Behavioral addictions are all addictions not related to the use of psychoactive substances, e.g. drugs or alcohol. Thus, behavioral addictions include shopaholism, addiction to gambling, the Internet, and sex. Although they are often treated as a kind of harmless whim, they are very dangerous, which is why the Institute of He alth Psychology has opened a helpline for people struggling with this type of problem.
Behavioral addictionsis an increasingly dangerous and common problem in Poland, affecting not only addicts themselves, but also their relatives. A special telephone clinic for people with this problem, run by psychologists from the Institute of He alth Psychology of the Polish Psychological Association, allows callers to start, often for the first time, a conversation on this topic. Experts advise on how to cope and where to seek help.
Shopaholism not so innocent
According to a study conducted by CBOS in cooperation with the National Bureau for Counteracting Drug Addiction, as many as 1/4 of young women - up to 25 years of age - are at risk of shopping addiction. The problem of buying too many new items might seem trivial, but while it may start innocently, it has serious consequences. An addicted person uses his free resources first, then the money of his husband or family, but this is not enough. She begins to incur debts with friends, takes loans, and the feeling of well-being that comes with it becomes the most important thing in her life. There are problems in the relationship, at work, sometimes even depressive states that endanger your he alth.
801-889-880 - a helpline for people suffering from behavioral addictions.
- Women addicted to shopping feel a strong compulsion to buy, which they are unable to control, despite the fact that it leads to serious financial problems, lower quality of life and suffering - says Tomasz Górecki, a psychologist working at a telephone clinic. - Addiction to buying is a disorder that, in the opinion of the society, is often neglected, so people with this problem do not receive support. The truth is, just as an alcoholic cannot give up alcohol,Yes, a person addicted to shopping is not able to refrain from buying certain things, e.g. branded clothes, etc.
Already every third Pole plays for money
Shopaholism can be considered a typical female problem - 80 percent addicted to ladies - it is different with gambling. Here, the group particularly exposed to addiction are young men up to the age of 25. It is estimated that 1 in 50 Poles have a serious problem with gambling, and the consequences are also serious: huge debts, loss of family, and even suicide attempts. Addicts are often afraid to talk about their problem, to admit it. As with other behavioral addictions - internet, sex, work, binge eating - a helpline can be your first aid.
Use the helpline and let us help you!
In Poland, under the number 801 889 880, there is a telephone clinic addressed to people suffering from behavioral addiction. The telephone line, run by the Institute of He alth Psychology, is co-financed by the Gambling Problem Solving Fund. Psychologists emphasize that the sooner we notice a problem in ourselves or a loved one, the sooner we contact a specialist, the easier it will be to overcome the addiction and the lower its costs will be.