On Saturday, September 3, 2016, during the KidZone family fair "Warsaw Returns to School", organized at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, experts from the Oka Institute - one of the most modern ophthalmic centers in the country - will check the eyesight of all willing participants of the event and conduct modern ophthalmological examinations worth even several hundred zlotys. In addition, each examined child will receive a special discount coupon for a comprehensive family optometric test at the Eye Institute in Warsaw for himself, siblings and caregivers.

Completely painless and non-invasive, thus completely stress-free for the youngest, the tests will be conducted in a specially designated area of ​​the Eye Institute located in the Marble Hall of the Palace of Culture and Science, continuously from 10:00 to 18:00. Each child, as well as their caregiver, in addition to the package of ophthalmic and optometric tests, will receive comprehensive specialist advice along with any further therapeutic indications.

Details about the event on the website: www.warszawawracadoszkoły.pl

The following research will be conducted as part of the event:

  • biomicroscopy with comprehensive assessment of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye
  • auto / refracto / kerato / tonometry with pachymetry: multidirectional non-invasive test for measuring refraction, assessment of intraocular pressure, curvature and thickness of the cornea
  • complete imaging of the eye retina with the optic nerve disc in a confocal scanner
  • comprehensive optometric examination of eyesight, examination of stereoscopic and spatial vision, color vision, assessment of accommodation, etc.

of the Eye Institute in Warsaw

The Oka Institute in Warsaw offers comprehensive ophthalmological and optometric tests as well as modern methods of treating eye diseases and vision defects in adults, children, adolescents and infants.

- We offer our patients the possibility of treatment at the highest world level. We have the most modern diagnostic equipment that is unique in the country, which enables the detection of the earliest pathological changes in the eye. In combination with the experience and knowledge of our specialists, we can not only quickly and accurately diagnose, but also effectively treat our patients- emphasizes prof. related drhab. med. Krystyna Czechowicz-Janicka, Medical Director of the Eye Institute in Warsaw.
