The toll-free number is for children and young people who need support, care and protection. The helpline will provide callers with contact with professionals in difficult situations. The line is operated by the Nobody's Children Foundation.

The 116 111 line is operated by qualified psychologists and educators who can talk to young people about their problems and are able to provide them with professional advice in crisis situations. Consultants will cooperate with a nationwide network of institutions and organizations that, if necessary, will conduct interventions in the cases ofchildren . If they suspect that the child's he alth or life is in serious danger, they will be en titled to initiate a police intervention.

Helpline for children and teenagers - remember this number

Zhelpline116 111 children and young people will be able to use Monday to Saturday from 12.00 to 20.00.
Children can also ask consultants questions online, talk to their peers on the forum and find answers to the issues most often bothering young people.
Helpline for Children andYouthhas been under the honorary patronage of the Minister of National Education.
