramic photo, undergo corrective tooth grinding, repair and replace the braces. Then, if necessary, only fully-paid services remain.
