Maxillary sinusitis is inflammation of the part of the sinuses that is in close proximity to the upper teeth. Therefore, dental diseases (e.g. caries) may be one of its causes. Untreated maxillary sinusitis can lead to serious complications, such as encephalitis. What are the causes and symptoms of maxillary sinusitis? How is the treatment going?
Inflammation of the maxillary sinusesis an inflammation of the area that extends on both sides of the face almost from the roots of the upper teeth (eight, seven and six, and sometimes even three or two), through the bottom of the eye socket to the nasal cavity. The complicated structure of the maxillary sinuses makes it difficult to remove the secretions remaining in them, and this promotes inflammation.
Maxillary sinusitis - causes
Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, due to the close proximity to the teeth, may be the nipple of teeth that have not been healed in time (tooth and periodontitis), as well as a complication after root canal treatment (e.g. sinus perforation during canal widening) or extraction of the upper tooth (a common complication after extraction is an oro-sinus fistula).Odontogenic maxillary sinusitisonly develops on one side of the face.
Much more often (about 80% of cases) the cause of maxillary sinusitis are respiratory system infections, such as a runny nose in the course of a cold or the flu. Recurring infections (more often viral, less often bacterial and fungal) are the most common causes of chronic sinusitis, including maxillary sinusitis. Inflammation can also develop in people struggling with allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma. Chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses may also suggest anatomical defects of the sinuses or polyps. In these cases, the maxillary sinusitis is bilateral.
It's good to know that swimming and smoking are factors that increase sinusitis.
Maxillary sinusitis - symptoms
Acute maxillary sinusitisis characterized by a strong, distressing headache located in the area of the eye socket (upper part of the cheek) and forehead, which intensifies, among others, when tilting the head, exercising and coughing, as well as duringtapping or touching this area. It is caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa and the ducts that lead to the maxillary sinuses, which are located in the nasal cavity. Its consequence is therefore the closure of the natural mouths of the maxillary sinuses, and thus - the accumulation of secretions in them, without the possibility of its outflow. The pain is additionally aggravated by the negative pressure, which is the result of the impossibility of the air from passing from the nasal cavity to the maxillary sinuses.
In addition, there are symptoms of inflammation (increased temperature, general weakness, anorexia). Other possible accompanying symptoms include toothache, cheek swelling, nasal obstruction, and discharge of purulent discharge from the nose.
Inchronic maxillary sinusitisthe headache is less severe or absent. There may only appear disturbances in the sense of smell or prolonged discharge of secretions from the nose.
ImportantInflammation of the maxillary sinuses - serious complications
If you do not treat maxillary sinusitis, you may experience dangerous complications:
- inflammation of the bone, bone marrow of the sinus walls;
- inflammation of the meninges and the brain, as well as brain abscesses (inflammation can spread to the frontal sinuses and then to the nervous system);
- inflammation of the orbital tissues or an abscess (due to the immediate vicinity of the maxillary sinuses with the orbit);
Complications are primarily people struggling with the chronic form of the disease, because it does not show obvious symptoms of inflammation.
Maxillary sinusitis - diagnosis
Computed tomography works best in the diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis. In difficult-to-diagnose cases, endoscopy of the nose and sinuses is performed.
Maxillary sinusitis - treatment
Treatment of maxillary sinusitisdepends on what is causing it. If bacteria are causing the inflammation, antibiotics are given. In the case of viral infections, symptomatic treatment is applied. The patient is given drops in the nose to remove the inflammation of the nasal mucosa and to clear it, as well as mucolytic drugs (reducing the viscosity of the mucus), antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The doctor may also order the nasal cavity to be rinsed with saline or hypertonic saline. In the case of severe pain caused by discharge in the maxillary sinus, a puncture may be indicated.
Sick bay
The sinuses warm, moisturize and clean the air you breathe. As a result, it does not irritate the mucosa of the pathways as it goes further to the throat and lungsrespiratory. The nose and sinuses are also the first immune barrier to viruses, bacteria and allergens. What Happens When Your Sinuses Are Sick? What are the most common sinus problems? These and many other questions related to sinus diseases are answered by our otolaryngologist, Michał Michalik.